Homological Algebra

Some OSCAR functions which are fundamental to homological algebra such as the kernel function for module homomorphisms and basic functions for handling chain and cochain complexes are discussed in the module section. Building on these functions, we here introduce further OSCAR functionality supporting computations in homological algebra.

Pruning Modules


If M is positively graded, return a module N and an isomorphism from N to M such that N is generated by a minimal number of elements.

If M is not (positively) graded, the function still aims at reducing the number of generators.


julia> R, (w, x, y, z) = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, [:w, :x, :y, :z]);

julia> Z = R(0)

julia> O = R(1)

julia> B = [Z Z Z O; w*y w*z-x*y x*z-y^2 Z];

julia> A = transpose(matrix(B))
[0         w*y]
[0   w*z - x*y]
[0   x*z - y^2]
[1           0]

julia> M = graded_cokernel(A)
Graded subquotient of graded submodule of R^2 with 2 generators
  1: e[1]
  2: e[2]
by graded submodule of R^2 with 4 generators
  1: w*y*e[2]
  2: (w*z - x*y)*e[2]
  3: (x*z - y^2)*e[2]
  4: e[1]

julia> N, phi = prune_with_map(M);

julia> N
Graded subquotient of graded submodule of R^1 with 1 generator
  1: e[1]
by graded submodule of R^1 with 3 generators
  1: (-x*z + y^2)*e[1]
  2: (-w*z + x*y)*e[1]
  3: w*y*e[1]

julia> phi(first(gens(N)))


presentation(M::ModuleFP; minimal = false)

Return a (free) presentation of M.


If minimal is true, and M is positively graded, a minimal presentation is returned. If minimal is true, and M is not (positively) graded, the function still aims at returning an ''improved'' presentation.


julia> R, (w, x, y, z) = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, [:w, :x, :y, :z]);

julia> Z = R(0)

julia> O = R(1)

julia> B = [Z Z Z O; w*y w*z-x*y x*z-y^2 Z];

julia> A = transpose(matrix(B))
[0         w*y]
[0   w*z - x*y]
[0   x*z - y^2]
[1           0]

julia> M = graded_cokernel(A)
Graded subquotient of graded submodule of R^2 with 2 generators
  1: e[1]
  2: e[2]
by graded submodule of R^2 with 4 generators
  1: w*y*e[2]
  2: (w*z - x*y)*e[2]
  3: (x*z - y^2)*e[2]
  4: e[1]

julia> PM1 = presentation(M)
0 <---- M <---- R^2 <---- R^4

julia> PM2 = presentation(M, minimal = true)
0 <---- M <---- R^1 <---- R^3
julia> Rg, (x, y, z) = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y, :z]);

julia> F = graded_free_module(Rg, [1,2,2]);

julia> p = presentation(F)
0 <---- F <---- F <---- 0

julia> p[-2]
Graded free module Rg^0 of rank 0 over Rg

julia> p[-1]
Graded free module Rg^1([-1]) + Rg^2([-2]) of rank 3 over Rg

julia> p[0]
Graded free module Rg^1([-1]) + Rg^2([-2]) of rank 3 over Rg

julia> p[1]
Graded free module Rg^0 of rank 0 over Rg

julia> map(p,-1)
Homogeneous module homomorphism
  from F
  to 0
defined by
  e[1] -> 0
  e[2] -> 0
  e[3] -> 0

julia> map(p,0)
Homogeneous module homomorphism
  from F
  to F
defined by
  e[1] -> e[1]
  e[2] -> e[2]
  e[3] -> e[3]

julia> map(p,1)
Homogeneous module homomorphism
  from 0
  to F
defined by

julia> F = graded_free_module(Rg, 1);

julia> A = Rg[x; y];

julia> B = Rg[x^2; y^3; z^4];

julia> M = SubquoModule(F, A, B);

julia> P = presentation(M)
0 <---- M <---- Rg^2 <---- Rg^5

julia> P[-2]
Graded free module Rg^0 of rank 0 over Rg

julia> P[-1]
Graded subquotient of graded submodule of F with 2 generators
  1: x*e[1]
  2: y*e[1]
by graded submodule of F with 3 generators
  1: x^2*e[1]
  2: y^3*e[1]
  3: z^4*e[1]

julia> P[0]
Graded free module Rg^2([-1]) of rank 2 over Rg

julia> P[1]
Graded free module Rg^2([-2]) + Rg^1([-3]) + Rg^2([-5]) of rank 5 over Rg

julia> map(P,-1)
Homogeneous module homomorphism
  from M
  to 0
defined by
  x*e[1] -> 0
  y*e[1] -> 0

julia> map(P,0)
Homogeneous module homomorphism
  from Rg^2
  to M
defined by
  e[1] -> x*e[1]
  e[2] -> y*e[1]

julia> map(P,1)
Homogeneous module homomorphism
  from Rg^5
  to Rg^2
defined by
  e[1] -> x*e[1]
  e[2] -> -y*e[1] + x*e[2]
  e[3] -> y^2*e[2]
  e[4] -> z^4*e[1]
  e[5] -> z^4*e[2]

Representation as Cokernel

present_as_cokernel(M::SubquoModule, task::Symbol = :none)

Return a subquotient C which is isomorphic to M, and whose generators are the standard unit vectors of its ambient free module.


