Functionality for all F-theory models
All F-theory models focus on elliptic (or genus-one) fibrations. Details depend on the specific way in which the fibration is constructed/described. Still, some functionality is common among all or at least the majority of all supported models. We will document such common functionality here.
Family of Spaces
Many F-theory constructions (e.g. in the literature) work without fully specifying the base space of the elliptic fibrations. Put differently, those works consider an entire family of base spaces. We aim to support this data structure.
Note of caution: This data structure is subject to discussion. The exact implementation details may change drastically in the future. Use with care (as all experimental code, of course).
We currently support the following constructor:
— Methodfamily_of_spaces(coordinate_ring::MPolyRing, grading::Matrix{Int64}, dim::Int)
Return a family of spaces that is (currently) used to build families of F-theory models, defined by using a family of base spaces for an elliptic fibration. It is specified by the following data:
- A polynomial ring. This may be thought of as the coordinate ring of the generic member in this family of spaces.
- A grading for this polynomial ring. This may be thought of as specifying certain line bundles on the generic member in this family of spaces. Of particular interest for F-theory is always the canonical bundle. For this reason, the first row is always thought of as grading the coordinate ring with regard to the canonical bundle. Or put differently, if a variable shares the weight 1 in the first row, then this means that we should think of this coordinate as a section of 1 times the canonical bundle.
- An integer, which specifies the dimension of the generic member within this family of spaces.
Note that the coordinate ring can have strictly more variables than the dimension. This is a desired feature for most, if not all, F-theory literature constructions.
julia> coord_ring, _ = QQ[:f, :g, :Kbar, :u];
julia> grading = [4 6 1 0; 0 0 0 1]
2×4 Matrix{Int64}:
4 6 1 0
0 0 0 1
julia> d = 3
julia> f = family_of_spaces(coord_ring, grading, d)
A family of spaces of dimension d = 3
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
We currently support the following attributes:
— Methodcoordinate_ring(f::FamilyOfSpaces)
Return the coordinate ring of a generic member of the family of spaces.
julia> ring, (f, g, Kbar, u) = QQ[:f, :g, :Kbar, :u]
(Multivariate polynomial ring in 4 variables over QQ, QQMPolyRingElem[f, g, Kbar, u])
julia> grading = [4 6 1 0; 0 0 0 1]
2×4 Matrix{Int64}:
4 6 1 0
0 0 0 1
julia> d = 3
julia> f = family_of_spaces(ring, grading, d)
A family of spaces of dimension d = 3
julia> coordinate_ring(f)
Multivariate polynomial ring in 4 variables f, g, Kbar, u
over rational field
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodweights(f::FamilyOfSpaces)
Return the grading of the coordinate ring of a generic member of the family of spaces.
julia> ring, (f, g, Kbar, u) = QQ[:f, :g, :Kbar, :u]
(Multivariate polynomial ring in 4 variables over QQ, QQMPolyRingElem[f, g, Kbar, u])
julia> grading = [4 6 1 0; 0 0 0 1]
2×4 Matrix{Int64}:
4 6 1 0
0 0 0 1
julia> d = 3
julia> f = family_of_spaces(ring, grading, d)
A family of spaces of dimension d = 3
julia> weights(f)
2×4 Matrix{Int64}:
4 6 1 0
0 0 0 1
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methoddim(f::FamilyOfSpaces)
Return the dimension of the generic member of the family of spaces.
julia> ring, (f, g, Kbar, u) = QQ[:f, :g, :Kbar, :u]
(Multivariate polynomial ring in 4 variables over QQ, QQMPolyRingElem[f, g, Kbar, u])
julia> grading = [4 6 1 0; 0 0 0 1]
2×4 Matrix{Int64}:
4 6 1 0
0 0 0 1
julia> d = 3
julia> f = family_of_spaces(ring, grading, d)
A family of spaces of dimension d = 3
julia> dim(f)
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodirrelevant_ideal(f::FamilyOfSpaces)
Return the equivalent of the irrelevant ideal for the generic member of the family of spaces.
julia> coord_ring, (f, g, Kbar, u) = QQ[:f, :g, :Kbar, :u]
(Multivariate polynomial ring in 4 variables over QQ, QQMPolyRingElem[f, g, Kbar, u])
julia> grading = [4 6 1 0; 0 0 0 1]
2×4 Matrix{Int64}:
4 6 1 0
0 0 0 1
julia> d = 3
julia> f = family_of_spaces(coord_ring, grading, d)
A family of spaces of dimension d = 3
julia> irrelevant_ideal(f)
Ideal generated by
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodideal_of_linear_relations(f::FamilyOfSpaces)
Return the equivalent of the ideal of linear relations for the generic member of the family of spaces.
