The polyhedral geometry part of OSCAR provides functionality for handling
- convex polytopes, unbounded polyhedra and cones
- polyhedral fans
- linear and mixed integer programs
General textbooks offering details on theory and algorithms include:
We encourage you to take a look at the tutorials on polyhedral geometry in OSCAR, which can be found here.
Scalar types
The objects from polyhedral geometry operate on a given type, which (usually) resembles a field. This is indicated by the template parameter, e.g. the properties of a Polyhedron{QQFieldElem}
are rational numbers of type QQFieldElem
, if applicable. Supported scalar types are FieldElem
and Float64
, but some functionality might not work properly if the parent Field
does not satisfy certain mathematic conditions, like being ordered. When constructing a polyhedral object from scratch, for the "simpler" types QQFieldElem
and Float64
it suffices to pass the Type
, but more complex FieldElem
s require a parent Field
object. This can be set by either passing the desired Field
instead of the type, or by inserting the type and have a matching FieldElem
in your input data. If no type or field is given, the scalar type defaults to QQFieldElem
The parent Field
of the coefficients of an object O
with coefficients of type T
can be retrieved with the coefficient_field
function, and it holds elem_type(coefficient_field(O)) == T
— Methodcoefficient_field(P::Union{Polyhedron{T}, Cone{T}, PolyhedralFan{T}, PolyhedralComplex{T}) where T<:scalar_types
Return the parent Field
of the coefficients of P
julia> c = cross_polytope(2)
Polytope in ambient dimension 2
julia> coefficient_field(c)
Rational field
Support for fields other than the rational numbers is currently in an experimental stage.
These three lines result in the same polytope over rational numbers. Besides the general support mentioned above, naming a Field
explicitly is encouraged because it allows user control and increases efficiency.
julia> P = convex_hull(QQ, [1 0 0; 0 0 1]) # passing a `Field` always works
Polyhedron in ambient dimension 3
julia> P == convex_hull(QQFieldElem, [1 0 0; 0 0 1]) # passing the type works for `QQFieldElem` and `Float64` only
julia> P == convex_hull([1 0 0; 0 0 1]) # `Field` defaults to `QQ`
Type compatibility
When working in polyhedral geometry it can prove advantageous to have various input formats for the same kind of re-occurring quantitative input information. This example shows three different ways to write the points whose convex hull is to be computed, all resulting in identical Polyhedron
julia> P = convex_hull([1 0 0; 0 0 1])
Polyhedron in ambient dimension 3
julia> P == convex_hull([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
julia> P == convex_hull(vertices(P))
is only one of many functions and constructors supporting this behavior, and there are also more types that can be described this way besides PointVector
. Whenever the docs state an argument is required to be of type AbstractCollection[ElType]
(where ElType
is the Oscar
type of single instances described in this collection), the user can choose the input to follow any of the corresponding notions below.
There are two specialized Vector
-like types, PointVector
and RayVector
, which commonly are returned by functions from Polyhedral Geometry. These can also be manually constructed:
— Functionpoint_vector(p = QQ, v::AbstractVector)
Return a PointVector
resembling a point whose coordinates equal the entries of v
. p
specifies the Field
or Type
of its coefficients.
— Functionray_vector(p = QQ, v::AbstractVector)
Return a RayVector
resembling a ray from the origin through the point whose coordinates equal the entries of v
. p
specifies the Field
or Type
of its coefficients.
While RayVector
s can not be used do describe PointVector
s (and vice versa), matrices are generally allowed.
The primitive generator, also called minimal generator, of a ray can be accessed as follows:
— Methodprimitive_generator(r::AbstractVector{T}) where T<:RationalUnion -> Vector{ZZRingElem}
Given a vector r
which is not a zero vector, returns the primitive generator of r
, meaning the integer point on the ray generated by r
that is closest to the origin.
julia> PF = polyhedral_fan(IncidenceMatrix([[1, 2]]), [[2, -1], [0, 1]])
Polyhedral fan in ambient dimension 2
julia> r = rays(PF)[1]
2-element RayVector{QQFieldElem}:
julia> primitive_generator(r)
2-element Vector{ZZRingElem}:
— Methodprimitive_generator_with_scaling_factor(r::AbstractVector{T}) where T<:RationalUnion -> Tuple{Vector{ZZRingElem}, QQFieldElem}
Given a vector r
which is not a zero vector, returns the primitive generator s
of r
together with the rational number q
such that qr = s
julia> PF = polyhedral_fan(IncidenceMatrix([[1, 2]]), [[2, -1], [0, 1]])
Polyhedral fan in ambient dimension 2
julia> r = rays(PF)[1]
2-element RayVector{QQFieldElem}:
julia> primitive_generator_with_scaling_factor(r)
(ZZRingElem[2, -1], 2)
can be given as:
Type | A PointVector corresponds to... |
AbstractVector{<:PointVector} | an element of the vector. |
AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector} | an element of the vector. |
AbstractMatrix /MatElem | a row of the matrix. |
AbstractVector /PointVector | the vector itself (only one PointVector is described). |
SubObjectIterator{<:PointVector} | an element of the iterator. |
can be given as:
Type | A RayVector corresponds to... |
AbstractVector{<:RayVector} | an element of the vector. |
AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector} | an element of the vector. |
AbstractMatrix /MatElem | a row of the matrix. |
AbstractVector /RayVector | the vector itself (only one RayVector is described). |
SubObjectIterator{<:RayVector} | an element of the iterator. |
Halfspaces and Hyperplanes
Similar to points and rays, there are types AffineHalfspace
, LinearHalfspace
, AffineHyperplane
and LinearHyperplane
— Functionaffine_halfspace(p = QQ, a, b)
Return the Oscar.AffineHalfspace
, which is given by a vector a
and a value b
such that $H(a,b) = \{ x | ax ≤ b \}.$ p
specifies the Field
or Type
of its coefficients.
