Quadratic spaces with isometry

We call quadratic space with isometry any pair (V,f)(V, f) consisting of a non-degenerate quadratic space VV together with an isometry fO(V)f\in O(V). We refer to the section about Spaces of the documentation for new users.

Note that currently, we support only rational quadratic forms, i.e. quadratic spaces defined over Q\mathbb{Q}.

In Oscar, such a pair is encoded by the type called QuadSpaceWithIsom:


A container type for pairs (V,f)(V, f) consisting of a rational quadratic space VV of type QuadSpace and an isometry ff given as a QQMatrix representing the action on the standard basis of VV.

We store the order of ff too, which can finite or infinite.

To construct an object of type QuadSpaceWithIsom, see the set of functions called quadratic_space_with_isometry


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 4);

julia> quadratic_space_with_isometry(V, neg=true)
Quadratic space of dimension 4
  with isometry of finite order 2
  given by
  [-1    0    0    0]
  [ 0   -1    0    0]
  [ 0    0   -1    0]
  [ 0    0    0   -1]

julia> L = root_lattice(:E, 6);

julia> V = ambient_space(L);

julia> f = matrix(QQ, 6, 6, [ 1  2  3  2  1  1;
                             -1 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1;
                              0  1  0  0  0  0;
                              1  0  0  0  0  0;
                             -1 -1 -1  0  0 -1;
                              0  0  1  1  0  1]);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V, f)
Quadratic space of dimension 6
  with isometry of finite order 8
  given by
  [ 1    2    3    2    1    1]
  [-1   -2   -2   -2   -1   -1]
  [ 0    1    0    0    0    0]
  [ 1    0    0    0    0    0]
  [-1   -1   -1    0    0   -1]
  [ 0    0    1    1    0    1]

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.


It is seen as a triple (V,f,n)(V, f, n) where nn is the order of ff. We actually support isometries of finite and infinite order. In the case where ff is of infinite order, then n = PosInf. If VV has rank 0, then any isometry ff of VV is trivial and we set by default n = -1.

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), we provide the following accessors to the elements of the previously described triple:

isometry(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> QQMatrix

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return the underlying isometry ff.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> isometry(Vf)
[-1    0]
[ 0   -1]

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

order_of_isometry(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> IntExt

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return the order of the underlying isometry ff.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> order_of_isometry(Vf) == 2

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

space(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> QuadSpace

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return the underlying space VV.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> space(Vf) === V

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.


The main purpose of the definition of such objects is to define a contextual ambient space for quadratic lattices endowed with an isometry. Indeed, as we will see in the next section, lattices with isometry are attached to an ambient quadratic space with an isometry inducing the one on the lattice.


For simplicity, we have gathered the main constructors for objects of type QuadSpaceWithIsom under the same name quadratic_space_with_isometry. The user has then the choice on the parameters depending on what they intend to do:

quadratic_space_with_isometry(V:QuadSpace, f::QQMatrix; check::Bool = false)
                                                        -> QuadSpaceWithIsom

Given a quadratic space VV and a matrix ff, if ff defines an isometry of VV of order nn (possibly infinite), return the corresponding quadratic space with isometry pair (V,f)(V, f).


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, QQ[ 2 -1;
                                  -1  2])
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  over rational field
with gram matrix
[ 2   -1]
[-1    2]

julia> f = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [1  1;
                             0 -1])
[1    1]
[0   -1]

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V, f)
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  with isometry of finite order 2
  given by
  [1    1]
  [0   -1]

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

quadratic_space_with_isometry(V::QuadSpace; neg::Bool = false) -> QuadSpaceWithIsom

Given a quadratic space VV, return the quadratic space with isometry pair (V,f)(V, f) where ff is represented by the identity matrix.

If neg is set to true, then the isometry ff is negative the identity on VV.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, QQ[ 2 -1;
                                  -1  2])
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  over rational field
with gram matrix
[ 2   -1]
[-1    2]

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V)
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  with isometry of finite order 1
  given by
  [1   0]
  [0   1]

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.


By default, the first constructor always checks whether the matrix defines an isometry of the quadratic space. We recommend not to disable this parameter to avoid any complications. Note however that in the rank 0 case, the checks are avoided since all isometries are necessarily trivial.

Attributes and first operations

Given a quadratic space with isometry Vf:=(V,f)Vf := (V, f), one has access to most of the attributes of VV and ff by calling the similar functions on the pair (V,f)(V, f) itself. For instance, in order to know the rank of VV, one can simply call rank(Vf). Here is a list of what are the current accessible attributes:

characteristic_polynomial(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> QQPolyRingElem

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return the characteristic polynomial of the underlying isometry ff.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> characteristic_polynomial(Vf)
x^2 + 2*x + 1
det(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> QQFieldElem

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return the determinant of the underlying space VV.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> is_one(det(Vf))

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

diagonal(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> Vector{QQFieldElem}

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return the diagonal of the underlying space VV.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> diagonal(Vf)
2-element Vector{QQFieldElem}:

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

dim(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> Integer

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return the dimension of the underlying space of VV.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> dim(Vf) == 2

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

discriminant(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> QQFieldElem

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return the discriminant of the underlying space VV.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> discriminant(Vf)

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

gram_matrix(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> QQMatrix

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return the Gram matrix of the underlying space VV with respect to its standard basis.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> is_one(gram_matrix(Vf))

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

is_definite(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> Bool

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return whether the underlying space VV is definite.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> is_definite(Vf)

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

is_positive_definite(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> Bool

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return whether the underlying space VV is positive definite.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> is_positive_definite(Vf)

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

is_negative_definite(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> Bool

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return whether the underlying space VV is negative definite.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> is_negative_definite(Vf)

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

minimal_polynomial(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> QQPolyRingElem

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return the minimal polynomial of the underlying isometry ff.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> minimal_polynomial(Vf)
x + 1
rank(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> Integer

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return the rank of the underlying space VV.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> rank(Vf) == 2

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

signature_tuple(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom) -> Tuple{Int, Int, Int}

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return the signature tuple of the underlying space VV.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, 2);

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V; neg = true);

julia> signature_tuple(Vf)
(2, 0, 0)

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.


Similarly, some basic operations on quadratic spaces and matrices are available for quadratic spaces with isometry.

^(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom, n::Int) -> QuadSpaceWithIsom

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f) and an integer nn, return the pair (V,fn)(V, f^n).


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, QQ[ 2 -1;
                                  -1  2])
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  over rational field
with gram matrix
[ 2   -1]
[-1    2]

julia> f = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [1  1;
                             0 -1])
[1    1]
[0   -1]

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V, f)
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  with isometry of finite order 2
  given by
  [1    1]
  [0   -1]

julia> Vf^2
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  with isometry of finite order 1
  given by
  [1   0]
  [0   1]

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

biproduct(x::Vector{QuadSpaceWithIsom}) -> QuadSpaceWithIsom, Vector{AbstractSpaceMor}, Vector{AbstractSpaceMor}
biproduct(x::Vararg{QuadSpaceWithIsom}) -> QuadSpaceWithIsom, Vector{AbstractSpaceMor}, Vector{AbstractSpaceMor}

Given a collection of quadratic spaces with isometries (V1,f1),,(Vn,fn)(V_1, f_1), \ldots, (V_n, f_n), return the quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f) together with the injections ViVV_i \to V and the projections VViV \to V_i, where VV is the biproduct V:=V1VnV := V_1 \oplus \ldots \oplus V_n and ff is the isometry of VV induced by the diagonal actions of the fif_i's.

