Writing parallel methods

Simple single-machine parallelization

In this file we explain and implement simple patterns for parallelization on a single machine with multiple cores.

This can be used to deploy embarassingly parallel tasks on multiple cores and either wait for all of them to finish, or for the first successful computation on one of the cores.

The pattern is the following.

  1. Choose a parallel task to be carried out.
  2. Wrap up the input data for the task in a concrete instance, say MyParallelTask, of ParallelTask according to the rules below.
  3. Implement _compute(::MyParallelTask) to carry out the task at hand.
  4. Use parallel_all and parallel_any on Vectors of MyParallelTask to do things in parallel.


In order for the generic code below to work, any concrete instance must be of the form

struct MyParallelTask{T1, T2, ...} <: ParallelTask

that is with concrete types for the fields with every one of those types appearing in the same order as type parameters.

It is also important to note that the serialization for each of the concrete types in a ParallelTask must be implemented, see serialization.

The following is a generic implementation which hopefully serves for most concrete tasks automatically. The methods might need to be overwritten, though!

The _compute method

The method of _compute for the concrete task specifies what to do on the respective worker. The data will be extracted from the task's fields. The return value must be of the form (success::Bool, result) where success is to indicate whether we have an affirmative result in any reasonable sense. It is used to decide whether all or any of a given list of tasks to be done in parallel is achieved.

The second value result can be any reasonable result of the computation which is to be returned to the main node. Note that you must not create new parents on the worker which are required for the contents of return, i.e. they need to use the parent-like objects sent from the main node.

Parallel methods

  ) where {TaskType <: ParallelTask}

Given a list tasklist of ParallelTasks and a pool of workers, deploy them and wait for their results. In case all computations were successful, return (true, res_list) where res_list is the Vector of results of the respective tasks in the same order. If any of the computations was not successful, return (false, res_list).

The user can specify a list of worker ids to be used for deployment via the kwarg workers.

  ) where {T <: ParallelTask}

Given a list tasklist of ParallelTasks and a pool of workers, deploy them and wait for the first affirmative result to come back. In that case return (true, k, result) where k is the number of the successful task task_list and result its result. If all tasks return (false, _), this function returns (false, 0, nothing).

The user can specify a list of worker ids to be used for deployment via the kwarg workers. When kill_workers is set to true, the workers are killed after call to this function.