  • return an isomorphism M \to C if task = :with_morphism,
  • return and cache an isomorphism M \to C if task = :cache_morphism,
  • do none of the above if task = :none (default).

If task = :only_morphism, return only an isomorphism.


julia> R, (x, y, z) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y, :z]);

julia> A = R[x; y];

julia> B = R[x^2; y^3; z^4];

julia> M = SubquoModule(A, B)
Subquotient of submodule with 2 generators
  1: x*e[1]
  2: y*e[1]
by submodule with 3 generators
  1: x^2*e[1]
  2: y^3*e[1]
  3: z^4*e[1]

julia> C = present_as_cokernel(M)
Subquotient of submodule with 2 generators
  1: e[1]
  2: e[2]
by submodule with 5 generators
  1: x*e[1]
  2: -y*e[1] + x*e[2]
  3: y^2*e[2]
  4: z^4*e[1]
  5: z^4*e[2]
julia> Rg, (x, y, z) = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y, :z]);

julia> F = graded_free_module(Rg, 1);

julia> A = Rg[x; y];

julia> B = Rg[x^2; y^3; z^4];

julia> M = SubquoModule(F, A, B);

julia> present_as_cokernel(M, :with_morphism)
(Graded subquotient of graded submodule of Rg^2 with 2 generators
  1: e[1]
  2: e[2]
by graded submodule of Rg^2 with 5 generators
  1: x*e[1]
  2: -y*e[1] + x*e[2]
  3: y^2*e[2]
  4: z^4*e[1]
  5: z^4*e[2], Hom: graded subquotient of graded submodule of Rg^2 with 2 generators
  1: e[1]
  2: e[2]
by graded submodule of Rg^2 with 5 generators
  1: x*e[1]
  2: -y*e[1] + x*e[2]
  3: y^2*e[2]
  4: z^4*e[1]
  5: z^4*e[2] -> M)

Free Resolutions

    algorithm::Symbol = T <:MPolyRingElem ? :fres : :sres) where {T <: Union{MPolyRingElem, MPolyQuoRingElem}}

Return a free resolution of M.

If length != 0, the free resolution is only computed up to the length-th free module. Current options for algorithm are :fres, :nres, and :mres for modules over polynomial rings and :sres for modules over quotients of polynomial rings.


The function first computes a presentation of M. It then successively computes higher syzygy modules.

  • If algorithm == mres, and M is positively graded, a minimal free resolution is returned.
  • If algorithm == nres, and M is positively graded, the function proceeds as above except that it starts by computing a presentation which is not necessarily minimal.

In both cases, if M is not (positively) graded, the function still aims at returning an ''improved'' resolution.


If algorithm == fres, the function relies on an enhanced version of Schreyer's algorithm [EMSS16]. Typically, this is more efficient than the approaches above, but the resulting resolution is far from being minimal.


If M is a module over a quotient of a polynomial ring then the length keyword must be set to a nonzero value.


julia> R, (x, y, z) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y, :z])
(Multivariate polynomial ring in 3 variables over QQ, QQMPolyRingElem[x, y, z])

julia> A = R[x; y]

julia> B = R[x^2; x*y; y^2; z^4]

julia> M = SubquoModule(A, B)
Subquotient of submodule with 2 generators
  1: x*e[1]
  2: y*e[1]
by submodule with 4 generators
  1: x^2*e[1]
  2: x*y*e[1]
  3: y^2*e[1]
  4: z^4*e[1]

julia> fr = free_resolution(M, length=1)
Free resolution of M
R^2 <---- R^6
0         1

julia> is_complete(fr)

julia> fr[4]
Free module of rank 0 over R

julia> fr
Free resolution of M
R^2 <---- R^6 <---- R^6 <---- R^2 <---- 0
0         1         2         3         4

julia> is_complete(fr)
julia> R, (w, x, y, z) = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, [:w, :x, :y, :z]);

julia> Z = R(0)

julia> O = R(1)

julia> B = [Z Z Z O; w*y w*z-x*y x*z-y^2 Z];

julia> A = transpose(matrix(B));

