Welcome to OSCAR
What is OSCAR?
OSCAR is a new Open Source Computer Algebra Research system. OSCAR features functions for groups, rings, and fields as well as linear and commutative algebra, number theory, algebraic and polyhedral geometry, and more. It is built upon several well established systems for mathematical research joined via the Julia programming language. Have a look at our Architecture page for a detailed overview and at our installation instructions for installing OSCAR.
How to reach us?
If you have questions about OSCAR, please have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions and feel free to contact us under the channels mentioned on our community page. Our main communication channels are Slack and Github.
How to get started?
If you are eager to dive into OSCAR, our tutorials are a great place to start. These tutorials provide hands-on introductions to various topics in OSCAR. While they offer a glimpse into OSCAR's powerful features, they only scratch the surface.
For a deeper understanding, explore the detailed documentation you are reading now. Do not forget to use the search field (top left corner) to quickly find information on the features you need.
We would love your feedback on our tutorials! Whether it is suggestions for improving existing ones or ideas for new topics, your input helps us grow.
How to contribute?
If you are a new developer or interested in developing OSCAR, have a look at our Introduction for new developers.
How to cite?
If you have used OSCAR in the preparation of a paper, please cite it as described here.
The development of OSCAR has been supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the Collaborative Research Center TRR 195 Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Applications (from 2017 until 2028).