Group characters
Let $G$ be a finite group, and let $\rho: G \to GL(n, R)$ be a group homomorphism, for some ring $R$. We call $\chi: G \to R$, defined by $\chi(g) = Trace(\rho(g))$, the character afforded by $\rho$.
Since $\chi$ is constant on conjugacy classes of $G$, it can be represented by an array $l$ of values such that the value on the $i$-th conjugacy class of $G$ (see conjugacy_classes
) is stored at $l[i]$. Note that this makes sense only if we assume that the ordering of conjugacy classes of $G$ is fixed once the classes have been computed.
We deal only with the cases that either $R$ can be embedded into some number field, or that $R$ is a finite field.
In the former case, the eigenvalues of the matrix $\rho(g)$, for $g \in G$, are $k$-th roots of unity, where $k$ is the order of $g$, thus all values of $\chi$ can be represented by elements in the abelian closure of the field of rational numbers, see abelian_closure
. The characters obtained this way are called ordinary characters.
In the latter case, the list of traces of $\rho(g)$ (the so-called Frobenius character of $\rho$) is often not so interesting; instead, one considers the Brauer character of $\rho$, which is defined on (conjugacy classes of) elements $g$ whose order is coprime to the characteristic of $R$ (the so-called $p$-regular elements resp. classes), by first lifting the eigenvalues of $\rho(g)$ to complex roots of unity and then summing up these roots; this way, one gets again a list of values in the abelian closure of the field of rationals.
The pointwise sum and product of two characters are again characters, they are afforded by the direct sum and the tensor product of the underlying representations. A character that is not the sum of two characters is called absolutely irreducible.
Character tables
Putting the values of the absolutely irreducible ordinary characters of a group $G$ into an array such that the rows correspond to the characters and the columns correspond to the conjugacy classes yields the ordinary character table of $G$, which is in fact a square matrix. Analogously, the absolutely irreducible Brauer characters of $G$, for a given characteristic $p$, yield a square matrix, the $p$-modular Brauer character table.
Ordinary character tables can be computed with character_table
from a given group. The computation of $p$-modular Brauer tables is currently restricted to the case of $p$-solvable groups.
Character tables contain a lot of information about their groups, many questions about a finite group can be answered by computations only with its characters. Thus it makes sense to deal also with character tables without an explicit labeling of the columns of the table by conjugacy classes of a group. For example, the character tables shown in the Atlas of Finite Groups [CCNPW85] and from the Atlas of Brauer Characters [JLPW95] are available in OSCAR. Such character tables can be fetched with character_table(id::String, p::Int = 0)
from the database, via their names. Moreover, the library of character tables can be used similar to group libraries (see Group libraries) in the sense that all_character_table_names
returns descriptions of all those available character tables that have certain properties.
In OSCAR, a character table t
is identified with the array of absolutely irreducible characters of $G$, in the sense that t[i]
yields the i
-th irreducible character of $G$, and t[i, j]
is the value of this character on the j
-th conjugacy class of $G$ (or the j
-th conjugacy class of $p$-regular elements in the case of Brauer tables).
Ordinary and $p$-modular Brauer tables in OSCAR are distinguished by their characteristic(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
; its value is 0
for ordinary tables and $p$ otherwise.
The character table to which a character chi
belongs can be fetched as parent(chi)
— TypeGAPGroupCharacterTable <: GroupCharacterTable
This is the type of (ordinary or Brauer) character tables that can delegate tasks to an underlying character table object in the GAP system (field GAPTable
The value of the field characteristic
determines whether the table is an ordinary one (value 0
) or a p
-modular one (value p
A group can (but need not) be stored in the field group
. If it is available then also the field isomorphism
is available, its value is a bijective map from the group
value to a group in GAP.
Objects of type GAPGroupCharacterTable
support get_attribute
, for example in order to store the already computed p
-modular tables in an ordinary table, and to store the corresponding ordinary table in a p
-modular table.
— Methodcharacter_table(G::GAPGroup, p::T = 0) where T <: IntegerUnion
Return the ordinary (if p == 0
) or p
-modular character table of the finite group G
. If the p
-modular character table of G
cannot be computed by GAP then nothing
is returned.
julia> Oscar.with_unicode() do
show(stdout, MIME("text/plain"), character_table(symmetric_group(3)))
Character table of Sym(3)
2 1 1 .
3 1 . 1
1a 2a 3a
2P 1a 1a 3a
3P 1a 2a 1a
χ₁ 1 -1 1
χ₂ 2 . -1
χ₃ 1 1 1
julia> Oscar.with_unicode() do
show(stdout, MIME("text/plain"), character_table(symmetric_group(3), 2))
2-modular Brauer table of Sym(3)
2 1 .
3 1 1
1a 3a
2P 1a 3a
3P 1a 1a
χ₁ 1 1
χ₂ 2 -1
— Functioncharacter_table(id::String, p::Int = 0)
Return the ordinary (if p == 0
) or p
-modular character table for which id
is an admissible name in GAP's library of character tables. If no such table is available then nothing
is returned.
julia> println(character_table("A5"))
character table of A5
julia> println(character_table("A5", 2))
2-modular Brauer table of A5
julia> println(character_table("J5"))
Several names can be admissible for the same character table from the library. For example, the alternating group on five points is isomorphic to the projective special linear groups in dimension 2 over the fields with four or five elements, and each of the strings "A5"
, "L2(4)"
, "L2(5)"
is an admissible name for its library character table. The names are not case sensitive, thus also "a5"
is admissible.
Use all_character_table_names
for creating a vector that contains one admissible name for each available character table, perhaps filtered by some conditions.
— Methodcharacter_table(series::Symbol, parameter::Any)
Return the ordinary character table of the group described by the series series
and the parameter parameter
julia> println(character_table(:Symmetric, 5))
character table of Sym(5)
julia> println(character_table(:WeylB, 3))
character table of W(B3)
Currently the following series are supported.