julia> M = graded_cokernel(A)
Graded subquotient of graded submodule of R^2 with 2 generators
  1: e[1]
  2: e[2]
by graded submodule of R^2 with 4 generators
  1: w*y*e[2]
  2: (w*z - x*y)*e[2]
  3: (x*z - y^2)*e[2]
  4: e[1]

julia> FM1 = free_resolution(M)
Free resolution of M
R^2 <---- R^7 <---- R^8 <---- R^3 <---- 0
0         1         2         3         4

julia> betti_table(FM1)
degree: 0  1  2  3
    -1: -  1  -  -
     0: 2  -  -  -
     1: -  3  3  1
     2: -  3  5  2
 total: 2  7  8  3

julia> matrix(map(FM1, 1))
[1            0]
[0   -x*z + y^2]
[0   -w*z + x*y]
[0          w*y]
[0        x^2*z]
[0        w*x*z]
[0        w^2*z]

julia> FM2 = free_resolution(M, algorithm = :nres)
Free resolution of M
R^2 <---- R^4 <---- R^4 <---- R^2 <---- 0
0         1         2         3         4

julia> betti_table(FM2)
degree: 0  1  2  3
    -1: -  1  -  -
     0: 2  -  -  -
     1: -  3  -  -
     2: -  -  4  2
 total: 2  4  4  2

julia> matrix(map(FM2, 1))
[1            0]
[0   -x*z + y^2]
[0   -w*z + x*y]
[0          w*y]

julia> FM3 = free_resolution(M, algorithm = :mres)
Free resolution of M
R^1 <---- R^3 <---- R^4 <---- R^2 <---- 0
0         1         2         3         4

julia> betti_table(FM3)
degree: 0  1  2  3
     0: 1  -  -  -
     1: -  3  -  -
     2: -  -  4  2
 total: 1  3  4  2

julia> matrix(map(FM3, 1))
[-x*z + y^2]
[-w*z + x*y]
[       w*y]

Note: Over rings other than polynomial rings or quotients of polynomial rings, the method will default to a lazy, iterative kernel computation.


Betti Tables

Given a Z\mathbb Z-graded multivariate polynomial ring SS, and given a graded free resolution with finitely generated graded free SS-modules

Fi=jS(j)βij,F_i=\bigoplus_j S(-j) ^{\beta_{ij}},

the numbers βij\beta_{ij} are commonly known as the graded Betti numbers of the resolution. A convenient way of visualizing these numbers is to write a Betti table as in the example below:

       0  1  2  3  
0    : 1  -  -  -  
1    : -  2  1  -  
2    : -  2  3  1  
total: 1  4  4  1

A number ii in the top row of the table refers to the ii-th free module FiF_i of the resolution. More precisely, the column with first entry ii lists the number of free generators of FiF_i in different degrees and, in the bottom row, the total number of free generators (that is, the rank of FiF_i). If kk is the first entry of a row containing a number β\beta in the column corresponding to FiF_i, then FiF_i has β\beta generators in degree k+ik+i. That is, for a free module FiF_i written as a direct sum as above, β\beta is the number βij\beta_{ij} with j=k+ij=k+i. The explicit example table above indicates, for instance, that F2F_2 has one generator in degree 3 and three generators in degree 4. In total, the diagram corresponds to a graded free resolution of type

SS(2)2S(3)2S(3)S(4)3S(5)0.S \leftarrow S(-2)^2\oplus S(-3)^2 \leftarrow S(-3)\oplus S(-4)^3 \leftarrow S(-5) \leftarrow 0.


Given a Z\mathbb Z-graded free resolution F, return the graded Betti numbers of F in form of a Betti table.

Alternatively, use betti.


julia> R, (w, x, y, z) = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, [:w, :x, :y, :z]);

julia> I = ideal(R, [x*z, y*z, x*w^2, y*w^2])
Ideal generated by

julia> A, _= quo(R, I)
(Quotient of multivariate polynomial ring by ideal (x*z, y*z, w^2*x, w^2*y), Map: R -> A)

julia> FA  = free_resolution(A)
Free resolution of A
R^1 <---- R^4 <---- R^4 <---- R^1 <---- 0
0         1         2         3         4

julia> betti_table(FA)
degree: 0  1  2  3
     0: 1  -  -  -
     1: -  2  1  -
     2: -  2  3  1
 total: 1  4  4  1

julia> R, (x, y) = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y]);

julia> I = ideal(R, [x, y, x+y]);

julia> M = quotient_ring_as_module(I);

julia> FM = free_resolution(M, algorithm = :nres);

julia> betti_table(FM)
degree: 0  1  2
     0: 1  2  1
 total: 1  2  1
minimal_betti_table(F::FreeResolution{T}; check::Bool=true) where {T<:ModuleFP}

Given a graded free resolution F over a standard Z\mathbb Z-graded multivariate polynomial ring with coefficients in a field, return the Betti table of the minimal free resolution arising from F.


