Affine Varieties

An affine variety is an algebraic set such that $X(K)$ is irreducible for $k \subseteq K$ an algebraic closure. See Affine Algebraic Sets.

In Oscar varieties are implemented as special instances of Affine schemes and more formally defined as follows.

AbsAffineVariety <: AbsAffineAlgebraicSet

An affine, geometrically integral subscheme of an affine space over a field.


Functionality which is not (yet) provided by a variety-specific implementation, falls back to the appropriate functionality of schemes.


variety(I::MPolyIdeal; check=true) -> AffineVariety

Return the affine variety defined by the ideal $I$.

By our convention, varieties are absolutely irreducible. Hence we check that the radical of $I$ is prime and stays prime when viewed over the algebraic closure. This is an expensive check that can be disabled.

julia> R, (x,y) = QQ[:x,:y]
(Multivariate polynomial ring in 2 variables over QQ, QQMPolyRingElem[x, y])

julia> variety(ideal([x,y]))
Affine variety
  in affine 2-space over QQ with coordinates [x, y]
defined by ideal (x, y)

Over fields different from QQ, currently, we cannot check for irreducibility over the algebraic closure. But if you know that the ideal in question defines a variety, you can construct it by disabling the check.

julia> R, (x,y) = GF(2)[:x,:y];

julia> variety(x^3+y+1, check=false)
Affine variety
  in affine 2-space over GF(2) with coordinates [x, y]
defined by ideal (x^3 + y + 1)
variety(X::AbsAffineScheme; is_reduced::false, check::Bool=true) -> AffineVariety

Convert $X$ to an affine variety.

If is_reduced is set, assume that X is already reduced.

variety(R::Ring; check=true)

Return the affine variety with coordinate ring R.

We require that $R$ is a finitely generated algebra over a field $k$ and moreover that the base change of $R$ to the algebraic closure $\bar k$ is an integral domain.

julia> R, (x,y) = QQ[:x,:y];

julia> Q,_ = quo(R,ideal([x,y]));

julia> variety(Q)
Affine variety
  in affine 2-space over QQ with coordinates [x, y]
defined by ideal (x, y)


So far all are inherited from Affine Algebraic Sets and Affine schemes.


So far all are inherited from Affine Algebraic Sets and Affine schemes.


So far all are inherited from Affine Algebraic Sets and Affine schemes.