Series | Parameter |
:Cyclic | pos. integer |
:Dihedral | even pos. integer |
:Symmetric | pos. integer |
:Alternating | integer > 1 |
:WeylB | pos. integer |
:WeylD | integer > 1 |
:DoubleCoverSymmetric | pos. integer |
:DoubleCoverAlternating | pos. integer |
:GL2 | prime power |
:SL2odd | odd prime power |
:SL2even | even prime power |
:PSL2odd | odd prime power q s. t. (q-1)/2 is odd |
:PSL2even | odd prime power q s. t. (q-1)/2 is even |
:Suzuki | odd power of 2 |
:GU3 | prime power |
:SU3 | prime power |
Symbol("P:Q") | vector [p, q] with prime p and q dividing p-1 |
:ExtraspecialPlusOdd | odd power of odd prime |
—, ::MIME"text/plain", tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Display the irreducible characters of tbl
and context information as a two-dimensional array.
First a header is shown. If
stores a group then the header describes this group, otherwise it is equal to theidentifier(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
value oftbl
.Then the irreducible characters of
are shown in column portions that fit on the screen, together with column labels above each portion and row labels on the left of each portion.The column labels consist of the factored centralizer orders (see
, one row for each prime divisor of the group order), followed by one row showing the class names (seeclass_names
), followed by the power maps (one row for each stored power map).The row labels are
, ... (or χ with subscripts1
, ... if unicode output is allowed). Ifio
is anIOContext
with key:indicator
set totrue
then a second column of row labels shows the 2nd Frobenius-Schur indicator of the irreducibles (seeindicator
); analogously, setting the key:character_field
yields a column showing the degrees of the character fields (seecharacter_field
), and setting the key:OD
yields a column showing the known orthogonal discriminants of those irreducibles that have indicator+
and even degree.Depending on the way how irrational character values are shown, a footer may be shown in the end. By default, irrationalities are shown as sums of roots of unity, where
(or ζ with subscriptn
if unicode output is allowed) denotes the primitiven
-th root $\exp(2 \pi i/n)$. Ifio
is anIOContext
with key:with_legend
set totrue
then irrationalities are abbreviated asA
, ..., and these names together with the corresponding expression as sums of roots of unity appear in the footer.
Output in $\LaTeX$ syntax can be created by calling show
with second argument MIME("text/latex")
julia> tbl = character_table(:Cyclic, 3);
julia> Oscar.with_unicode() do
show(stdout, MIME("text/plain"), tbl)
3 1 1 1
1a 3a 3b
3P 1a 1a 1a
χ₁ 1 1 1
χ₂ 1 ζ₃ -ζ₃ - 1
χ₃ 1 -ζ₃ - 1 ζ₃
julia> Oscar.with_unicode() do
show(IOContext(stdout, :with_legend => true), MIME("text/plain"), tbl)
3 1 1 1
1a 3a 3b
3P 1a 1a 1a
χ₁ 1 1 1
χ₂ 1 A A̅
χ₃ 1 A̅ A
A = ζ₃
A̅ = -ζ₃ - 1
julia> Oscar.with_unicode() do
show(IOContext(stdout, :indicator => true), MIME("text/plain"), tbl)
3 1 1 1
1a 3a 3b
3P 1a 1a 1a
χ₁ + 1 1 1
χ₂ o 1 ζ₃ -ζ₃ - 1
χ₃ o 1 -ζ₃ - 1 ζ₃
julia> Oscar.with_unicode() do
show(IOContext(stdout, :character_field => true), MIME("text/plain"), tbl)
3 1 1 1
1a 3a 3b
2P 1a 3b 3a
3P 1a 1a 1a
χ₁ 1 1 1 1
χ₂ 2 1 ζ₃ -ζ₃ - 1
χ₃ 2 1 -ζ₃ - 1 ζ₃
julia> Oscar.with_unicode() do
show(IOContext(stdout, :with_legend => true), MIME("text/latex"), tbl)
3 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
& & & \\
& 1a & 3a & 3b \\
2P & 1a & 3b & 3a \\
3P & 1a & 1a & 1a \\
& & & \\
\chi_{1} & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
\chi_{2} & 1 & A & \overline{A} \\
\chi_{3} & 1 & \overline{A} & A \\
A = \zeta_{3} \\
\overline{A} = -\zeta_{3} - 1 \\
— Methodcharacteristic(::Type{T} = Int, tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable) where T <: IntegerUnion
Return T(0)
if tbl
is an ordinary character table, and T(p)
if tbl
is a p
-modular character table.
julia> tbl = character_table("A5");
julia> characteristic(tbl)
julia> characteristic(tbl % 2)
— Methodmod(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable, p::T) where T <: IntegerUnion
rem(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable, p::T) where T <: IntegerUnion
Return the p
-modular character table of tbl
, or nothing
if this table cannot be computed.
The syntax tbl % p
is also supported.
An exception is thrown if tbl
is not an ordinary character table.