The algorithm proceeds without actually minimizing the resolution.


julia> R, (w, x, y, z) = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, [:w, :x, :y, :z]);

julia> I = ideal(R, [w^2-x*z, w*x-y*z, x^2-w*y, x*y-z^2, y^2-w*z]);

julia> A, _ = quo(R, I)
(Quotient of multivariate polynomial ring by ideal (w^2 - x*z, w*x - y*z, -w*y + x^2, x*y - z^2, -w*z + y^2), Map: R -> A)

julia> FA = free_resolution(A)
Free resolution of A
R^1 <---- R^5 <---- R^6 <---- R^2 <---- 0
0         1         2         3         4

julia> betti_table(FA)
degree: 0  1  2  3
     0: 1  -  -  -
     1: -  5  5  1
     2: -  -  1  1
 total: 1  5  6  2

julia> minimal_betti_table(FA)
degree: 0  1  2  3
     0: 1  -  -  -
     1: -  5  5  -
     2: -  -  -  1
 total: 1  5  5  1
minimal_betti_table(M::ModuleFP{T}) where {T<:MPolyDecRingElem}
minimal_betti_table(A::MPolyQuoRing{T}) where {T<:MPolyDecRingElem}
minimal_betti_table(I::MPolyIdeal{T}) where {T<:MPolyDecRingElem}

Given a finitely presented graded module M over a standard Z\mathbb Z-graded multivariate polynomial ring with coefficients in a field, return the Betti Table of the minimal free resolution of M. Similarly for A and I.


julia> R, (w, x, y, z) = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, [:w, :x, :y, :z]);

julia> I = ideal(R, [w^2-x*z, w*x-y*z, x^2-w*y, x*y-z^2, y^2-w*z]);

julia> A, _ = quo(R, I)
(Quotient of multivariate polynomial ring by ideal (w^2 - x*z, w*x - y*z, -w*y + x^2, x*y - z^2, -w*z + y^2), Map: R -> A)

julia> minimal_betti_table(A)
degree: 0  1  2  3
     0: 1  -  -  -
     1: -  5  5  -
     2: -  -  -  1
 total: 1  5  5  1

Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity

cm_regularity(M::ModuleFP; check::Bool=true)

Given a finitely presented graded module M over a standard Z\mathbb Z-graded multivariate polynomial ring with coefficients in a field, return the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of M.


Given a (homogeneous) ideal I in a standard Z\mathbb Z-graded multivariate polynomial ring with coefficients in a field, return the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of I.


julia> R, (x, y, z) = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y, :z]);

julia> F = graded_free_module(R, 1);

julia> M, _ = quo(F, [x^2*F[1], y^2*F[1], z^2*F[1]])
(Graded subquotient of graded submodule of F with 1 generator
  1: e[1]
by graded submodule of F with 3 generators
  1: x^2*e[1]
  2: y^2*e[1]
  3: z^2*e[1], Hom: F -> M)

julia> cm_regularity(M)

julia> minimal_betti_table(M)
degree: 0  1  2  3
     0: 1  -  -  -
     1: -  3  -  -
     2: -  -  3  -
     3: -  -  -  1
 total: 1  3  3  1 
julia> R, (w, x, y, z) = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, [:w, :x, :y, :z]);

julia> I = ideal(R, [-x*z+y^2, x*y-w*z, x^2-w*y]);

julia> cm_regularity(I)

julia> A, _ = quo(R, I);

julia> minimal_betti_table(A)
degree: 0  1  2
     0: 1  -  -
     1: -  3  2
 total: 1  3  2 



Return the homology of C.


julia> R, (x,) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x]);

julia> F = free_module(R, 1);

julia> A, _ = quo(F, [x^4*F[1]]);

julia> B, _ = quo(F, [x^3*F[1]]);

julia> a = hom(A, B, [x^2*B[1]]);

julia> b = hom(B, B, [x^2*B[1]]);

julia> C = ComplexOfMorphisms(ModuleFP, [a, b]);

julia> H = homology(C)
3-element Vector{SubquoModule{QQMPolyRingElem}}:
 Subquotient of submodule with 1 generator
  1: x*e[1]
by submodule with 1 generator
  1: x^4*e[1]
 Subquotient of submodule with 1 generator
  1: x*e[1]
by submodule with 2 generators
  1: x^3*e[1]
  2: x^2*e[1]
 Subquotient of submodule with 1 generator
  1: e[1]
by submodule with 2 generators
  1: x^3*e[1]
  2: x^2*e[1]
homology(C::ComplexOfMorphisms{<:ModuleFP}, i::Int)