julia> coord_ring, (f, g, Kbar, u) = QQ[:f, :g, :Kbar, :u]
(Multivariate polynomial ring in 4 variables over QQ, QQMPolyRingElem[f, g, Kbar, u])
julia> grading = [4 6 1 0; 0 0 0 1]
2×4 Matrix{Int64}:
4 6 1 0
0 0 0 1
julia> f = family_of_spaces(coord_ring, grading, 3)
A family of spaces of dimension d = 3
julia> ideal_of_linear_relations(f)
Ideal generated by
-5*f + 3*g + 2*Kbar
-3*f + 2*g
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
The user can decide to get information whenever a family of spaces is being used. To this end, one invokes set_verbosity_level(:FTheoryModelPrinter, 1)
. More information is available here.
Attributes of all (or most) F-theory models
— Methodambient_space(m::AbstractFTheoryModel)
Return the ambient space of the F-theory model.
julia> m = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1109.3454", equation = "3.1")
Assuming that the first row of the given grading is the grading under Kbar
Global Tate model over a not fully specified base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> ambient_space(m)
A family of spaces of dimension d = 5
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodbase_space(m::AbstractFTheoryModel)
Return the base space of the F-theory model.
julia> m = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1109.3454", equation = "3.1")
Assuming that the first row of the given grading is the grading under Kbar
Global Tate model over a not fully specified base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> base_space(m)
A family of spaces of dimension d = 3
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodfiber_ambient_space(m::AbstractFTheoryModel)
Return the fiber ambient space of an F-theory model.
julia> t = su5_tate_model_over_arbitrary_3d_base()
Assuming that the first row of the given grading is the grading under Kbar
Global Tate model over a not fully specified base
julia> fiber_ambient_space(t)
Normal toric variety
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodmodel_sections(m::AbstractFTheoryModel)
Return a vector containing all sections that were used in the definition of the model. This includes the sections returned by tunable_sections
and all sections parametrized by them (the keys of the dictionary returned by model_section_parametrization
). These are the keys of the dictionaries returned by of explicit_model_sections
and classes_of_model_sections
julia> m = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1109.3454", equation = "3.1")
Assuming that the first row of the given grading is the grading under Kbar
Global Tate model over a not fully specified base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> model_sections(m)
9-element Vector{String}:
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodtunable_sections(m::AbstractFTheoryModel)
Return a vector containing all sections that can be tuned. This is a list of the names of all parameters appearing in the model.
julia> m = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1109.3454", equation = "3.1")
Assuming that the first row of the given grading is the grading under Kbar
Global Tate model over a not fully specified base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> tunable_sections(m)
5-element Vector{String}:
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodexplicit_model_sections(m::AbstractFTheoryModel)
Return the model sections in explicit form, that is as polynomials of the base space coordinates. The set of keys of the returned dictionary matches the output of model_sections
julia> t = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1109.3454", equation = "3.1")
Assuming that the first row of the given grading is the grading under Kbar
Global Tate model over a not fully specified base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> explicit_model_sections(t)
Dict{String, QQMPolyRingElem} with 9 entries:
"a6" => 0
"a21" => a21
"a3" => w^2*a32
"w" => w
"a2" => w*a21
"a1" => a1
"a4" => w^3*a43
"a43" => a43
"a32" => a32
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodmodel_section_parametrization(m::AbstractFTheoryModel)
Return a dictionary that defines how the "default" parameters of the given model type are defined in terms of the tunable sections (those returned by tunable_sections
julia> t = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1109.3454", equation = "3.1")
Assuming that the first row of the given grading is the grading under Kbar
Global Tate model over a not fully specified base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> model_section_parametrization(t)
Dict{String, MPolyRingElem} with 4 entries:
"a6" => 0
"a3" => w^2*a32
"a2" => w*a21
"a4" => w^3*a43
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodclasses_of_model_sections(m::AbstractFTheoryModel)
Return the divisor classes of all model sections. The set of keys of the returned dictionary matches the output of model_sections
julia> B3 = projective_space(NormalToricVariety, 3)
Normal toric variety
julia> w = torusinvariant_prime_divisors(B3)[1]
Torus-invariant, prime divisor on a normal toric variety
julia> t = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1109.3454", equation = "3.1", base_space = B3, defining_classes = Dict("w" => w), completeness_check = false)
Construction over concrete base may lead to singularity enhancement. Consider computing singular_loci. However, this may take time!