— Functionlinear_halfspace(p = QQ, a, b)
Return the Oscar.LinearHalfspace
, which is given by a vector a
such that $H(a,b) = \{ x | ax ≤ 0 \}.$ p
specifies the Field
or Type
of its coefficients.
— Functionaffine_hyperplane(p = QQ, a, b)
Return the Oscar.AffineHyperplane
, which is given by a vector a
and a value b
such that $H(a,b) = \{ x | ax = b \}.$ p
specifies the Field
or Type
of its coefficients.
— Functionlinear_hyperplane(p = QQ, a, b)
Return the Oscar.LinearHyperplane
, which is given by a vector a
such that $H(a,b) = \{ x | ax = 0 \}.$ p
specifies the Field
or Type
of its coefficients.
These collections allow to mix up affine halfspaces/hyperplanes and their linear counterparts, but note that an error will be produced when trying to convert an affine description with bias not equal to zero to a linear description.
can be given as:
Type | A LinearHalfspace corresponds to... |
AbstractVector{<:Halfspace} | an element of the vector. |
AbstractMatrix /MatElem A | the halfspace with normal vector A[i, :] . |
AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector} A | the halfspace with normal vector A[i] . |
SubObjectIterator{<:Halfspace} | an element of the iterator. |
can be given as:
Type | A LinearHyperplane corresponds to... |
AbstractVector{<:Hyperplane} | an element of the vector. |
AbstractMatrix /MatElem A | the hyperplane with normal vector A[i, :] . |
AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector} A | the hyperplane with normal vector A[i] . |
SubObjectIterator{<:Hyperplane} | an element of the iterator. |
can be given as:
Type | An AffineHalfspace corresponds to... |
AbstractVector{<:Halfspace} | an element of the vector. |
Tuple over matrix A and vector b | the affine halfspace with normal vector A[i, :] and bias b[i] . |
SubObjectIterator{<:Halfspace} | an element of the iterator. |
can be given as:
Type | An AffineHyperplane corresponds to... |
AbstractVector{<:Hyperplane} | an element of the vector. |
Tuple over matrix A and vector b | the affine hyperplane with normal vector A[i, :] and bias b[i] . |
SubObjectIterator{<:Hyperplane} | an element of the iterator. |
Some methods will require input or return output in form of an IncidenceMatrix
— TypeIncidenceMatrix
A matrix with boolean entries. Each row corresponds to a fixed element of a collection of mathematical objects and the same holds for the columns and a second (possibly equal) collection. A 1
at entry (i, j)
is interpreted as an incidence between object i
of the first collection and object j
of the second one.
Note that the input of this example and the print of an IncidenceMatrix
list the non-zero indices for each row.
julia> IM = incidence_matrix([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
2×6 IncidenceMatrix
[1, 2, 3]
[4, 5, 6]
julia> IM[1, 2]
julia> IM[2, 3]
julia> IM[:, 4]
2-element SparseVectorBool
The unique nature of the IncidenceMatrix
allows for different ways of construction:
— Functionincidence_matrix(r::Base.Integer, c::Base.Integer)
Return an IncidenceMatrix
of size r x c whose entries are all false
julia> IM = incidence_matrix(8, 5)
8×5 IncidenceMatrix
incidence_matrix(mat::Union{AbstractMatrix{Bool}, IncidenceMatrix})
Convert mat
to an IncidenceMatrix
julia> IM = incidence_matrix([true false true false true false; false true false true false true])
2×6 IncidenceMatrix
[1, 3, 5]
[2, 4, 6]
Convert the 0
matrix mat
to an IncidenceMatrix
. Entries become true
if the initial entry is 1
and false
if the initial entry is 0
julia> IM = incidence_matrix([1 0 1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1 0 1])
2×6 IncidenceMatrix
[1, 3, 5]
[2, 4, 6]
incidence_matrix(r::Base.Integer, c::Base.Integer, incidenceRows::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Base.Integer}})
Return an IncidenceMatrix
of size r x c. The i-th element of incidenceRows
lists the indices of the true
entries of the i-th row.