Return the i-th homology module of C.


julia> R, (x,) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x]);

julia> F = free_module(R, 1);

julia> A, _ = quo(F, [x^4*F[1]]);

julia> B, _ = quo(F, [x^3*F[1]]);

julia> a = hom(A, B, [x^2*B[1]]);

julia> b = hom(B, B, [x^2*B[1]]);

julia> C = ComplexOfMorphisms(ModuleFP, [a, b]);

julia> H = homology(C, 1)
Subquotient of submodule with 1 generator
  1: x*e[1]
by submodule with 2 generators
  1: x^3*e[1]
  2: x^2*e[1]

Hom and Ext

hom(M::ModuleFP, N::ModuleFP; algorithm::Symbol=:maps)

Return the module Hom(M,N) as an object of type SubquoModule.

Additionally, if H is that object, return the map which sends an element of H to the corresponding homomorphism M \toN.

The keyword algorithm can be set to :maps for the default algorithm or to :matrices for an alternative based on matrices.


julia> R, (x, y) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y]);

julia> F = FreeMod(R, 2);

julia> V = [x*F[1], y^2*F[2]];

julia> M = quo_object(F, V)
Subquotient of submodule with 2 generators
  1: e[1]
  2: e[2]
by submodule with 2 generators
  1: x*e[1]
  2: y^2*e[2]

julia> H = hom(M, M)[1]
hom of (M, M)

julia> gens(H)
2-element Vector{SubquoModuleElem{QQMPolyRingElem}}:
 (e[1] -> e[1])
 (e[2] -> e[2])

julia> relations(H)
4-element Vector{FreeModElem{QQMPolyRingElem}}:
 x*(e[1] -> e[1])
 y^2*(e[1] -> e[2])
 x*(e[2] -> e[1])
 y^2*(e[2] -> e[2])

If f is an element of a module created via hom(M,N), for some modules M and N, return the homomorphism M \to N corresponding to f.


julia> R, (x, y) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y]);

julia> F = FreeMod(R, 2);

julia> V = [x*F[1], y^2*F[2]];

julia> M = quo_object(F, V)
Subquotient of submodule with 2 generators
  1: e[1]
  2: e[2]
by submodule with 2 generators
  1: x*e[1]
  2: y^2*e[2]

julia> H = hom(M, M)[1];

julia> gens(H)
2-element Vector{SubquoModuleElem{QQMPolyRingElem}}:
 (e[1] -> e[1])
 (e[2] -> e[2])

julia> relations(H)
4-element Vector{FreeModElem{QQMPolyRingElem}}:
 x*(e[1] -> e[1])
 y^2*(e[1] -> e[2])
 x*(e[2] -> e[1])
 y^2*(e[2] -> e[2])

julia> a = element_to_homomorphism(H[1]+y*H[2])
Module homomorphism
  from M
  to M

julia> matrix(a)
[1   0]
[0   y]
homomorphism_to_element(H::ModuleFP, a::ModuleFPHom)

If the module H is created via hom(M,N), for some modules M and N, and a: M \to N is a homomorphism, then return the element of H corresponding to a.


julia> R, (x, y) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y]);

julia> F = FreeMod(R, 2);

julia> V = [x*F[1], y^2*F[2]];

julia> M = quo_object(F, V)
Subquotient of submodule with 2 generators
  1: e[1]
  2: e[2]
by submodule with 2 generators
  1: x*e[1]
  2: y^2*e[2]

julia> H = hom(M, M)[1];

julia> gens(H)
2-element Vector{SubquoModuleElem{QQMPolyRingElem}}:
 (e[1] -> e[1])
 (e[2] -> e[2])

julia> relations(H)
4-element Vector{FreeModElem{QQMPolyRingElem}}:
 x*(e[1] -> e[1])
 y^2*(e[1] -> e[2])
 x*(e[2] -> e[1])
 y^2*(e[2] -> e[2])

julia> W =  [M[1], y*M[2]];

julia> a = hom(M, M, W);

julia> is_welldefined(a)

julia> matrix(a)
[1   0]
[0   y]

julia> m = homomorphism_to_element(H, a)
(e[1] -> e[1]) + y*(e[2] -> e[2])
ext(M::ModuleFP, N::ModuleFP, i::Int)

Return Exti(M,N)\text{Ext}^i(M,N).