Global Tate model over a concrete base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> classes_of_model_sections(t)
Dict{String, ToricDivisorClass} with 9 entries:
"a21" => Divisor class on a normal toric variety
"a6" => Divisor class on a normal toric variety
"a3" => Divisor class on a normal toric variety
"w" => Divisor class on a normal toric variety
"a2" => Divisor class on a normal toric variety
"a1" => Divisor class on a normal toric variety
"a43" => Divisor class on a normal toric variety
"a4" => Divisor class on a normal toric variety
"a32" => Divisor class on a normal toric variety
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methoddefining_classes(m::AbstractFTheoryModel)
Return the defining divisor classes of the model in question. This is the minimum set of information required to specify a family of models.
julia> B3 = projective_space(NormalToricVariety, 3)
Normal toric variety
julia> w = torusinvariant_prime_divisors(B3)[1]
Torus-invariant, prime divisor on a normal toric variety
julia> t = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1109.3454", equation = "3.1", base_space = B3, defining_classes = Dict("w" => w), completeness_check = false)
Construction over concrete base may lead to singularity enhancement. Consider computing singular_loci. However, this may take time!
Global Tate model over a concrete base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> defining_classes(t)
Dict{String, ToricDivisorClass} with 1 entry:
"w" => Divisor class on a normal toric variety
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodgauge_algebra(m::AbstractFTheoryModel)
Return the gauge algebra of the given model. If no gauge algebra is known, an error is raised. This information is typically available for all models, however.
julia> t = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1408.4808", equation = "3.190", type = "hypersurface")
Assuming that the first row of the given grading is the grading under Kbar
Hypersurface model over a not fully specified base
julia> gauge_algebra(t)
Direct sum Lie algebra
of dimension 13
with summands
linear Lie algebra
over field of algebraic numbers
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodglobal_gauge_quotients(m::AbstractFTheoryModel)
Return list of lists of matrices, where each list of matrices corresponds to a gauge factor of the same index given by gauge_algebra(m)
. These matrices are elements of the center of the corresponding gauge factor and quotienting by them replicates the action of some discrete group on the center of the lie algebra. This list combined with gauge_algebra(m)
completely determines the gauge group of the model. If no gauge quotients are known, an error is raised.
julia> t = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1408.4808", equation = "3.190", type = "hypersurface")
Assuming that the first row of the given grading is the grading under Kbar
Hypersurface model over a not fully specified base
julia> global_gauge_quotients(t)
5-element Vector{Vector{String}}:
["-identity_matrix(C,2)", "-identity_matrix(C,2)"]
["-identity_matrix(C,2)", "-identity_matrix(C,2)"]
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodchern_class(m::AbstractFTheoryModel, k::Int; check::Bool = true)
If the elliptically fibered n-fold $Y_n$ underlying the F-theory model in question is given as a hypersurface in a toric ambient space, we can compute a cohomology class $h$ on the toric ambient space $X_\Sigma$, such that its restriction to $Y_n$ is the k-th Chern class $c_k$ of the tangent bundle of $Y_n$. If those assumptions are satisfied, this method returns this very cohomology class $h$, otherwise it raises an error.
The theory guarantees that the implemented algorithm works for toric ambient spaces which are smooth and complete. The check for completeness can be very time consuming. This check can be switched off by setting the optional argument check
to the value false
, as demonstrated below.
julia> qsm_model = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1903.00009", model_parameters = Dict("k" => 4))
Hypersurface model over a concrete base
julia> h = chern_class(qsm_model, 4; check = false);
julia> is_trivial(h)
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodchern_classes(m::AbstractFTheoryModel; check::Bool = true)
If the elliptically fibered n-fold $Y_n$ underlying the F-theory model in question is given as a hypersurface in a toric ambient space, we can compute a cohomology class $h$ on the toric ambient space $X_\Sigma$, such that its restriction to $Y_n$ is the k-th Chern class $c_k$ of the tangent bundle of $Y_n$. If those assumptions are satisfied, this method returns a vector with the cohomology classes corresponding to all non-trivial Chern classes $c_k$ of $Y_n$. Otherwise, this methods raises an error.
As of right now, this method is computationally expensive for involved toric ambient spaces, such as in the example below.
