Morphisms of covered schemes
Suppose $f : X \to Y$ is a morphism of AbsCoveredScheme
s. Theoretically, and hence also technically, the required information behind $f$ is a list of morphisms of affine schemes $f_i : U_i \to V_{F(i)}$ for some pair of Covering
s $\left\{U_i\right\}_{i \in I}$ of $X$ and $\left\{V_j\right\}_{j \in J}$ of $Y$ and a map of indices $F : I \to J$ This information is held by a CoveringMorphism
— TypeCoveringMorphism
A morphism $f : C → D$ of two coverings. For every patch $U$ of $C$ this provides a map f[U']
of type AffineSchemeMorType
from $U' ⊂ U$ to some patch codomain(f[U])
in D
for some affine patches $U'$ covering $U$.
Note: For two affine patches $U₁, U₂ ⊂ U$ the codomains of f[U₁]
and f[U₂]
do not need to coincide! However, given the gluings in C
and D
, all affine maps have to coincide on their overlaps.
The basic functionality of CoveringMorphism
s comprises domain
and codomain
which both return a Covering
, together with
getindex(f::CoveringMorphism, U::AbsAffineScheme)
which for $U = U_i$ returns the AbsAffineSchemeMor
$f_i : U_i \to V_{F(i)}$.
Note that, in general, neither the domain
nor the codomain
of the covering_morphism
of f : X \to Y
need to coincide with the default_covering
of $X$, respectively $Y$. In fact, one will usually need to restrict to a refinement of the default_covering
of $X$ in order to realize the covering morphism in the first place.
The interface for morphisms of covered schemes
Every AbsCoveredSchemeMorphism
$f : X \to Y$ is required to implement the following minimal interface.
domain(f::AbsCoveredSchemeMorphism) # returns X
codomain(f::AbsCoveredSchemeMorphism) # returns Y
covering_morphism(f::AbsCoveredSchemeMorphism) # returns the underlying covering morphism {f_i}
For the user's convenience, also the domain and codomain of the underlying covering_morphism
are forwarded as domain_covering
and codomain_covering
, respectively, together with getindex(phi::CoveringMorphism, U::AbsAffineScheme)
as getindex(f::AbsCoveredSchemeMorphism, U::AbsAffineScheme)
The minimal concrete type of an AbsCoveredSchemeMorphism
which implements this interface, is CoveredSchemeMorphism
Special types of morphisms of covered schemes
Closed embeddings
— TypeCoveredClosedEmbedding <: AbsCoveredSchemeMorphism
Type for closed embeddings of covered schemes.
In addition to the closed embedding it stores the sheaf of ideals defining the image.
— Methodimage_ideal(phi::CoveredClosedEmbedding)
For a closed embedding $\phi \colon X \to Y$ return the sheaf of ideals on $Y$ defining the image of $\phi$.
Composite morphisms
— TypeCompositeCoveredSchemeMorphism{
} <: AbsCoveredSchemeMorphism{
A special concrete type of an AbsCoveredSchemeMorphism
of the form $f = hᵣ ∘ hᵣ₋₁ ∘ … ∘ h₁: X → Y$ for arbitrary AbsCoveredSchemeMorphism
s $h₁ : X → Z₁$, $h₂ : Z₁ → Z₂$, ..., $hᵣ : Zᵣ₋₁ → Y$.
Since every such morphism $hⱼ$ will in general have an underlying CoveringMorphism
with domain
and codomain
actual composition of such a sequence of morphisms will lead to an exponential increase in complexity of these coverings because of the necessary refinements. Nevertheless, the pullback or pushforward of various objects on either $X$ or $Y$ through such a chain of maps is possible stepwise. This type allows one to have one concrete morphism rather than a list of morphisms and to reroute such calculations to iteration over the various maps.
In addition to the usual functionality of the AbsCoveredSchemeMorphism
interface, this concrete type has the getters
to obtain a list of the $hⱼ$ and map(f, j)
to obtain the j
-th map directly.
Morphisms from rational functions
Suppose $X$ and $Y$ are two irreducible and reduced varieties. Then a morphism $f : X \to Y$ might be given by means of the following data. Let $V \subset Y$ be some dense affine patch with coordinates
$x_1,\dots,x_n$ (i.e. the gens
of OO(V)
These $x_i$ extend to rational functions $v_i$ on $Y$ and these pull back to rational functions $f^* v_i = u_i$ on $X$. On every affine patch $U \subset X$ there now exists some maximal Zariski-open subset $W \subset U$ (which need not be affine), such that all the $f^* v_i$ extend to regular functions on $W$. Hence, one can realize the morphisms of affine schemes $f_j : W_j \to V$ for some open covering of $W$.
Similarly, for every other non-empty patch $V_2$ of $Y$ the pullback of gens(OO(V_2))
can be computed from the $f^* v_i$ and extended maximally to some $W \subset U$ for every patch $U$ of $X$. Altogether, this allows to compute a full CoveringMorphism
and – at least in theory – an instance of CoveredSchemeMorphism
. In practice, however, this computation is usually much too expensive to really be carried out, while the data necessary to compute various pullbacks and/or pushforwards of objects defined on $X$ and $Y$ can be extracted from the $f^* v_i$ more directly.