julia> R, (x, y) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y]);

julia> F = FreeMod(R, 1);

julia> V = [x*F[1], y*F[1]];

julia> M = quo_object(F, V)
Subquotient of submodule with 1 generator
  1: e[1]
by submodule with 2 generators
  1: x*e[1]
  2: y*e[1]

julia> ext(M, M, 0)
Subquotient of submodule with 1 generator
  1: (e[1] -> e[1])
by submodule with 2 generators
  1: y*(e[1] -> e[1])
  2: x*(e[1] -> e[1])

julia> ext(M, M, 1)
Subquotient of submodule with 2 generators
  1: (e[1] -> e[1])
  2: (e[2] -> e[1])
by submodule with 4 generators
  1: y*(e[1] -> e[1])
  2: x*(e[1] -> e[1])
  3: y*(e[2] -> e[1])
  4: x*(e[2] -> e[1])

julia> ext(M, M, 2)
Subquotient of submodule with 1 generator
  1: (e[1] -> e[1])
by submodule with 2 generators
  1: y*(e[1] -> e[1])
  2: x*(e[1] -> e[1])

julia> ext(M, M, 3)
Submodule with 0 generators
represented as subquotient with no relations

Tensorproduct and Tor

tensor_product(M::ModuleFP...; task::Symbol = :none)

Given a collection of modules, say, M1,,MnM_1, \dots, M_n over a ring RR, return M1RRMnM_1\otimes_R \cdots \otimes_R M_n.

If task = :map, additionally return the map which sends a tuple (m1,,mn)(m_1,\dots, m_n) of elements miMim_i\in M_i to the pure tensor m1mnm_1\otimes\dots\otimes m_n.


julia> R, (x, y, z) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y, :z]);

julia> F = free_module(R, 1);

julia> A = R[x; y];

julia> B = R[x^2; y^3; z^4];

julia> M = SubquoModule(F, A, B);

julia> gens(M)
2-element Vector{SubquoModuleElem{QQMPolyRingElem}}:

julia> T, t = tensor_product(M, M; task = :map);

julia> gens(T)
4-element Vector{SubquoModuleElem{QQMPolyRingElem}}:
 x^2*e[1] \otimes e[1]
 x*y*e[1] \otimes e[1]
 x*y*e[1] \otimes e[1]
 y^2*e[1] \otimes e[1]

julia> domain(t)
parent of tuples of type Tuple{SubquoModuleElem{QQMPolyRingElem}, SubquoModuleElem{QQMPolyRingElem}}

julia> t((M[1], M[2]))
x*y*e[1] \otimes e[1]
tor(M::ModuleFP, N::ModuleFP, i::Int)

Return Tori(M,N)\text{Tor}_i(M,N).


julia> R, (x, y, z) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y, :z]);

julia> A = R[x; y];

julia> B = R[x^2; y^3; z^4];

julia> M = SubquoModule(A, B);

julia> F = free_module(R, 1);

julia> Q, _ = quo(F, [x*F[1]]);

julia> T0 = tor(Q, M, 0)
Subquotient of submodule with 2 generators
  1: x*e[1] \otimes e[1]
  2: y*e[1] \otimes e[1]
by submodule with 4 generators
  1: x^2*e[1] \otimes e[1]
  2: y^3*e[1] \otimes e[1]
  3: z^4*e[1] \otimes e[1]
  4: x*y*e[1] \otimes e[1]

julia> T1 = tor(Q, M, 1)
Subquotient of submodule with 2 generators
  1: x*e[1] \otimes e[1]
  2: x*y*e[1] \otimes e[1]
by submodule with 3 generators
  1: x^2*e[1] \otimes e[1]
  2: y^3*e[1] \otimes e[1]
  3: z^4*e[1] \otimes e[1]

julia> T2 =  tor(Q, M, 2)
Submodule with 0 generators
represented as subquotient with no relations

Fitting Ideals

fitting_ideal(M::ModuleFP{T}, i::Int) where T <: MPolyRingElem

Return the i-th Fitting ideal of M.


julia> R, (x, y) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y]);

julia> F = free_module(R, 2);

julia> o = zero(R)

julia> U = matrix([x^3-y^2 o; o x^3-y^2; -x^2 y; -y x])
[x^3 - y^2           0]
[        0   x^3 - y^2]
[     -x^2           y]
[       -y           x]

julia> M = quo_object(F,U)
Subquotient of submodule with 2 generators
  1: e[1]
  2: e[2]
by submodule with 4 generators
  1: (x^3 - y^2)*e[1]
  2: (x^3 - y^2)*e[2]
  3: -x^2*e[1] + y*e[2]
  4: -y*e[1] + x*e[2]

julia> fitting_ideal(M, -1)
Ideal generated by

julia> fitting_ideal(M, 0)
Ideal generated by
  x^3 - y^2

julia> fitting_ideal(M, 1)
Ideal generated by

julia> fitting_ideal(M, 2)
Ideal generated by


Checking flatness in OSCAR relies on characterizing flatness in terms of Fitting ideals.

is_flat(M::ModuleFP{T}) where T <: MPolyRingElem

Return true if M is flat, false otherwise.