julia> show(character_table("A5") % 2)
2-modular Brauer table of A5
— Methodquo(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable, nclasses::Vector{Int})
Return the pair (fact, proj)
where fact
is the character table of the factor of tbl
modulo the normal subgroup that is the normal closure of the conjugacy classes whose positions are listed in nclasses
, and proj
is the class fusion from tbl
to fact
julia> t = character_table("2.A5");
julia> n = class_positions_of_center(t); println(n)
[1, 2]
julia> fact, proj = quo(t, n);
julia> order(fact)
julia> println(proj)
[1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5]
— Functionall_character_table_names(L...; ordered_by = nothing)
Return a vector of strings that contains an admissible name of each character table in the character table library that satisfies the conditions in the vector L
julia> spor_names = all_character_table_names(is_sporadic_simple => true,
is_duplicate_table => false);
julia> println(spor_names[1:5])
["B", "Co1", "Co2", "Co3", "F3+"]
julia> spor_names = all_character_table_names(is_sporadic_simple,
!is_duplicate_table; ordered_by = order);
julia> println(spor_names[1:5])
["M11", "M12", "J1", "M22", "J2"]
julia> length(all_character_table_names(number_of_conjugacy_classes => 1))
— Functionis_character_table_name(name::String)
Return true
if character_table(name)
returns a character table, and false
julia> is_character_table_name("J1")
julia> is_character_table_name("J5")
Attributes of group characters
— Methodcentral_character(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
Return the central character of chi
, which is the class function omega
that is defined by omega(g) = |g^G| ⋅ chi(g)/chi(1)
for each g
in the group G
of chi
julia> tbl = character_table("A5");
julia> chi = tbl[4]
class_function(character table of A5, [4, 0, 1, -1, -1])
julia> central_character(chi)
class_function(character table of A5, [1, 0, 5, -3, -3])
— Functioncharacter_field(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
If chi
is an ordinary character then return the pair (F, phi)
where F
is a number field that is generated by the character values of chi
, and phi
is the embedding of F
into abelian_closure(QQ)
If chi
is a Brauer character in characteristic p
then return the pair (F, phi)
where F
is the finite field that is generated by the p
-modular reductions of the values of chi
, and phi
is the identity map on F
If a nonempty vector l
of characters is given then (F, phi)
is returned such that F
is the smallest field that contains the character fields of the entries of l
If only the degree of the character field is needed then better call degree_of_character_field
, this avoids the construction of the field.
julia> t = character_table("A5");
julia> character_field(t[2])[1]
Number field with defining polynomial x^2 + x - 1
over rational field
julia> flds_2 = map(character_field, mod(t, 2));
julia> println([degree(x[1]) for x in flds_2])
[1, 2, 2, 1]
julia> degree(character_field(collect(t))[1])
— Methodconductor(::Type{T} = ZZRingElem, chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
where T <: IntegerUnion
Return the minimal integer n
, as an instance of T
, such that all values of chi
lie in the n
-th cyclotomic field.
julia> tbl = character_table("A5");
julia> println([conductor(chi) for chi in tbl])
ZZRingElem[1, 5, 5, 1, 1]
— Methodconj(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
Return the class function whose values are the complex conjugates of the values of chi
julia> tbl = character_table(alternating_group(4));
julia> println([findfirst(==(conj(x)), tbl) for x in tbl])
[1, 3, 2, 4]
— Methoddegree(::Type{T} = QQFieldElem, chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
where T <: Union{IntegerUnion, QQFieldElem, QQAbFieldElem}
Return chi[1]
, as an instance of T
— Functiondegree_of_character_field(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
If chi
is an ordinary character then return the degree of the number field generated by the character values of chi
If chi
is a Brauer character in characteristic p
then return the degree of the finite field generated by the p
-modular reductions of the values of chi
If a nonempty vector l
of characters is given then return the degree of the smallest field that contains the character fields of the entries of l
julia> t = character_table("A5");
julia> degree_of_character_field(t[2])
julia> println(map(degree_of_character_field, mod(t, 2)))
[1, 2, 2, 1]
julia> degree_of_character_field(collect(t))
— Functiongalois_orbit_sum(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
Return a class function psi
. If chi
is an ordinary character then psi
is the sum of all different Galois conjugates of chi
; the values of psi
are rationals. If chi
is a Brauer character then psi
is the sum of all different images of chi
under powers of the Frobenius automorphism; thus psi
is afforded by a representation over the prime field, but the values of psi
need not be rationals.
julia> t = character_table("A5");
julia> println([degree_of_character_field(x) for x in t])
[1, 2, 2, 1, 1]
julia> println([degree_of_character_field(galois_orbit_sum(x)) for x in t])
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
— Functiongalois_representative_and_multiplicity(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction; check::Bool = true)
Return phi, n, m
where phi
is an absolutely irreducible constituent of the rational ordinary character chi
and n
, m
are positive ZZRingElem
s such that n
is the degree of the character field of phi
has n
Galois conjugates) and chi
is m
times the sum of these Galois conjugates. If chi
is the character of a rational representation that is irreducible over the rationals then m
is equal to the Schur index of phi
, see schur_index(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
If check
is true
then an exception is thrown if chi
is not rational or not an ordinary character or not a multiple of a Galois sum of an irreducible character. If check
is false
then these checks are omitted.
julia> t = character_table("A5");
julia> chi = 3 * (t[2] + t[3]); chi[1]
julia> phi, n, m = galois_representative_and_multiplicity(chi);
julia> phi[1], n, m
(3, 2, 3)
julia> G = quaternion_group(8)
Pc group of order 8
julia> t = character_table(G);
julia> chi = t[5]
class_function(character table of G, [2, 0, 0, -2, 0])
julia> galois_representative_and_multiplicity(chi)
(class_function(character table of G, [2, 0, 0, -2, 0]), 1, 1)
— Functionindicator(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction, n::Int = 2)
Return the n
-th Frobenius-Schur indicator of chi
, that is, the value $(∑_{g ∈ G} chi(g^n))/|G|$, where $G$ is the group of chi
If chi
is irreducible then indicator(chi)
is 0
if chi
is not real-valued, 1
if chi
is afforded by a real representation of $G$, and -1
if chi
is real-valued but not afforded by a real representation of $G$.
julia> tbl = character_table("U3(3)");
julia> println([indicator(chi) for chi in tbl])
[1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
— Methodis_faithful(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
Return true
if the value of chi
at the identity element does not occur as value of chi
at any other element, and false
If chi
is an ordinary character then true
is returned if and only if the representations affording chi
have trivial kernel.
julia> println(map(is_faithful, character_table(symmetric_group(3))))
Bool[0, 1, 0]
— Methodis_rational(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
Return true
if all values of chi
are rational, i.e., in QQ
, and false
julia> all(is_rational, character_table(symmetric_group(4)))
julia> all(is_rational, character_table(alternating_group(4)))
— Methodis_irreducible(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
Return true
if chi
is an irreducible character, and false
A character is irreducible if it cannot be written as the sum of two characters. For ordinary characters this can be checked using the scalar product of class functions (see scalar_product
). For Brauer characters there is no generic method for checking irreducibility.