The theory guarantees that the implemented algorithm works for toric ambient spaces which are simplicial and complete. The check for completeness can be very time consuming. This check can be switched off by setting the optional argument check
to the value false
, as demonstrated below.
julia> qsm_model = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1903.00009", model_parameters = Dict("k" => 4))
Hypersurface model over a concrete base
julia> h = chern_classes(qsm_model; check = false);
julia> is_one(polynomial(h[1]))
julia> is_trivial(h[2])
julia> is_trivial(h[3])
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodeuler_characteristic(m::AbstractFTheoryModel; check::Bool = true)
If the elliptically fibered n-fold $Y_n$ underlying the F-theory model in question is given as a hypersurface in a toric ambient space, we can compute the Euler characteristic. If this assumptions is satisfied, this method returns the Euler characteristic, otherwise it raises an error.
julia> qsm_model = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1903.00009", model_parameters = Dict("k" => 4))
Hypersurface model over a concrete base
julia> h = euler_characteristic(qsm_model; check = false)
julia> h = euler_characteristic(qsm_model; check = false)
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
Properties of all (or most) F-theory models
— Methodis_base_space_fully_specified(m::AbstractFTheoryModel)
Return true
if the F-theory model has a concrete base space and false
julia> t = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1109.3454", equation = "3.1")
Assuming that the first row of the given grading is the grading under Kbar
Global Tate model over a not fully specified base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> is_base_space_fully_specified(t)
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodis_calabi_yau(m::AbstractFTheoryModel; check::Bool = true)
Verify if the first Chern class of the tangent bundle of the F-theory geometry $Y_n$ vanishes. If so, this confirms that this geometry is indeed Calabi-Yau, as required by the reasoning of F-theory.
The implemented algorithm works for hypersurface, Weierstrass and global Tate models, which are defined in a toric ambient space. It expresses $c_1(Y_n)$ as the restriction of a cohomology class $h$ on the toric ambient space. This in turn requires that the toric ambient space is simplicial and complete. We provide a switch to turn off these computationally very demanding checks. This is demonstrated in the example below.
julia> qsm_model = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1903.00009", model_parameters = Dict("k" => 4))
Hypersurface model over a concrete base
julia> is_calabi_yau(qsm_model, check = false)
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodis_partially_resolved(m::AbstractFTheoryModel)
Return true
if resolution techniques were applied to the F-theory model, thereby potentially resolving its singularities. Otherwise, return false
julia> B3 = projective_space(NormalToricVariety, 3)
Normal toric variety
julia> w = torusinvariant_prime_divisors(B3)[1]
Torus-invariant, prime divisor on a normal toric variety
julia> t = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1109.3454", equation = "3.1", base_space = B3, defining_classes = Dict("w" => w), completeness_check = false)
Construction over concrete base may lead to singularity enhancement. Consider computing singular_loci. However, this may take time!
Global Tate model over a concrete base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> is_partially_resolved(t)
julia> t2 = blow_up(t, ["x", "y", "x1"]; coordinate_name = "e1")
Partially resolved global Tate model over a concrete base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> is_partially_resolved(t2)
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodverify_euler_characteristic_from_hodge_numbers(m::AbstractFTheoryModel; check::Bool = true)
Verify if the Euler characteristic, as computed from integrating the 4-th Chern class, agrees with the results obtained from using the alternating sum of the Hodge numbers. If so, this method returns true
. However, should information be missing, (e.g. some Hodge numbers), or the dimension of the F-theory model differ form 4, then this method raises an error.
julia> qsm_model = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1903.00009", model_parameters = Dict("k" => 4))
Hypersurface model over a concrete base
julia> verify_euler_characteristic_from_hodge_numbers(qsm_model; check = false)
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
Methods for all (or most) F-theory models
— Methodblow_up(m::AbstractFTheoryModel, ideal_gens::Vector{String}; coordinate_name::String = "e")
Resolve an F-theory model by blowing up a locus in the ambient space.
julia> B3 = projective_space(NormalToricVariety, 3)
Normal toric variety
julia> w = torusinvariant_prime_divisors(B3)[1]
Torus-invariant, prime divisor on a normal toric variety
julia> t = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1109.3454", equation = "3.1", base_space = B3, defining_classes = Dict("w" => w), completeness_check = false)
Construction over concrete base may lead to singularity enhancement. Consider computing singular_loci. However, this may take time!
Global Tate model over a concrete base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> blow_up(t, ["x", "y", "x1"]; coordinate_name = "e1")
Partially resolved global Tate model over a concrete base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
Here is an example for a Weierstrass model.
julia> B2 = projective_space(NormalToricVariety, 2)
Normal toric variety
julia> b = torusinvariant_prime_divisors(B2)[1]
Torus-invariant, prime divisor on a normal toric variety
julia> w = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1208.2695", equation = "B.19", base_space = B2, defining_classes = Dict("b" => b), completeness_check = false)
Construction over concrete base may lead to singularity enhancement. Consider computing singular_loci. However, this may take time!
