Finitely presented groups


Finitely presented group. Such groups can be constructed a factors of free groups, see free_group.

For a group G of type FPGroup, the elements in gens(G) satisfy the relators of the underlying presentation.

Functions that compute subgroups of G return groups of type SubFPGroup.


Element of a finitely presented group.

The generators of a finitely presented group are displayed as f1, f2, f3, etc., and every element of a finitely presented group is displayed as product of the generators.


Subgroup of a finitely presented group, a group that is defined by generators that are elements of a group G of type FPGroup.

Operations for computing subgroups of a group of type FPGroup or SubFPGroup, such as derived_subgroup and sylow_subgroup, return groups of type SubFPGroup.

Note that functions such as relators do not make sense for proper subgroups of a finitely presented group.


Element of a subgroup of a finitely presented group.

The elements are displayed in the same way as the elements of full finitely presented groups, see FPGroupElem.

free_group(n::Int, s::VarName = :f; eltype::Symbol = :letter) -> FPGroup
free_group(L::Vector{<:VarName}) -> FPGroup
free_group(L::VarName...) -> FPGroup

The first form returns the free group of rank n, where the generators are printed as s1, s2, ..., the default being f1, f2, ... If eltype has the value :syllable then each element in the free group is internally represented by a vector of syllables, whereas a representation by a vector of integers is chosen in the default case of eltype == :letter.

The second form, if L has length n, returns the free group of rank n, where the i-th generator is printed as L[i].

The third form, if there are n arguments L..., returns the free group of rank n, where the i-th generator is printed as L[i].


Variables named like the group generators are not created by this function.


julia> F = free_group(:a, :b)
Free group of rank 2

julia> w = F[1]^3 * F[2]^F[1] * F[-2]^2
full_group(G::T) where T <: Union{SubFPGroup, SubPcGroup}
full_group(G::T) where T <: Union{FPGroup, PcGroup}

Return F, emb where F is the full pc group of f.p. group of which G is a subgroup, and emb is an embedding of G into F.


julia> G = perfect_group(FPGroup, 60, 1);

julia> H = sylow_subgroup(G, 2)[1];

julia> full_group(H)[1] == G

julia> full_group(G)[1] == G

Return a vector of relators for the full finitely presented group G, i.e., elements $[x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n]$ in $F =$ free_group(ngens(G)) such that G is isomorphic with $F/[x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n]$.


julia> f = free_group(2);  (x, y) = gens(f);

julia> q = quo(f, [x^2, y^2, comm(x, y)])[1];  relators(q)
3-element Vector{FPGroupElem}:
length(g::Union{FPGroupElem, SubFPGroupElem})

Return the length of g as a word in terms of the generators of its parent or of the full group of its parent if g is an element of a free group, otherwise an exception is thrown.


julia> F = free_group(2);  F1 = gen(F, 1);  F2 = gen(F, 2);

julia> length(F1*F2^-2)

julia> length(one(F))

julia> length(one(quo(F, [F1])[1]))
ERROR: ArgumentError: the element does not lie in a free group
map_word(g::FPGroupElem, genimgs::Vector; genimgs_inv::Vector = Vector(undef, length(genimgs)), init = nothing)
map_word(v::Vector{Union{Int, Pair{Int, Int}}}, genimgs::Vector; genimgs_inv::Vector = Vector(undef, length(genimgs)), init = nothing)

Return the product $R_1 R_2 \cdots R_n$ that is described by g or v, respectively.

If g is an element of a free group $G$, say, then the rank of $G$ must be equal to the length of genimgs, g is a product of the form $g_{i_1}^{e_1} g_{i_2}^{e_2} \cdots g_{i_n}^{e_n}$ where $g_i$ is the $i$-th generator of $G$ and the $e_i$ are nonzero integers, and $R_j =$ imgs[$i_j$]$^{e_j}$.

If g is an element of (a subgroup of) a finitely presented group then the result is defined as map_word applied to a representing element of the underlying free group.

If the first argument is a vector v of integers $k_i$ or pairs k_i => e_i, respectively, then the absolute values of the $k_i$ must be at most the length of genimgs, and $R_j =$ imgs[$|k_i|$]$^{\epsilon_i}$ where $\epsilon_i$ is the sign of $k_i$ (times $e_i$).

If a vector genimgs_inv is given then its assigned entries are expected to be the inverses of the corresponding entries in genimgs, and the function will use (and set) these entries in order to avoid calling inv (more than once) for entries of genimgs.

If v has length zero then init is returned if also genimgs has length zero, otherwise one(genimgs[1]) is returned. In all other cases, init is ignored.


julia> F = free_group(2);  F1 = gen(F, 1);  F2 = gen(F, 2);

julia> imgs = gens(symmetric_group(4))
2-element Vector{PermGroupElem}:

julia> map_word(F1^2, imgs)

julia> map_word(F2, imgs)

julia> map_word(one(F), imgs)

julia> invs = Vector(undef, 2);

julia> map_word(F1^-2*F2, imgs, genimgs_inv = invs)

julia> invs
2-element Vector{Any}: