Caching Parent Objects

Many functions in OSCAR that construct parent objects (such as rings, modules, groups, etc.) have an optional keyword argument cached::Bool. If set to true then the object is put into a cache, and when the construction function is later called again with identical inputs, then the cached object is returned instead of creating a new object. In contrast when cached is set to false then each time a new object is returned.


julia> R1, = polynomial_ring(QQ, :x; cached = true);

julia> R2, = polynomial_ring(QQ, :x; cached = true);

julia> R1 === R2  # identical as both were created with `cached = true`

julia> R3, = polynomial_ring(QQ, :x; cached = false);

julia> R1 === R3  # not identical as R3 was created with `cached = false`

julia> R4, = polynomial_ring(QQ, :y; cached = true);

julia> R1 === R4  # not identical despite `cached = true` due to differing variable names

Why cache parent objects?

The main reason for supporting caching of parent objects is user convenience: experience shows that most mathematicians (espescially those who are not also programmers; but it really affects all) are surprised if, say, QQ[:x] == Q[:x] produces false.

For interactive use, it is often simply convenient: e.g. in the following example, we use map_coefficients to map polynomials over the integers to polynomials over a finite field, and the results can be added – this is only possible because the new polynomials have the same parent, thanks to caching.

julia> Zx, x = ZZ[:x]
(Univariate polynomial ring in x over ZZ, x)

julia> F = GF(2);

julia> map_coefficients(F, x^2) + map_coefficients(F, x)
x^2 + x

Caching parents also has downsides. E.g. all those cached objects take up memory which in some cases can add up to significant amounts.

Rules for implementations

In the following we describe some rules related to caching for people implementing parent constructor functions

  1. Don't use caching in code inside OSCAR (caching is for end users!)
    • i.e., code inside OSCAR by default should always construct rings with cached = false.
    • In other words: internal code should not rely on caching being active. Usually the need for using cached parents can be overcome by allowing callers to pass in a parent object as an additional function argument. One may still provide a default value for that as a user convenience, but these default parents then should be created with cached=false.
    • Rationale: this avoids clogging the system with cached objects the user never asked for. It also eliminates sources of bugs: a cached ring may have attributes assigned that modify its behavior in a way that it is completely unexpected in code dealing with "newly created" ring
  2. All end-user facing constructors should have a cached::Bool keyword argument with a default value, regardless of whether caching is actually supported or not.
    • if caching is supported, then cached should default to true
    • if caching is not supported, then cached should default to false
    • Rationale: this allows us to comply pro-actively with the first rule: when creating a parent object, you always pass in cached = false. If not all constructors support this, we can't comply with it. Even if a constructor does not support caching right now: this might change in the future. So by allowing the cached argument in all cases, we can write future-proof code.
  3. Caches must not overflow
    • the simplest solution to achieve this is to use an AbstractAlgebra.CacheDictType instances (which really is an alias for WeakValueDict) together with get_cached! which automatically removes objects from caches if nothing outside the cache references it anymore
    • Alternatively one may offer a manual way for users to "flush" caches, but beware the problems this can cause when code relies on parents being cached – yet another reason for rule 1.

For convenience, Hecke also defines these "standard rings" for use in functions like cyclotomic_polynomial

module Globals
  using Hecke
  const Qx, _ = polynomial_ring(QQ, :x, cached = false)
  const Zx, _ = polynomial_ring(ZZ, :x, cached = false)
  const Zxy, _ = polynomial_ring(ZZ, [:x, :y], cached = false)

You can use these in your own code as well, or imitate this pattern if convenient.

As always, if in doubt what to do, please ask.