For objects of type QuadSpaceWithIsom, finite direct sums and finite direct products agree and they are therefore called biproducts. If one wants to obtain (V,f)(V, f) as a direct sum with the injections ViVV_i \to V, one should call direct_sum(x). If one wants to obtain (V,f)(V, f) as a direct product with the projections VViV \to V_i, one should call direct_product(x).


julia> V1 = quadratic_space(QQ, QQ[2 5;
                                   5 6])
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  over rational field
with gram matrix
[2   5]
[5   6]

julia> Vf1 = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V1, neg=true)
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  with isometry of finite order 2
  given by
  [-1    0]
  [ 0   -1]

julia> V2 = quadratic_space(QQ, QQ[ 2 -1;
                                   -1  2])
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  over rational field
with gram matrix
[ 2   -1]
[-1    2]

julia> f = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [1  1;
                             0 -1])
[1    1]
[0   -1]

julia> Vf2 = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V2, f)
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  with isometry of finite order 2
  given by
  [1    1]
  [0   -1]

julia> Vf3, inj, proj = biproduct(Vf1, Vf2)
(Quadratic space with isometry of finite order 2, AbstractSpaceMor[Map: quadratic space -> quadratic space, Map: quadratic space -> quadratic space], AbstractSpaceMor[Map: quadratic space -> quadratic space, Map: quadratic space -> quadratic space])

julia> Vf3
Quadratic space of dimension 4
  with isometry of finite order 2
  given by
  [-1    0   0    0]
  [ 0   -1   0    0]
  [ 0    0   1    1]
  [ 0    0   0   -1]

julia> space(Vf3)
Quadratic space of dimension 4
  over rational field
with gram matrix
[2   5    0    0]
[5   6    0    0]
[0   0    2   -1]
[0   0   -1    2]

julia> matrix(compose(inj[1], proj[1]))
[1   0]
[0   1]

julia> matrix(compose(inj[1], proj[2]))
[0   0]
[0   0]

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

direct_product(algebras::StructureConstantAlgebra...; task::Symbol = :sum)
  -> StructureConstantAlgebra, Vector{AbsAlgAssMor}, Vector{AbsAlgAssMor}
direct_product(algebras::Vector{StructureConstantAlgebra}; task::Symbol = :sum)
  -> StructureConstantAlgebra, Vector{AbsAlgAssMor}, Vector{AbsAlgAssMor}

Returns the algebra A=A1××AkA = A_1 \times \cdots \times A_k. task can be ":sum", ":prod", ":both" or ":none" and determines which canonical maps are computed as well: ":sum" for the injections, ":prod" for the projections.

direct_product(F::FreeMod{T}...; task::Symbol = :prod) where T

Given free modules F1FnF_1\dots F_n, say, return the direct product i=1nFi\prod_{i=1}^n F_i.

Additionally, return

  • a vector containing the canonical projections i=1nFiFi\prod_{i=1}^n F_i\to F_i if task = :prod (default),
  • a vector containing the canonical injections Fii=1nFiF_i\to\prod_{i=1}^n F_i if task = :sum,
  • two vectors containing the canonical projections and injections, respectively, if task = :both,
  • none of the above maps if task = :none.
direct_product(M::ModuleFP{T}...; task::Symbol = :prod) where T

Given modules M1MnM_1\dots M_n, say, return the direct product i=1nMi\prod_{i=1}^n M_i.

Additionally, return

  • a vector containing the canonical projections i=1nMiMi\prod_{i=1}^n M_i\to M_i if task = :prod (default),
  • a vector containing the canonical injections Mii=1nMiM_i\to\prod_{i=1}^n M_i if task = :sum,
  • two vectors containing the canonical projections and injections, respectively, if task = :both,
  • none of the above maps if task = :none.
direct_product(x::Vector{QuadSpaceWithIsom}) -> QuadSpaceWithIsom, Vector{AbstractSpaceMor}
direct_product(x::Vararg{QuadSpaceWithIsom}) -> QuadSpaceWithIsom, Vector{AbstractSpaceMor}

Given a collection of quadratic spaces with isometries (V1,f1),,(Vn,fn)(V_1, f_1), \ldots, (V_n, f_n), return the quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f) together with the projections VViV \to V_i, where VV is the direct product V:=V1××VnV := V_1 \times \ldots \times V_n and ff is the isometry of VV induced by the diagonal actions of the fif_i's.

