Matrix implementation

AbstractAlgebra.jl provides a module, implemented in src/Matrix.jl for matrices over any ring belonging to the AbstractAlgebra abstract type hierarchy. This functionality will work for any matrix type which follows the Matrix interface.

Similarly, AbstractAlgebra.jl provides a module in src/MatRing.jl for matrix algebras over a ring.

Generic matrix types

AbstractAlgebra.jl allows the creation of dense matrices over any computable ring $R$. Generic matrices over a ring are implemented in src/generic/Matrix.jl.

Generic matrix rings of $m\times m$ matrices are implemented in src/generic/MatRing.jl.

Generic matrices in AbstractAlgebra.jl have type Generic.MatSpaceElem{T} for matrices in a matrix space, or Generic.MatRingElem{T} for matrices in a matrix algebra, where T is the type of elements of the matrix. Internally, generic matrices are implemented using an object wrapping a Julia two dimensional array, though they are not themselves Julia arrays. See the file src/generic/GenericTypes.jl for details.

For the most part, one doesn't want to work directly with the MatSpaceElem type though, but with an abstract type called Generic.Mat which includes MatSpaceElem and views thereof.

Parents of generic matrices (matrix spaces) have type MatSpace{T}. Parents of matrices in a matrix algebra have type Generic.MatRing{T}.

The dimensions and base ring $R$ of a generic matrix are stored in its parent object, however to allow creation of matrices without first creating the matrix space parent, generic matrices in Julia do not contain a reference to their parent. They contain the row and column numbers (or degree, in the case of matrix algebras) and the base ring on a per matrix basis. The parent object can then be reconstructed from this data on demand.

Abstract types

The generic matrix types (matrix spaces) belong to the abstract type MatElem{T} and the all matrix space parents are of the concrete type MatSpace{T}. On the other hand, the generic matrix algebra matrix types belong to the abstract type MatRingElem{T} and the parent types belong to the abstract MatRing{T} Note that both the concrete type of a matrix space parent object and the abstract class it belongs to have the name MatElem, therefore disambiguation is required to specify which is intended. The same is true for the abstract types for matrix spaces and their elements.

Conversion to Julia matrices, iteration and broadcasting

While AbstractAlgebra matrices are not instances of AbstractArray, they are closely related to Julia matrices. For convenience, a Matrix and an Array constructors taking an AbstractAlgebra matrix as input are provided:

Matrix(A::MatrixElem{T}) where {T<:NCRingElement}
Matrix{U}(A::MatrixElem{T}) where {U<:NCRingElement, T<:NCRingElement}

Convert A to a Julia Matrix{U} of the same dimensions with the same elements. If U is omitted then eltype(M) is used in its place.


julia> A = ZZ[1 2 3; 4 5 6]
[1   2   3]
[4   5   6]

julia> Matrix(A)
2×3 Matrix{BigInt}:
 1  2  3
 4  5  6

julia> Matrix{Int}(A)
2×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2  3
 4  5  6
Array(A::MatrixElem{T}) where T <: NCRingElement

Convert A to a Julia Matrix of the same dimensions with the same elements.


julia> R, x = ZZ[:x]; A = R[x^0 x^1; x^2 x^3]
[  1     x]
[x^2   x^3]

julia> Array(A)
2×2 Matrix{AbstractAlgebra.Generic.Poly{BigInt}}:
 1    x
 x^2  x^3

Matrices also support iteration, and therefore functions accepting an iterator can be called on them, e.g.:

julia> M = matrix_space(ZZ, 2, 3); x = M(1:6)
[1   2   3]
[4   5   6]

julia> collect(x)
2×3 Matrix{BigInt}:
 1  2  3
 4  5  6

julia> Set(x)
Set{BigInt} with 6 elements:

Matrices also support broadcasting, which amounts to elementwise application of functions to matrices:

julia> k = GF(5);

julia> A = ZZ[1 2; 3 4];

julia> k.(A)
[1   2]
[3   4]

julia> 3 .* A .+ 2
[ 5    8]
[11   14]

julia> B = ZZ[3 4; 5 6];

julia> ((x, y) -> x^2 + y^2).(A, B)
[10   20]
[34   52]
dense_matrix_type(::Type{T}) where T<:NCRingElement
dense_matrix_type(::T) where T<:NCRingElement
dense_matrix_type(::Type{S}) where S<:NCRing
dense_matrix_type(::S) where S<:NCRing

Return the type of matrices with coefficients of type T respectively elem_type(S).

Implementations of the ring interface only need to provide a method for the argument a subtype of NCRingElement; the other variants are implemented by calling that method.

julia> R, t = polynomial_ring(QQ, :t)
(Univariate polynomial ring in t over rationals, t)

julia> T = dense_matrix_type(R)