julia> R, (x, y) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y]);

julia> F = free_module(R, 2);

julia> o = zero(R)

julia> U = matrix([x^3-y^2 o; o x^3-y^2; -x^2 y; -y x])
[x^3 - y^2           0]
[        0   x^3 - y^2]
[     -x^2           y]
[       -y           x]

julia> M = quo_object(F,U)
Subquotient of submodule with 2 generators
  1: e[1]
  2: e[2]
by submodule with 4 generators
  1: (x^3 - y^2)*e[1]
  2: (x^3 - y^2)*e[2]
  3: -x^2*e[1] + y*e[2]
  4: -y*e[1] + x*e[2]

julia> is_flat(M)
non_flat_locus(M::ModuleFP{T}) where T <: MPolyRingElem

Return an ideal of base_ring(M) which defines the non-flat-locus of M in the sense that the localization of M at a prime ideal of base_ring(M) is non-flat iff the prime ideal contains the returned ideal.


julia> R, (x, y) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y]);

julia> F = free_module(R, 2);

julia> o = zero(R)

julia> U = matrix([x^3-y^2 o; o x^3-y^2; -x^2 y; -y x])
[x^3 - y^2           0]
[        0   x^3 - y^2]
[     -x^2           y]
[       -y           x]

julia> M = quo_object(F,U)
Subquotient of submodule with 2 generators
  1: e[1]
  2: e[2]
by submodule with 4 generators
  1: (x^3 - y^2)*e[1]
  2: (x^3 - y^2)*e[2]
  3: -x^2*e[1] + y*e[2]
  4: -y*e[1] + x*e[2]

julia> non_flat_locus(M)
Ideal generated by
  x^3 - y^2

Regular Sequence Test

is_regular_sequence(V::Vector{T}, M::ModuleFP{T}) where T <: MPolyRingElem

Return true if the elements of V form, in the given order, a regular sequence on M. Return false, otherwise.


julia> R, (x, y, z) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y, :z]);

julia> F = free_module(R, 1);

julia> V =  [x*z-z, x*y-y, x]
3-element Vector{QQMPolyRingElem}:
 x*z - z
 x*y - y

julia> is_regular_sequence(V, F)

julia> W = [x*z-z, x, x*y-y]
3-element Vector{QQMPolyRingElem}:
 x*z - z
 x*y - y

julia> is_regular_sequence(W, F)

Koszul Complex

koszul_matrix(V::Vector{T}, p::Int) where T <: MPolyRingElem

If f1,,frf_1, \dots, f_r are the entries of V in the given order, return the matrix representing the p-th map of the Koszul complex K(f1,,fr)K(f_1, \dots, f_r).


julia> R, (x, y, z) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y, :z]);

julia> V = gens(R)
3-element Vector{QQMPolyRingElem}:

julia> koszul_matrix(V, 3)
[x   y   z]

julia> koszul_matrix(V, 2)
[-y   -z    0]
[ x    0   -z]
[ 0    x    y]

julia> koszul_matrix(V, 1)
[ z]
[ x]
koszul_complex(V::Vector{T}) where T <: MPolyRingElem

If f1,,frf_1, \dots, f_r are the entries of V in the given order, return the Koszul complex K(f1,,fr)K(f_1, \dots, f_r).


julia> R, (x, y, z) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y, :z]);

julia> V = gens(R)
3-element Vector{QQMPolyRingElem}:

julia> K = koszul_complex(V);

julia> matrix(map(K, 2))
[-y   -z    0]
[ x    0   -z]
[ 0    x    y]

julia> Kd = hom(K, free_module(R, 1));

julia> matrix(map(Kd, 1))
[-y    x   0]
[-z    0   x]
[ 0   -z   y]

Koszul Homology

koszul_homology(V::Vector{T}, M::ModuleFP{T}, p::Int) where T <: MPolyRingElem

If f1,,frf_1, \dots, f_r are the entries of V in the given order, return the p-th homology module of the complex K(f1,,fr)RMK(f_1, \dots, f_r)\otimes_R M, where K(f1,,fr)K(f_1, \dots, f_r) is the Koszul complex defined by f1,,frf_1, \dots, f_r.