For objects of type QuadSpaceWithIsom, finite direct sums and finite direct products agree and they are therefore called biproducts. If one wants to obtain (V,f)(V, f) as a direct sum with the injections ViVV_i \to V, one should call direct_sum(x). If one wants to obtain (V,f)(V, f) as a biproduct with the injections ViVV_i \to V and the projections VViV \to V_i, one should call biproduct(x).


julia> V1 = quadratic_space(QQ, QQ[2 5;
                                   5 6])
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  over rational field
with gram matrix
[2   5]
[5   6]

julia> Vf1 = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V1, neg=true)
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  with isometry of finite order 2
  given by
  [-1    0]
  [ 0   -1]

julia> V2 = quadratic_space(QQ, QQ[ 2 -1;
                                   -1  2])
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  over rational field
with gram matrix
[ 2   -1]
[-1    2]

julia> f = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [1  1;
                             0 -1])
[1    1]
[0   -1]

julia> Vf2 = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V2, f)
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  with isometry of finite order 2
  given by
  [1    1]
  [0   -1]

julia> Vf3, proj = direct_product(Vf1, Vf2)
(Quadratic space with isometry of finite order 2, AbstractSpaceMor[Map: quadratic space -> quadratic space, Map: quadratic space -> quadratic space])

julia> Vf3
Quadratic space of dimension 4
  with isometry of finite order 2
  given by
  [-1    0   0    0]
  [ 0   -1   0    0]
  [ 0    0   1    1]
  [ 0    0   0   -1]

julia> space(Vf3)
Quadratic space of dimension 4
  over rational field
with gram matrix
[2   5    0    0]
[5   6    0    0]
[0   0    2   -1]
[0   0   -1    2]

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

direct_sum(g1::QuadSpaceCls, g2::QuadSpaceCls) -> QuadSpaceCls

Return the isometry class of the direct sum of two representatives.

direct_sum(M::ModuleFP{T}...; task::Symbol = :sum) where T

Given modules M1MnM_1\dots M_n, say, return the direct sum i=1nMi\bigoplus_{i=1}^n M_i.

Additionally, return

  • a vector containing the canonical injections Mii=1nMiM_i\to\bigoplus_{i=1}^n M_i if task = :sum (default),
  • a vector containing the canonical projections i=1nMiMi\bigoplus_{i=1}^n M_i\to M_i if task = :prod,
  • two vectors containing the canonical injections and projections, respectively, if task = :both,
  • none of the above maps if task = :none.
direct_sum(x::Vector{QuadSpaceWithIsom}) -> QuadSpaceWithIsom, Vector{AbstractSpaceMor}
direct_sum(x::Vararg{QuadSpaceWithIsom}) -> QuadSpaceWithIsom, Vector{AbstractSpaceMor}

Given a collection of quadratic spaces with isometries (V1,f1),,(Vn,fn)(V_1, f_1), \ldots, (V_n, f_n), return the quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f) together with the injections ViVV_i \to V, where VV is the direct sum V:=V1VnV := V_1 \oplus \ldots \oplus V_n and ff is the isometry of VV induced by the diagonal actions of the fif_i's.