julia> g = symmetric_group(4);
julia> all(is_irreducible, character_table(g))
julia> is_irreducible(natural_character(g))
— Methodschur_index(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction) -> Int
For an ordinary irreducible character chi
, return the minimal integer m
such that the character m * chi
is afforded by a representation over the character field of chi
, or throw an exception if group(chi)
is not defined and the currently used character theoretic criteria do not suffice for computing m
julia> t = character_table(quaternion_group(8));
julia> println(map(schur_index, t))
[1, 1, 1, 1, 2]
— Methoddet(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
Return the determinant character of the character chi
. This is defined to be the character obtained by taking the determinant of representing matrices of any representation affording chi
julia> t = character_table(symmetric_group(4));
julia> all(chi -> det(chi) == exterior_power(chi, Int(degree(chi))), t)
— Methodorder(::Type{T} = ZZRingElem, chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
where T <: IntegerUnion
Return the determinantal order of the character chi
. This is defined to be the multiplicative order of det(chi)
julia> println([order(chi) for chi in character_table(symmetric_group(4))])
ZZRingElem[2, 1, 2, 2, 1]
— Methodorder_field_of_definition(::Type{T} = ZZRingElem, chi::GAPGroupClassFunction) where T <: IntegerUnion
Return $p^n$, as an instance of T
, if chi
is a $p$-modular Brauer character such that the $p$-modular reductions of the values of chi
span the field with $p^n$ elements.
Note that one need not compute the character_field
value of chi
in order to compute order_field_of_definition(chi)
julia> tbl = character_table("A5", 2);
julia> println([order_field_of_definition(chi) for chi in tbl])
ZZRingElem[2, 4, 4, 2]
Attributes of character tables
— Functionblock_distribution(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable, p::IntegerUnion)
Return a dictionary with the keys :defect
(the vector containing at position i
the defect of the i
-th p
-block of tbl
) and :block
(the vector containing at position i
the number j
such that tbl[i]
belongs to the j
-th p
An exception is thrown if tbl
is not an ordinary character table.
julia> block_distribution(character_table("A5"), 2)
Dict{Symbol, Vector{Int64}} with 2 entries:
:block => [1, 1, 1, 2, 1]
:defect => [2, 0]
— Functioncharacter_parameters(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return a vector of character parameters for the rows of tbl
if such parameters are stored, and nothing
julia> character_parameters(character_table("S5"))
7-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
[3, 1, 1]
[4, 1]
[2, 1, 1, 1]
[3, 2]
[2, 2, 1]
julia> character_parameters(character_table("M11"))
— Methodclass_names(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return a vector of strings corresponding to the columns of tbl
. The $i$-th entry consists of the element order for the $i$-th column, followed by at least one distinguishing letter. For example, the classes of elements of order two have class names `"2a", "2b", and so on.
julia> println(class_names(character_table("S5")))
["1a", "2a", "3a", "5a", "2b", "4a", "6a"]
— Functionclass_parameters(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return a vector of class parameters for the columns of tbl
if such parameters are stored, and nothing
julia> class_parameters(character_table("S5"))
7-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
[2, 2, 1]
[3, 1, 1]
[2, 1, 1, 1]
[4, 1]
[3, 2]
julia> class_parameters(character_table("M11"))
— Methodconjugacy_classes(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return the vector of conjugacy classes of group(tbl)
, ordered such that they correspond to the columns of tbl
Note that the vectors conjugacy_classes(group(tbl))
and conjugacy_classes(tbl)
are independent. They will usually have the same ordering, but it may happen that they are ordered differently.
An error is thrown if tbl
does not store a group.
julia> g = symmetric_group(4); tbl = character_table(g);
julia> [length(c) for c in conjugacy_classes(tbl)] == class_lengths(tbl)
— Functiondecomposition_matrix(modtbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return the decomposition matrix (of type ZZMatrix
) of the Brauer character table modtbl
. The rows and columns are indexed by the irreducible characters of the ordinary character table of modtbl
and the irreducible characters of modtbl
, respectively,
julia> t = character_table("A5"); t2 = mod(t, 2);
julia> decomposition_matrix(t2)
[1 0 0 0]
[1 0 1 0]
[1 1 0 0]
[0 0 0 1]
[1 1 1 0]
— Functiondefect_group(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable, p::IntegerUnion, b::Int)
Return D, emb
where D
is a defect group of the b
-th p
-block of tbl
and emb
is the embedding of D
into group(tbl)
refers to the numbering of blocks given by block_distribution
julia> G = alternating_group(5); tbl = character_table(G);
julia> block_distribution(tbl, 2)[:defect]
2-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> [order(defect_group(tbl, 2, b)[1]) for b in 1:2]
2-element Vector{ZZRingElem}:
— Methodidentifier(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return a string that identifies tbl
. It is used mainly for library tables.
julia> identifier(character_table("A5"))
— Methodinduced_cyclic(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable, classes::AbstractVector{Int} = 1:nrows(tbl))
Return the vector of permutation characters of tbl
that are induced from cyclic subgroups. If classes
is given then only the cyclic subgroups generated by elements in the classes at positions in this vector are returned.
julia> t = character_table("A5");
julia> ind = induced_cyclic(t);
julia> all(x -> scalar_product(x, t[1]) == 1, ind)
— Functionis_atlas_character_table(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return whether tbl
is either an ordinary character table that belongs to the ATLAS of Finite Groups [CCNPW85] or a Brauer table whose underlying ordinary table belongs to the ATLAS of Finite Groups.
One application of this function is to restrict the search with all_character_table_names
to ATLAS tables.
julia> tbl = character_table("A5");
julia> is_atlas_character_table(tbl)
julia> is_atlas_character_table(mod(tbl, 2))
julia> is_atlas_character_table(character_table("A4"))
— Functionis_duplicate_table(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return whether tbl
is an ordinary table from the character table library that was constructed from another library character table by permuting rows and columns.
One application of this function is to restrict the search with all_character_table_names
to only one library character table for each class of permutation equivalent tables.
julia> is_duplicate_table(character_table("A5"))
julia> is_duplicate_table(character_table("A6M2"))
— Functionmaxes(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return either nothing (if the value is not known) or a vector of identifiers of the ordinary character tables of all maximal subgroups of tbl
. There is no default method to compute this value from tbl
If the maxes
value of tbl
is stored then it lists exactly one representative for each conjugacy class of maximal subgroups of the group of tbl
, and the character tables of these maximal subgroups are available in the character table library, and compatible class fusions to tbl
are stored on these tables.
julia> println(maxes(character_table("M11")))
["A6.2_3", "L2(11)", "3^2:Q8.2", "A5.2", "2.S4"]
julia> maxes(character_table("M")) === nothing # not (yet) known
— Functionnames_of_fusion_sources(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return the vector of strings that are identifiers of those character tables which store a class fusion to tbl
, which must be an ordinary character table.
julia> tbl = character_table("A5");
julia> println(maxes(tbl))
["a4", "D10", "S3"]
julia> all(in(names_of_fusion_sources(tbl)), maxes(tbl))
— Methodclass_lengths(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
julia> println(class_lengths(character_table("A5")))
ZZRingElem[1, 15, 20, 12, 12]
— Functionorders_centralizers(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return the vector of the orders of centralizers of conjugacy class representatives for tbl
in the group of tbl
, ordered according to the columns of tbl
julia> println(orders_centralizers(character_table("A5")))
ZZRingElem[60, 4, 3, 5, 5]
— Methodorders_class_representatives(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return the vector of the orders of conjugacy class representatives for tbl
, ordered according to the columns of tbl
julia> println(orders_class_representatives(character_table("A5")))
[1, 2, 3, 5, 5]
— Methodordinary_table(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return the ordinary character table of tbl
, provided that tbl
is a Brauer character table.
julia> tbl = character_table("A5");
julia> ordinary_table(tbl % 2) === tbl
— Methodtrivial_character(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return the character of tbl
that has the value QQAbFieldElem(1)
in each position.
julia> t = character_table(symmetric_group(4));
julia> all(==(1), trivial_character(t))
— Methodregular_character(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return the regular character of tbl
julia> tbl = character_table(symmetric_group(3));
julia> values(regular_character(tbl))
3-element Vector{QQAbFieldElem{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}}:
— Methodlinear_characters(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return the array of linear characters of tbl
, that is, the characters of degree 1
julia> tbl = character_table(symmetric_group(3));
julia> length(linear_characters(tbl))
The following properties of a group can be read off from its character table. Therefore it is supported to call these functions with a character table.
— Methodis_abelian(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return whether tbl
is the ordinary character table of an abelian group, see is_abelian(G::GAPGroup)
julia> is_abelian(character_table("A5"))
julia> is_abelian(character_table("C2"))
— Methodis_almost_simple(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return whether tbl
is the ordinary character table of an almost simple group, see is_almost_simple(G::GAPGroup)
julia> is_almost_simple(character_table("S5"))
julia> is_almost_simple(character_table("S4"))
— Methodis_cyclic(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return whether tbl
is the ordinary character table of a cyclic group, see is_cyclic(G::GAPGroup)
julia> is_cyclic(character_table("C2"))
julia> is_cyclic(character_table("S4"))
— Methodis_elementary_abelian(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return whether tbl
is the ordinary character table of an elementary abelian group, see is_elementary_abelian(G::GAPGroup)
julia> is_elementary_abelian(character_table("C2"))
julia> is_elementary_abelian(character_table("S4"))
— Methodis_nilpotent(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return whether tbl
is the ordinary character table of a nilpotent group, see is_nilpotent(G::GAPGroup)
julia> is_nilpotent(character_table("C2"))
julia> is_nilpotent(character_table("S4"))
— Methodis_perfect(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return whether tbl
is the ordinary character table of a perfect group, see is_perfect(G::GAPGroup)
julia> is_perfect(character_table("A5"))
julia> is_perfect(character_table("S4"))
— Methodis_quasisimple(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return whether tbl
is the ordinary character table of a quasisimple group, see is_quasisimple(G::GAPGroup)
julia> is_quasisimple(character_table("A5"))
julia> is_quasisimple(character_table("S4"))
— Methodis_simple(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return whether tbl
is the ordinary character table of a simple group, see is_simple(G::GAPGroup)
julia> is_simple(character_table("A5"))
julia> is_simple(character_table("S4"))
— Methodis_solvable(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return whether tbl
is the ordinary character table of a solvable group, see is_solvable(G::GAPGroup)
julia> is_solvable(character_table("A5"))
julia> is_solvable(character_table("S4"))
— Methodis_sporadic_simple(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return whether tbl
is the ordinary character table of a sporadic simple group, see is_sporadic_simple(G::GAPGroup)
julia> is_sporadic_simple(character_table("A5"))
julia> is_sporadic_simple(character_table("M11"))
— Methodis_supersolvable(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return whether tbl
is the ordinary character table of a supersolvable group, see is_supersolvable(G::GAPGroup)
julia> is_supersolvable(character_table("A5"))
julia> is_supersolvable(character_table("S3"))
Construct group characters from groups
— Methodlinear_characters(G::Union{GAPGroup, FinGenAbGroup})
Return the array of linear characters of G
, that is, the characters of degree 1
julia> G = symmetric_group(3);
julia> length(linear_characters(G))
— Methodnatural_character(G::PermGroup)
Return the permutation character of degree degree(G)
that maps each element of G
to the number of its fixed points.
julia> g = symmetric_group(4);
julia> degree(natural_character(g))
julia> degree(natural_character(stabilizer(g, 4)[1]))
— Methodnatural_character(G::Union{MatrixGroup{ZZRingElem}, MatrixGroup{QQFieldElem}, MatrixGroup{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}})
Return the character that maps each element of G
to its trace. We assume that the entries of the elements of G
are either of type QQFieldElem
or contained in a cyclotomic field.
julia> g = matrix_group(matrix(ZZ, [0 1; 1 0]));
julia> println(values(natural_character(g)))
QQAbFieldElem{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}[2, 0]
Return the character that maps each $p$-regular element of G
, where $p$ is the characteristic of the base field of G
, to its Brauer character value.
julia> g = general_linear_group(2, 2);
julia> println(values(natural_character(g)))
QQAbFieldElem{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}[2, -1]
— Methodnatural_character(G::MatrixGroup{<:FinFieldElem})
Return the character that maps each $p$-regular element of G
, where $p$ is the characteristic of the base field of G
, to its Brauer character value.
julia> g = general_linear_group(2, 2);
julia> println(values(natural_character(g)))
QQAbFieldElem{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}[2, -1]
— Methodnatural_character(rho::GAPGroupHomomorphism)
Return the character of domain(rho)
that is afforded by the representation rho
, where codomain(rho)
must be a permutation group or a matrix group. In the latter case, an ordinary character is returned if the characteristic of the base field is zero, and a $p$-modular Brauer character is returned if the characteristic is $p > 0$.
julia> g = symmetric_group(3); h = general_linear_group(2, 2);
julia> mp = hom(g, h, [g([2,1]), g([1, 3, 2])], gens(h));
julia> println(values(natural_character(mp)))
QQAbFieldElem{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}[2, -1]
— Methodtrivial_character(G::GAPGroup)
Return the character of (the ordinary character table of) G
that has the value QQAbFieldElem(1)
in each position.
julia> g = symmetric_group(4);
julia> all(==(1), trivial_character(g))
— Methodregular_character(G::GAPGroup)
Return the regular character of G
julia> G = symmetric_group(3);
julia> values(regular_character(G))
3-element Vector{QQAbFieldElem{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}}:
Operations for group characters
length and iteration:
The length of a class function is the number of conjugacy classes of its group, iteration is defined w.r.t. the ordering of conjugacy classes.
arithmetic operations:
chi == psi
: two class functions are equal if and only if they belong to the same character table and have the same values,chi + psi
andchi - psi
are the pointwise sum and difference, respectively, of the two class functionschi
is the pointwisen
-fold sum ofchi
, for an integern
is the pointwise (tensor) product ofchi
is the class function that is zero on all classes,one(chi)
is the trivial character of the character table ofchi
is then
-th tensor power ofchi
, for positive integersn
is the value ofchi
at the elementg
of the group ofchi
is the conjugate character ofchi
under the action of a group elementg
that normalizes the group $G$ ofchi
; we havechi^g(x) == chi(g*x*g^-1)
for allx
in $G$,chi^galaut
is the Galois conjugate character ofchi
under the pointwise action of the field automorphismgalaut
was created asQQAbAutomorphism(k)
then the action raises each root of unity to itsk
-th power; this action defines a field automorphism of then
-th cyclotomic field whenevern
are coprime.)chi^tbl
is the character of the character tabletbl
that is induced fromchi
, where the group ofchi
is a subgroup of the group oftbl
— Methodscalar_product(::Type{T} = QQFieldElem, chi::GAPGroupClassFunction, psi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
where T <: Union{IntegerUnion, ZZRingElem, QQFieldElem, QQAbFieldElem}
Return $\sum_{g \in G}$ chi
($g$) conj(psi)
($g$) / $|G|$, where $G$ is the group of both chi
and psi
. The result is an instance of T
Note that we do not support dot(chi, psi)
and its infix notation because the documentation of dot
states that the result is equal to the sum of dot
results of corresponding entries, which does not hold for the scalar product of characters.
— Methodtensor_product(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction, psi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
Return the pointwise product of chi
and psi
. The resulting character is afforded by the tensor product of representations corresponding to chi
and psi
, hence the name.
Alias for chi * psi
— Methodcoordinates(::Type{T} = QQFieldElem, chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
where T <: Union{IntegerUnion, ZZRingElem, QQFieldElem, QQAbFieldElem}
Return the vector $[a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n]$ of scalar products (see scalar_product
) of chi
with the irreducible characters $[t[1], t[2], \ldots, t[n]]$ of the character table $t$ of chi
, that is, chi
is equal to $\sum_{i=1}^n a_i t[i]$. The result is an instance of Vector{T}
julia> g = symmetric_group(4)
julia> chi = natural_character(g);
julia> coordinates(Int, chi)
5-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> t = parent(chi); t3 = mod(t, 3); chi3 = restrict(chi, t3);
julia> coordinates(Int, chi3)
4-element Vector{Int64}:
— Functionmultiplicities_eigenvalues(::Type{T} = Int, chi::GAPGroupClassFunction, i::Int) where T <: IntegerUnion
Let $M$ be a representing matrix of an element in the i
-th conjugacy class of the character table of chi
, in a representation affording the character chi
, and let $n$ be the order of the elements in this conjugacy class.
Return the vector $(m_1, m_2, \ldots, m_n)$ of integers of type T
such that $m_j$ is the multiplicity of $\zeta_n^j$ as an eigenvalue of $M$.
julia> t = character_table("A5"); chi = t[4];
julia> println(values(chi))
QQAbFieldElem{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}[4, 0, 1, -1, -1]
julia> println(multiplicities_eigenvalues(chi, 5))
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0]
— Methodinduce(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction, G::Union{GAPGroup, FinGenAbGroup})
induce(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction, tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable[, fusion::Vector{Int}])
Return the class function of G
or tbl
that is induced from chi
, which is a class function of a subgroup of G
or the group of tbl
. The default for the class fusion fus
is given either by the fusion of the conjugacy classes of the two character tables (if groups are stored in the tables) or by the class fusion given by known_class_fusion
for the two tables.
