Morphisms of projective schemes
Let $Q = B[y_0, \dots, y_n]/J$ and $P = A[x_0,\dots,x_m]/I$ be graded affine algebras over base_ring
s A
and B
, respectively. A morphism $\varphi : \mathrm{Proj}(Q) \to \mathrm{Proj}(P)$ is modeled via a morphism of graded algebras $\varphi^* : P \to Q$. In the case of A != B
, this involves a non-trivial morphism of rings $A \to B$.
Abstract types and basic interface
At the moment we have no abstract type for such morphisms and no interface spelled out.
— TypeProjectiveSchemeMor
A morphism of projective schemes
ℙˢ(B) ℙʳ(A)
∪ ∪
P → Q
↓ ↓
Spec(B) → Spec(A)
given by means of a commutative diagram of homomorphisms of graded rings
A[v₀,…,vᵣ] → B[u₀,…,uₛ]
↑ ↑
A → B
If no morphism A → B
of the base rings is specified, then both $P$ and $Q$ are assumed to be defined in relative projective space over the same ring with the identity on the base.
— Methodmorphism(P::AbsProjectiveScheme, Q::AbsProjectiveScheme, f::Map; check::Bool=true )
Given a morphism $f : T → S$ of the homogeneous_coordinate_ring
s of Q
and P
, respectively, construct the associated morphism of projective schemes.
— Methodmorphism(P::AbsProjectiveScheme, Q::AbsProjectiveScheme, f::Map, h::SchemeMor; check::Bool=true )
Suppose $P ⊂ ℙʳ_A$ and $Q ⊂ ℙˢ_B$ are projective schemes, $h : Spec(A) → Spec(B)$ is a morphism of their base_scheme
s, and $f : T → S$ a morphism of the homogeneous_coordinate_ring
s of Q
and P
over $h^* : B → A$. This constructs the associated morphism of projective schemes.
— Methodmorphism(X::AbsProjectiveScheme, Y::AbsProjectiveScheme, a::Vector{<:RingElem})
Suppose $X ⊂ ℙʳ$ and $Y ⊂ ℙˢ$ are projective schemes over the same base_scheme
. Construct the morphism of projective schemes associated to the morphism of graded rings which takes the generators of the homogeneous_coordinate_ring
of $Y$ to the elements in a
of the homogeneous_coordinate_ring
of $X$.
As every instance of Map
, a morphism of projective schemes can be asked for its (co-)domain:
Moreover, we provide getters for the associated morphisms of rings:
— Methodpullback(phi::ProjectiveSchemeMor)
For a morphism phi
of projective schemes, this returns the associated morphism of graded affine algebras.
— Methodbase_ring_morphism(phi::ProjectiveSchemeMor)
For a morphism phi : P → Q
of relative projective spaces over psi : Spec(A) → Spec(B)
this returns the associated map B → A
— Methodbase_map(phi::ProjectiveSchemeMor)
For a morphism phi : P → Q
of relative projective spaces over psi : Spec(A) → Spec(B)
this returns psi
— Methodmap_on_affine_cones(phi::ProjectiveSchemeMor)
For a morphism phi : X → Y
this returns the associated morphism of the affine_cone
s $C(X) → C(Y)$.
— Methodcovered_scheme_morphism(f::AbsProjectiveSchemeMorphism)
Given a morphism of ProjectiveScheme
s $f : X → Y$, construct and return the same morphism as a CoveredSchemeMorphism
of the covered_scheme
s of $X$ and $Y$, respectively.
julia> P, (x, y, z) = graded_polynomial_ring(QQ, [:x, :y, :z]);
julia> I = ideal([x^3-y^2*z]);
julia> Y = proj(P, I);
julia> f = identity_map(Y)
Projective scheme morphism
from projective scheme in IP^2 over QQ
to projective scheme in IP^2 over QQ
julia> fcov = covered_scheme_morphism(f);
julia> codomain(fcov)
over rational field
with default covering
described by patches
1: scheme(-(y//x)^2*(z//x) + 1)
2: scheme((x//y)^3 - (z//y))
3: scheme((x//z)^3 - (y//z)^2)
in the coordinate(s)
1: [(y//x), (z//x)]
2: [(x//y), (z//y)]
3: [(x//z), (y//z)]