See [GP08] or [DL06] for the definition of the Koszul complex.


julia> R, (x, y, z) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y, :z]);

julia> F = free_module(R, 1);

julia> V =  [x*y, x*z, y*z]
3-element Vector{QQMPolyRingElem}:

julia> koszul_homology(V, F, 0)
Subquotient of submodule with 1 generator
  1: e[1]^e[2]^e[3]
by submodule with 3 generators
  1: y*z*e[1]^e[2]^e[3]
  2: -x*z*e[1]^e[2]^e[3]
  3: x*y*e[1]^e[2]^e[3]

julia> koszul_homology(V, F, 1)
Subquotient of submodule with 2 generators
  1: y*e[1]^e[3] \otimes e[1] + z*e[2]^e[3] \otimes e[1]
  2: x*e[1]^e[2] \otimes e[1] - z*e[2]^e[3] \otimes e[1]
by submodule with 3 generators
  1: -x*z*e[1]^e[2] \otimes e[1] - y*z*e[1]^e[3] \otimes e[1]
  2: x*y*e[1]^e[2] \otimes e[1] - y*z*e[2]^e[3] \otimes e[1]
  3: x*y*e[1]^e[3] \otimes e[1] + x*z*e[2]^e[3] \otimes e[1]

julia> koszul_homology(V, F, 2)
Subquotient of submodule with 1 generator
  1: x*y*e[1] \otimes e[1] + x*z*e[2] \otimes e[1] + y*z*e[3] \otimes e[1]
by submodule with 1 generator
  1: x*y*e[1] \otimes e[1] + x*z*e[2] \otimes e[1] + y*z*e[3] \otimes e[1]
julia> R, (w, x, y, z) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:w, :x, :y, :z]);

julia> TC = ideal(R, [x*z-y^2, w*z-x*y, w*y-x^2]);

julia> F = free_module(R, 1);

julia> koszul_homology(gens(TC), F, 0)
Subquotient of submodule with 1 generator
  1: e[1]^e[2]^e[3]
by submodule with 3 generators
  1: (w*y - x^2)*e[1]^e[2]^e[3]
  2: (-w*z + x*y)*e[1]^e[2]^e[3]
  3: (x*z - y^2)*e[1]^e[2]^e[3]

julia> koszul_homology(gens(TC), F, 1)
Subquotient of submodule with 2 generators
  1: z*e[1]^e[2] \otimes e[1] + y*e[1]^e[3] \otimes e[1] + x*e[2]^e[3] \otimes e[1]
  2: y*e[1]^e[2] \otimes e[1] + x*e[1]^e[3] \otimes e[1] + w*e[2]^e[3] \otimes e[1]
by submodule with 3 generators
  1: (-w*z + x*y)*e[1]^e[2] \otimes e[1] + (-w*y + x^2)*e[1]^e[3] \otimes e[1]
  2: (x*z - y^2)*e[1]^e[2] \otimes e[1] + (-w*y + x^2)*e[2]^e[3] \otimes e[1]
  3: (x*z - y^2)*e[1]^e[3] \otimes e[1] + (w*z - x*y)*e[2]^e[3] \otimes e[1]

julia> koszul_homology(gens(TC), F, 2)
Subquotient of submodule with 1 generator
  1: (-x*z + y^2)*e[1] \otimes e[1] + (-w*z + x*y)*e[2] \otimes e[1] + (-w*y + x^2)*e[3] \otimes e[1]
by submodule with 1 generator
  1: (x*z - y^2)*e[1] \otimes e[1] + (w*z - x*y)*e[2] \otimes e[1] + (w*y - x^2)*e[3] \otimes e[1]


The computation of depth in OSCAR relies on expressing depth in terms of Koszul cohomology.

depth(I::MPolyIdeal{T}, M::ModuleFP{T}) where T <: MPolyRingElem

Return the depth of I on M.


julia> R, (w, x, y, z) = polynomial_ring(QQ, [:w, :x, :y, :z]);

julia> TC = ideal(R, [x*z-y^2, w*z-x*y, w*y-x^2]);

julia> dim(TC)

julia> F = free_module(R, 1);

julia> U = collect(gen(TC, i)*F[1] for i in 1:ngens(TC));

julia> M, _ = quo(F, U);

julia> I = ideal(R, gens(R))
Ideal generated by

julia> depth(I, M)
julia> S, x, y = polynomial_ring(QQ, :x => 1:3, :y => 1:5);

julia> W = [y[1]-x[1]^2,  y[2]-x[2]^2,   y[3]-x[3]^2, y[4]-x[2]*(x[1]-x[3]),  y[5]-(x[1]-x[2])*x[3]];

julia> J = eliminate(ideal(S, W), x);

julia> R, y = polynomial_ring(QQ, :y => 1:5);

julia> W = append!(repeat([zero(R)], 3), gens(R))
8-element Vector{QQMPolyRingElem}:

julia> P = hom(S, R, W);

julia> VP4 = P(J);

julia> dim(VP4)

julia> F = free_module(R, 1);

julia> U = collect(gen(VP4, i)*F[1] for i in 1:ngens(VP4));

julia> M, _ = quo(F, U);

julia> I = ideal(R, gens(R))
Ideal generated by

julia> depth(I, M)