The syntax chi^tbl
and chi^G
is also supported.
julia> s = character_table("A5"); t = character_table("A6");
julia> maps = possible_class_fusions(s, t); length(maps)
julia> chi = trivial_character(s);
julia> ind = [induce(chi, t, x) for x in maps];
julia> length(Set(ind))
— Methodrestrict(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction, H::Union{GAPGroup, FinGenAbGroup})
restrict(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction, subtbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable[, fusion::Vector{Int}])
Return the class function of H
or subtbl
that is the restriction of chi
, which is a class function of a supergroup of H
or the group of subtbl
. The default for the class fusion fus
is given either by the fusion of the conjugacy classes of the two character tables (if groups are stored in the tables) or by the class fusion given by known_class_fusion
for the two tables.
julia> s = character_table("A5"); t = character_table("A6");
julia> maps = possible_class_fusions(s, t); length(maps)
julia> chi = t[2]; rest = [restrict(chi, s, x) for x in maps];
julia> length(Set(rest))
Symmetrizations of group characters
— Methodsymmetrizations(characters::Vector{GAPGroupClassFunction}, n::Int)
Return the vector of symmetrizations of characters
with the ordinary irreducible characters of the symmetric group of degree n
The symmetrization $\chi^{[\lambda]}$ of the character $\chi$ with the character $\lambda$ of the symmetric group $S_n$ of degree n
is defined by
\[\chi^{[\lambda]}(g) = (\sum_{\rho\in S_n} \lambda(\rho) \prod_{k=1}^n \chi(g^k)^{a_k(\rho)} ) / n!,\]
where $a_k(\rho)$ is the number of cycles of length $k$ in $\rho$.
Note that the returned list may contain zero class functions, and duplicates are not deleted.
For special kinds of symmetrizations, see symmetric_parts
, anti_symmetric_parts
, orthogonal_components
, symplectic_components
, exterior_power
, symmetric_power
— Methodsymmetric_parts(characters::Vector{GAPGroupClassFunction}, n::Int)
Return the vector of symmetrizations of characters
with the trivial character of the symmetric group of degree n
, see symmetrizations
— Methodanti_symmetric_parts(characters::Vector{GAPGroupClassFunction}, n::Int)
Return the vector of symmetrizations of characters
with the sign character of the symmetric group of degree n
, see symmetrizations
— Methodexterior_power(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction, n::Int)
Return the class function of the n
-th exterior power of the module that is afforded by chi
This exterior power is the symmetrization of chi
with the sign character of the symmetric group of degree n
, see also symmetrizations
and anti_symmetric_parts
— Methodsymmetric_power(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction, n::Int)
Return the class function of the n
-th symmetric power of the module that is afforded by chi
This symmetric power is the symmetrization of chi
with the trivial character of the symmetric group of degree n
, see also symmetrizations
and symmetric_parts
— Methodorthogonal_components(characters::Vector{GAPGroupClassFunction}, n::Int)
Return the vector of the so-called Murnaghan components of the $m$-th tensor powers of the entries of characters
, for $m$ up to n
, where n
must be at least 2 and at most 6 and where we assume that the entries of characters
are irreducible characters with Frobenius-Schur indicator +1, see indicator
— Methodsymplectic_components(characters::Vector{GAPGroupClassFunction}, n::Int)
Return the vector of the Murnaghan components of the $m$-th tensor powers of the entries of characters
, for $m$ up to n
, where n
must be at least 2 and at most 6 and where we assume that the entries of characters
are irreducible characters with Frobenius-Schur indicator -1, see indicator
Operations for character tables
— Functionclass_multiplication_coefficient(::Type{T} = ZZRingElem, tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable, i::Int, j::Int, k::Int) where T <: IntegerUnion
Return the class multiplication coefficient of the classes i
, j
, and k
of the group $G$ with ordinary character table tbl
, as an instance of T
The class multiplication coefficient $c_{i,j,k}$ of the classes $i, j, k$ equals the number of pairs $(x, y)$ of elements $x, y \in G$ such that $x$ lies in class $i$, $y$ lies in class $j$, and their product $xy$ is a fixed element of class $k$.
In the center of the group algebra of $G$, these numbers are found as coefficients of the decomposition of the product of two class sums $K_i$ and $K_j$ into class sums:
\[K_i K_j = \sum_k c_{ijk} K_k.\]
Given the character table of a finite group $G$, whose classes are $C_1, \ldots, C_r$ with representatives $g_i \in C_i$, the class multiplication coefficient $c_{ijk}$ can be computed with the following formula:
\[ c_{ijk} = |C_i| |C_j| / |G| \sum_{\chi \in Irr(G)} \chi(g_i) \chi(g_j) \chi(g_k^{-1}) / \chi(1).\]
On the other hand the knowledge of the class multiplication coefficients admits the computation of the irreducible characters of $G$.
julia> class_multiplication_coefficient(character_table("A5"), 2, 3, 4)
julia> class_multiplication_coefficient(character_table("A5"), 2, 4, 4)
— Functionknown_class_fusion(tbl1::GAPGroupCharacterTable, tbl2::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return (flag, fus)
where flag == true
if a class fusion to tbl2
is stored on tbl1
, and flag == false
In the former case, fus
is the vector of integers, of length ncols(tbl1)
, such that the $i$-th conjugacy class of tbl1
corresponds to the fus
[$i$]-th conjugacy class of tbl2
, in the following sense.