A lazy concrete data structure to house this kind of morphism is
— TypeMorphismFromRationalFunctions{DomainType<:AbsCoveredScheme, CodomainType<:AbsCoveredScheme}
A lazy type for a dominant morphism $φ : X → Y$ of AbsCoveredScheme
s which is given by a set of rational functions $a₁,…,aₙ$ in the fraction field of the base_ring
of $𝒪(U)$ for one of the dense open affine_chart
s $U$ of $X$. The $aᵢ$ represent the pullbacks of the coordinates (gens
) of some affine_chart
$V$ of the codomain $Y$ under this map.
julia> IP1 = covered_scheme(projective_space(QQ, [:s, :t]))
over rational field
with default covering
described by patches
1: affine 1-space
2: affine 1-space
in the coordinate(s)
1: [(t//s)]
2: [(s//t)]
julia> IP2 = projective_space(QQ, [:x, :y, :z]);
julia> S = homogeneous_coordinate_ring(IP2);
julia> x, y, z = gens(S);
julia> IPC, inc_IPC = sub(IP2, ideal(S, [x^2 - y*z]));
julia> C = covered_scheme(IPC);
julia> U = first(affine_charts(IP1))
of multivariate polynomial ring in 1 variable (t//s)
over rational field
julia> V = first(affine_charts(C))
of quotient
of multivariate polynomial ring in 2 variables (y//x), (z//x)
over rational field
by ideal (-(y//x)*(z//x) + 1)
julia> t = first(gens(OO(U)))
julia> Phi = MorphismFromRationalFunctions(IP1, C, U, V, [t//one(t), 1//t]);
julia> realizations = Oscar.realize_on_patch(Phi, U);
julia> realizations[3]
Affine scheme morphism
from [(t//s)] AA^1
to [(x//z), (y//z)] scheme((x//z)^2 - (y//z))
given by the pullback function
(x//z) -> (t//s)
(y//z) -> (t//s)^2
Note that the key idea of this data type is to not use the underlying_morphism
together with its covering_morphism
, but to find cheaper ways to do computations! The computation of the underlying_morphism
is triggered by any call to functions which have not been overwritten with a special method for f::MorphismFromRationalFunctions
. However, this computation should be considered as way too expensive besides some small examples.
For instance, if one wants to pull back a prime ideal sheaf $\mathcal I$ on $Y$ along some isomorphism $f : X \to Y$, then one only needs to find one realization $f_j : U_j \to V_{F(j)}$ of $f$ on affine patches $U_j$ of $X$ and $V_{F(j)}$ of $Y$ such that $\mathcal I(V_{F(j)})\neq 0$ and $f_j^* \mathcal I(V_{F(j)}) \neq 0$. Then $f^* \mathcal I$ can be extended uniquely to all of $X$ from $U_j$ and there is no need to realize the full covering_morphism
of $f$. In order to facilitate such computations as lazy as possible, there are various fine-grained entry points and caching mechanisms to realize $f$ on open subsets:
— Methodrealize_on_patch(Phi::MorphismFromRationalFunctions, U::AbsAffineScheme)
For $U$ in the domain_covering
of Phi
construct a list of morphisms $fₖ : U'ₖ → Vₖ$ from PrincipalOpenSubset
s $U'ₖ$ of $U$ to patches
$Vₖ$ in the codomain_covering
so that altogether the fₖ
can be assembled to a CoveringMorphism
which realizes Phi
— Methodrealize_on_open_subset(Phi::MorphismFromRationalFunctions, U::AbsAffineScheme, V::AbsAffineScheme)
Return a morphism f : U' → V
from some PrincipalOpenSubset
of U
to V
such that the restriction of Phi
to U'
is f
. Note that U'
need not be maximal with this property!
— Methodrealization_preview(Phi::MorphismFromRationalFunctions, U::AbsAffineScheme, V::AbsAffineScheme)
For a pair (U, V)
of patches
in the domain_covering
and the codomain_covering
of Phi
, respectively, this returns a list of elements in the fraction field of the ambient_coordinate_ring
of U
which represent the pullbacks of gens(OO(V))
under Phi
to U
— Methodrandom_realization(Phi::MorphismFromRationalFunctions, U::AbsAffineScheme, V::AbsAffineScheme)
For a pair (U, V)
of patches
in the domain_covering
and the codomain_covering
of Phi
, respectively, this creates a random PrincipalOpenSubset
on which the restriction f : U' → V
of Phi
can be realized and returns that restriction. Note that U'
need not (and usually will not) be maximal with this property.
— Methodcheap_realization(Phi::MorphismFromRationalFunctions, U::AbsAffineScheme, V::AbsAffineScheme)
For a pair (U, V)
of patches
in the domain_covering
and the codomain_covering
of Phi
, respectively, this creates a random PrincipalOpenSubset
on which the restriction f : U' → V
of Phi
can be realized and returns that restriction. Note that U'
need not (and usually will not) be maximal with this property.
This method is cheap in the sense that it simply inverts all representatives of the denominators occurring in the realization_preview(Phi, U, V)
— Methodrealize_maximally_on_open_subset(Phi::MorphismFromRationalFunctions, U::AbsAffineScheme, V::AbsAffineScheme)
For a pair (U, V)
of patches
in the domain_covering
and the codomain_covering
of Phi
, respectively, this returns a list of morphisms fₖ : U'ₖ → V
such that the restriction of Phi
to U'ₖ
and V
is fₖ
and altogether the U'ₖ
cover the maximal open subset U'⊂ U
on which the restriction U' → V
of Phi
can be realized.
— Methodrealize(Phi::MorphismFromRationalFunctions)
Compute a full realization of Phi
as a CoveredSchemeMorphism
. Note that this computation is very expensive and usage of this method should be avoided.