Weierstrass model over a concrete base -- U(1) Weierstrass model based on arXiv paper 1208.2695 Eq. (B.19)
julia> blow_up(w, ["x", "y", "x1"]; coordinate_name = "e1")
Partially resolved Weierstrass model over a concrete base -- U(1) Weierstrass model based on arXiv paper 1208.2695 Eq. (B.19)
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodblow_up(m::AbstractFTheoryModel, I::MPolyIdeal; coordinate_name::String = "e")
Resolve an F-theory model by blowing up a locus in the ambient space.
julia> B3 = projective_space(NormalToricVariety, 3)
Normal toric variety
julia> w = torusinvariant_prime_divisors(B3)[1]
Torus-invariant, prime divisor on a normal toric variety
julia> t = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1109.3454", equation = "3.1", base_space = B3, defining_classes = Dict("w" => w), completeness_check = false)
Construction over concrete base may lead to singularity enhancement. Consider computing singular_loci. However, this may take time!
Global Tate model over a concrete base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> x1, x2, x3, x4, x, y, z = gens(cox_ring(ambient_space(t)))
7-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{QQFieldElem, QQMPolyRingElem}}:
julia> blow_up(t, ideal([x, y, x1]); coordinate_name = "e1")
Partially resolved global Tate model over a concrete base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodblow_up(m::AbstractFTheoryModel, I::AbsIdealSheaf; coordinate_name::String = "e")
Resolve an F-theory model by blowing up a locus in the ambient space. For this method, the blowup center is encoded by an ideal sheaf.
julia> B3 = projective_space(NormalToricVariety, 3)
Normal toric variety
julia> w = torusinvariant_prime_divisors(B3)[1]
Torus-invariant, prime divisor on a normal toric variety
julia> t = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1109.3454", equation = "3.1", base_space = B3, defining_classes = Dict("w" => w), completeness_check = false)
Construction over concrete base may lead to singularity enhancement. Consider computing singular_loci. However, this may take time!
Global Tate model over a concrete base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> x1, x2, x3, x4, x, y, z = gens(cox_ring(ambient_space(t)))
7-element Vector{MPolyDecRingElem{QQFieldElem, QQMPolyRingElem}}:
julia> blowup_center = ideal_sheaf(ambient_space(t), ideal([x, y, x1]))
Sheaf of ideals
on normal, simplicial toric variety
with restrictions
1: Ideal (x_5_1, x_4_1, x_1_1)
2: Ideal (1)
3: Ideal (x_5_3, x_4_3, x_1_3)
4: Ideal (x_5_4, x_4_4, x_1_4)
5: Ideal (1)
6: Ideal (1)
7: Ideal (1)
8: Ideal (1)
9: Ideal (1)
10: Ideal (1)
11: Ideal (1)
12: Ideal (1)
julia> blow_up(t, blowup_center; coordinate_name = "e1")
Partially resolved global Tate model over a concrete base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodput_over_concrete_base(m::AbstractFTheoryModel, concrete_data::Dict{String, <:Any}; completeness_check::Bool = true)
Put an F-theory model defined over a family of spaces over a concrete base.
Currently, this functionality is limited to Tate and Weierstrass models.
julia> t = literature_model(arxiv_id = "1109.3454", equation = "3.1", completeness_check = false)
Assuming that the first row of the given grading is the grading under Kbar
Global Tate model over a not fully specified base -- SU(5)xU(1) restricted Tate model based on arXiv paper 1109.3454 Eq. (3.1)
julia> B3 = projective_space(NormalToricVariety, 3)
Normal toric variety
julia> w_bundle = toric_line_bundle(torusinvariant_prime_divisors(B3)[1])
Toric line bundle on a normal toric variety
julia> kbar = anticanonical_bundle(B3)
Toric line bundle on a normal toric variety
julia> w = generic_section(w_bundle);
julia> a21 = generic_section(kbar^2 * w_bundle^(-1));
julia> a32 = generic_section(kbar^3 * w_bundle^(-2));
julia> a43 = generic_section(kbar^4 * w_bundle^(-3));
julia> t2 = put_over_concrete_base(t, Dict("base" => B3, "w" => w, "a21" => a21, "a32" => a32, "a43" => a43), completeness_check = false)
Global Tate model over a concrete base
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.