julia> IM = incidence_matrix(3, 4, [[2, 3], [1]])
3×4 IncidenceMatrix
[2, 3]
Return an IncidenceMatrix
where the i-th element of incidenceRows
lists the indices of the true
entries of the i-th row. The dimensions of the result are the smallest possible row and column count that can be deduced from the input.
julia> IM = incidence_matrix([[2, 3], [1]])
2×3 IncidenceMatrix
[2, 3]
incidence_matrix(g::Graph{T}) where {T <: Union{Directed, Undirected}}
Return an unsigned (boolean) incidence matrix representing a graph g
julia> g = Graph{Directed}(5);
julia> add_edge!(g, 1, 3);
julia> add_edge!(g, 3, 4);
julia> incidence_matrix(g)
5×2 IncidenceMatrix
[1, 2]
From the examples it can be seen that this type supports julia
's matrix functionality. There are also functions to retrieve specific rows or columns as a Set
over the non-zero indices.
— Methodrow(i::IncidenceMatrix, n::Int)
Return the indices where the n
-th row of i
is true
, as a Set{Int}
julia> IM = incidence_matrix([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
2×6 IncidenceMatrix
[1, 2, 3]
[4, 5, 6]
julia> row(IM, 2)
Set{Int64} with 3 elements:
— Methodcolumn(i::IncidenceMatrix, n::Int)
Return the indices where the n
-th column of i
is true
, as a Set{Int}
julia> IM = incidence_matrix([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
2×6 IncidenceMatrix
[1, 2, 3]
[4, 5, 6]
julia> column(IM, 5)
Set{Int64} with 1 element:
A typical application is the assignment of rays to the cones of a polyhedral fan for its construction, see polyhedral_fan
Lower dimensional polyhedral objects can be visualized through polymake's backend.
— Methodvisualize(P::Union{Polyhedron{T}, Cone{T}, PolyhedralFan{T}, PolyhedralComplex{T}, SubdivisionOfPoints{T}}; kwargs...) where T<:Union{FieldElem, Float64}
Visualize a polyhedral object of dimension at most four (in 3-space). In dimensions up to 3 a usual embedding is shown. Four-dimensional polytopes are visualized as a Schlegel diagram, which is a projection onto one of the facets; e.g., see Chapter 5 of [Zie95].
In higher dimensions there is no standard method; use projections to lower dimensions or try ideas from [GJRW10].
Extended help
Keyword Arguments
Colors can be given as
- a literal
, e.g."green"
. - a
of the format"r g b"
where $r, g, b \in {0, \dots, 255}$ are integers corresponding to the R/G/B values of the color. - a
of the format"r g b"
where $r, g, b \in [0, 1]$ are decimal values corresponding to the R/G/B values of the color.
Possible arguments are:
: Filling color of the polygons.EdgeColor
: Color of the boundary lines.PointColor
: Color of the spheres or rectangles representing the points.
Scaling and other gradient properties
These arguments can be given as a floating point number:
: Transparency factor of the polygons between 0 (opaque) and 1 (completely translucent).EdgeThickness
: Scaling factor for the thickness of the boundary lines.PointThickness
/VertexThickness`: Scaling factor for the size of the spheres or rectangles representing the points.
These arguments can be given as a 3-element vector over floating point numbers:
: Position of the camera.ViewDirection
: Direction of the camera.
Appearance and Texts
These arguments can be given as a string:
: If set to"hidden"
, the inner area of the polygons are not rendered at all.FacetLabels
: If set to"hidden"
, the facet labels are not displayed (in the most cases this is the default behavior). TODOEdgeStyle
: If set to"hidden"
, the boundary lines are not rendered.Name
: The name of this visual object in the drawing.PointLabels
: If set to"hidden"
, no point labels are displayed.PointStyle
: If set to"hidden"
, neither point nor its label is rendered.LabelAlignment
: Defines the alignment of the vertex labels:"left"
— Methodvisualize(P::Vector; kwargs...)
Visualize a vector of polyhedral objects P
, i.e., all polyhedral objects in P
in one visualization. See visualize
for which polyhedral objects and keyword arguments are possible.
julia> p = simplex(3)
Polytope in ambient dimension 3
julia> P = [p,p+[3,0,0],p+[0,3,0],p+[0,0,3]]
4-element Vector{Polyhedron{QQFieldElem}}:
Polytope in ambient dimension 3
Polytope in ambient dimension 3
Polytope in ambient dimension 3
Polytope in ambient dimension 3
julia> visualize(P)
Most objects from the polyhedral geometry section can be saved through the polymake interface in the background. These functions are documented in the subsections on the different objects. The format of the files is JSON and you can find details of the specification here.
More details on the serialization, albeit concerning the older XML format, can be found in [GHJ16]. Even though the underlying format changed to JSON, the abstract mathematical structure of the data files is still the same.
Please direct questions about this part of OSCAR to the following people:
- Taylor Brysiewicz,
- Michael Joswig,
- Lars Kastner,
- Benjamin Lorenz.
You can ask questions in the OSCAR Slack.
Alternatively, you can raise an issue on github.