If the group of tbl1
is a subgroup of the group of tbl2
then the $i$-th conjugacy class of tbl1
is contained in the fus
[$i$]-th conjugacy class of tbl2
. If the group of tbl2
is a factor group of the group of tbl1
then the image of the $i$-th conjugacy class tbl1
under the relevant epimorphism is the fus
[$i$]-th conjugacy class of tbl2
julia> t1 = character_table("A5"); t2 = character_table("A6");
julia> known_class_fusion(t1, t2)
(true, [1, 2, 3, 6, 7])
julia> known_class_fusion(t2, t1)
(false, Int64[])
— Functionknown_class_fusions(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return the vector of pairs (name, fus)
where name
is the identifier of a character table and fus
is the stored class fusion from tbl
to this table, see known_class_fusion
— Methodorder(::Type{T} = ZZRingElem, tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable) where T <: IntegerUnion
Return the order of the group for which tbl
is the character table, as an instance of T
julia> order(character_table(symmetric_group(4)))
— Functionpossible_class_fusions(subtbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable,
decompose::Bool = true,
fusionmap::Vector = [])
Return the vector of possible class fusions from subtbl
to tbl
. Each entry is an vector of positive integers, where the value at position i
is the position of the conjugacy class in tbl
that contains the i
-th class of subtbl
If decompose
is set to true
then the strategy is changed: The decomposability of restricted characters of tbl
as integral linear combinations of characters of subtbl
(with perhaps negative coefficients) is not checked; this does not change the result, but in certain situations it is faster to omit this step.
If fusionmap
is set to a vector of integers and integer vectors then only those maps are returned that are compatible with the prescribed value.
julia> possible_class_fusions(character_table("A5"), character_table("A6"))
4-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
[1, 2, 3, 6, 7]
[1, 2, 3, 7, 6]
[1, 2, 4, 6, 7]
[1, 2, 4, 7, 6]
— Functionapproximate_class_fusion(subtbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable,
Compute for each class of subtbl
all those classes in tbl
to which it can fuse under an embedding of the group of subtbl
into the group of tbl
, according to element orders and centralizer orders in the two tables.
If no embedding is possible then return an empty vector. Otherwise return a vector of length equal to the number of classes of subtbl
, such that the entry at position $i$ either an integer (if there is a unique possible image class) or the vector of the positions of possible image classes.
julia> subtbl = character_table("A5"); tbl = character_table("A6");
julia> println(approximate_class_fusion(subtbl, tbl))
Union{Int64, Vector{Int64}}[1, 2, [3, 4], [6, 7], [6, 7]]
— Methodpower_map(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable, k::Int, i::Int)
Return the value at i
of the k
-th power map of tbl
. This is the position of the conjugacy class that contains the elements $g^k$ where $g$ is in the i
-th conjugacy class of tbl
julia> tbl = character_table("A5");
julia> orders_class_representatives(tbl)
5-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> [power_map(tbl, 2, i) for i in 1:5]
5-element Vector{Int64}:
Character tables and normal subgroups
Normal subgroups of a group $G$ are unions of conjugacy classes of elements of $G$. Thus one can often turn questions about a normal subgroup $N$ of $G$ into questions about the array of those positions in the list of conjugacy classes of $G$ that contain the elements of $N$.
— Methodcenter(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
Return C, f
where C
is the center of chi
(i.e. the largest normal subgroup of the underlying group G
of chi
such that chi
maps each element of C
to chi[1]
times a root of unity) and f
is the embedding morphism of C
into G
julia> t = character_table(symmetric_group(4));
julia> chi = t[3]; chi[1]
julia> C, f = center(chi); order(C)
— Methodclass_positions_of_center(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return the vector of integers $i$ such that the $i$-th conjugacy class of tbl
is contained in the center of the group $G$ of tbl
, i.e., the $i$-th class has length 1
julia> tbl = character_table(dihedral_group(8));
julia> println(class_positions_of_center(tbl))
[1, 4]
— Methodclass_positions_of_center(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
Return the vector of those integers i
such that chi[i]
is chi[1]
times a root of unity.
julia> println(class_positions_of_center(character_table("2.A5")[2]))
[1, 2]
— Functionclass_positions_of_derived_subgroup(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return the vector of integers $i$ such that the $i$-th conjugacy class of tbl
is contained in the derived subgroup of the group $G$ of tbl
julia> tbl = character_table(dihedral_group(8));
julia> println(class_positions_of_derived_subgroup(tbl))
[1, 4]
— Methodkernel(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
Return C, f
where C
is the kernel of chi
(i.e. the largest normal subgroup of the underlying group G
of chi
such that chi
maps each element of C
to chi[1]
) and f
is the embedding morphism of C
into G
julia> t = character_table(symmetric_group(4));
julia> chi = t[3]; chi[1]
julia> C, f = kernel(chi); order(C)
— Functionclass_positions_of_kernel(chi::GAPGroupClassFunction)
Return the vector of those integers i
such that chi[i] == chi[1]
julia> println(class_positions_of_kernel(character_table("2.A5")[2]))
[1, 2]
— Functionclass_positions_of_normal_subgroups(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return a vector whose entries describe all normal subgroups of the group of tbl
. Each entry is a vector of those class positions such that the union of these classes forms a normal subgroup.
julia> t = character_table("2.A5");
julia> class_positions_of_normal_subgroups(t)
3-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
[1, 2]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
— Methodpcore(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable, p::IntegerUnion)
Return the p
-core of the group of tbl
, see pcore(G::GAPGroup, p::IntegerUnion)
, but computed character-theoretically (see class_positions_of_pcore
julia> order(pcore(character_table(symmetric_group(4)), 2)[1])
— Functionclass_positions_of_pcore(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable, p::IntegerUnion)
Return the vector of integers $i$ such that the $i$-th conjugacy class of tbl
is contained in the p
-core of the group of tbl
, see pcore(G::GAPGroup, p::IntegerUnion)
julia> println(class_positions_of_pcore(character_table("2.A5"), 2))
[1, 2]
— Functionclass_positions_of_solvable_residuum(tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)
Return the vector of integers $i$ such that the $i$-th conjugacy class of tbl
is contained in the solvable residuum of the group $G$ of tbl
, i.e., the smallest normal subgroup $N$ of $G$ such that the factor group $G/N$ is solvable. This normal subgroup is equal to the last term of the derived series of $G$, see derived_series
julia> tbl = character_table(symmetric_group(4));
julia> println(class_positions_of_solvable_residuum(tbl))