For objects of type QuadSpaceWithIsom, finite direct sums and finite direct products agree and they are therefore called biproducts. If one wants to obtain (V,f)(V, f) as a direct product with the projections VViV \to V_i, one should call direct_product(x). If one wants to obtain (V,f)(V, f) as a biproduct with the injections ViVV_i \to V and the projections VViV \to V_i, one should call biproduct(x).


julia> V1 = quadratic_space(QQ, QQ[2 5;
                                   5 6])
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  over rational field
with gram matrix
[2   5]
[5   6]

julia> Vf1 = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V1, neg=true)
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  with isometry of finite order 2
  given by
  [-1    0]
  [ 0   -1]

julia> V2 = quadratic_space(QQ, QQ[ 2 -1;
                                   -1  2])
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  over rational field
with gram matrix
[ 2   -1]
[-1    2]

julia> f = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [1  1;
                             0 -1])
[1    1]
[0   -1]

julia> Vf2 = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V2, f)
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  with isometry of finite order 2
  given by
  [1    1]
  [0   -1]

julia> Vf3, inj = direct_sum(Vf1, Vf2)
(Quadratic space with isometry of finite order 2, AbstractSpaceMor[Map: quadratic space -> quadratic space, Map: quadratic space -> quadratic space])

julia> Vf3
Quadratic space of dimension 4
  with isometry of finite order 2
  given by
  [-1    0   0    0]
  [ 0   -1   0    0]
  [ 0    0   1    1]
  [ 0    0   0   -1]

julia> space(Vf3)
Quadratic space of dimension 4
  over rational field
with gram matrix
[2   5    0    0]
[5   6    0    0]
[0   0    2   -1]
[0   0   -1    2]

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.

rescale(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom, a::RationalUnion)

Given a quadratic space with isometry (V,f)(V, f), return the pair (Va,f(V^a, f) where VaV^a is the same space as VV with the associated quadratic form rescaled by aa.


julia> V = quadratic_space(QQ, QQ[ 2 -1;
                                  -1  2])
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  over rational field
with gram matrix
[ 2   -1]
[-1    2]

julia> Vf = quadratic_space_with_isometry(V)
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  with isometry of finite order 1
  given by
  [1   0]
  [0   1]

julia> Vf2 = rescale(Vf, 1//2)
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  with isometry of finite order 1
  given by
  [1   0]
  [0   1]

julia> space(Vf2)
Quadratic space of dimension 2
  over rational field
with gram matrix
[    1   -1//2]
[-1//2       1]

This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.


Spinor norm

Given a rational quadratic space (V,Φ)(V, \Phi), and given an integer bQb\in\mathbb{Q}, we define the rational spinor norm σ\sigma on (V,bΦ)(V, b\Phi) to be the group homomorphism

σ ⁣:O(V,bΦ)=O(V,Φ)Q/(Q)2\sigma\colon O(V, b\Phi) = O(V, \Phi)\to \mathbb{Q}^\ast/(\mathbb{Q}^\ast)^2

defined as follows. For fO(V,bΦ)f\in O(V, b\Phi), there exist elements v1,,vrVv_1,\ldots, v_r\in V where 1rrank(V)1\leq r\leq \text{rank}(V) such that f=τv1τvrf = \tau_{v_1}\circ\cdots\circ \tau_{v_r} is equal to the product of the associated reflections. We define

σ(f):=(bΦ(v1,v1)2)(bΦ(vr,vr)2)mod  (Q)2.\sigma(f) := (-\frac{b\Phi(v_1, v_1)}{2})\cdots(-\frac{b\Phi(v_r,v_r)}{2}) \mod (\mathbb{Q}^{\ast})^2.

rational_spinor_norm(Vf::QuadSpaceWithIsom; b::Int = -1) -> QQFieldElem

Given a rational quadratic space with isometry (V,b,f)(V, b, f), return the rational spinor norm of ff.

If Φ\Phi is the form on VV, then the spinor norm is computed with respect to bΦb\Phi.


This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.



We choose as a convention that two pairs (V,f)(V, f) and (V,f)(V', f') of quadratic spaces with isometries are equal if VV and VV' are the same space, and ff and ff' are represented by the same matrix with respect to the standard basis of V=VV = V'.