Tables of Marks

The concept of a Table of Marks was introduced by W. Burnside in his book Theory of Groups of Finite Order [Bur11]. Therefore a table of marks is sometimes called a Burnside matrix. The table of marks of a finite group $G$ is a matrix whose rows and columns are labelled by the conjugacy classes of subgroups of $G$ and where for two subgroups $H$ and $K$ the $(H, K)$-entry is the number of fixed points of $K$ in the transitive action of $G$ on the cosets of $H$ in $G$. So the table of marks characterizes the set of all permutation representations of $G$. Moreover, the table of marks gives a compact description of the subgroup lattice of $G$, since from the numbers of fixed points the numbers of conjugates of a subgroup $K$ contained in a subgroup $H$ can be derived.

For small groups the table of marks of $G$ can be constructed directly by first computing the entire subgroup lattice of $G$, see table_of_marks(G::Union{GAPGroup, FinGenAbGroup}). Besides that, the Table of Marks library [MNP24] provides access to several hundred tables of marks of simple groups and maximal subgroups of simple groups. These tables of marks can be fetched via the names of these groups, which coincide with the names of the character tables of these groups in the Character Table Library, see table_of_marks(id::String).

Like the library of character tables, the library of tables of marks can be used similar to group libraries (see Group libraries) in the sense that all_table_of_marks_names returns descriptions of all those available tables of marks that have certain properties.

Construct tables of marks

GAPGroupTableOfMarks <: GroupTableOfMarks

This is the type of tables of marks that can delegate tasks to an underlying table of marks object in the GAP system (field GAPTable).

A group can (but need not) be stored in the field group. If it is available then also the field isomorphism is available, its value is a bijective map from the group value to a group in GAP.

Objects of type GAPGroupTableOfMarks support get_attribute.


Return the table of marks of the finite group G.


julia> show(stdout, MIME("text/plain"), table_of_marks(symmetric_group(3)))
Table of marks of Sym(3)

1: 6      
2: 3 1    
3: 2 . 2  
4: 1 1 1 1

Return the table of marks for which id is an admissible name in GAP's library of tables of marks. If no such table is available then nothing is returned.


julia> println(table_of_marks("A5"))
table of marks of A5

julia> println(table_of_marks("J5"))
showMethod, ::MIME"text/plain", tom::GAPGroupTableOfMarks)

Display the marks of tom and context information as a two-dimensional array.

  • First a header is shown. If tom stores a group then the header describes this group, otherwise it is equal to the identifier(tom::GAPGroupTableOfMarks) value of tom.

  • Then the matrix of marks of tom is shown in column portions that fit on the screen, together with row labels (the number i for the i-th row) on the left of each portion.

Output in $\LaTeX$ syntax can be created by calling show with second argument MIME("text/latex").


julia> tom = table_of_marks("A5");

julia> show(stdout, MIME("text/plain"), tom)

1: 60                
2: 30 2              
3: 20 . 2            
4: 15 3 . 3          
5: 12 . . . 2        
6: 10 2 1 . . 1      
7:  6 2 . . 1 . 1    
8:  5 1 2 1 . . . 1  
9:  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
all_table_of_marks_names(L...; ordered_by = nothing)

Return a vector of strings that contains an admissible name of each table of marks in the library of tables of marks that satisfies the conditions in the vector L.

The supported conditions in L are the same as for all_character_table_names, and the returned vector contains the subset of those names returned by all_character_table_names with the same input for which a table of marks is available in the library.


julia> spor_names = all_table_of_marks_names(is_sporadic_simple => true);

julia> println(spor_names[1:5])
["Co3", "HS", "He", "J1", "J2"]

julia> spor_names = all_table_of_marks_names(is_sporadic_simple;
         ordered_by = order);

julia> println(spor_names[1:5])
["M11", "M12", "J1", "M22", "J2"]

julia> length(all_table_of_marks_names(number_of_conjugacy_classes => 5))

Return true if table_of_marks(name) returns a table of marks, and false otherwise


julia> is_table_of_marks_name("J1")

julia> is_table_of_marks_name("J4")

Attributes and operations for tables of marks


Return the vector of the lengths of the conjugacy classes of subgroups for tom.


julia> println(class_lengths(table_of_marks("A5")))
ZZRingElem[1, 15, 10, 5, 6, 10, 6, 5, 1]

Return a string that identifies tom if tom belongs to the library of tables of marks, and an empty string otherwise.


julia> identifier(table_of_marks("A5"))

julia> identifier(table_of_marks(symmetric_group(3)))

The identifier of a table of marks from the library is equal to the identifier of the corresponding library character table. In a few cases, this value differs from the GAP.Globals.Identifier value of the underlying GapObj of the table of marks.

order(::Type{T} = ZZRingElem, tom::GAPGroupTableOfMarks) where T <: IntegerUnion

Return the order of the group for which tom is the table of marks, as an instance of T.


julia> order(table_of_marks(symmetric_group(4)))

Return the vector of the orders of conjugacy class representatives for tom, ordered according to the rows and columns of tom.


julia> println(orders_class_representatives(table_of_marks("A5")))
ZZRingElem[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 60]
representative(tom::GAPGroupTableOfMarks, i::Int)

Return a representative from the i-th class of subgroups of tom.

An exception is thrown if tom does not store a group, or if i is larger than length(tom).


julia> representative(table_of_marks("A5"), 2)
Permutation group of degree 5 and order 2

Marks vectors

The $\mathbb Z$-linear combinations of the rows of the table of marks of the group $G$ can be interpreted as elements of the integral Burnside ring of $G$: The rows of the table represent the isomorphism classes of transitive $G$-sets, the sum of two rows represents the isomorphism class of the disjoint union of the two $G$-sets, and the pointwise product of two rows represents the isomorphism class of the Cartesian product of the two $G$-sets. The coefficients of the decomposition of a linear combination of rows can be computed by coordinates(chi::GAPGroupMarksVector).

The rows of a table of marks and their $\mathbb Z$-linear combinations are implemented as marks vector objects, with parent the table of marks.

length and iteration:

The length of a marks vector is the number of columns of the table of marks. iteration is defined w.r.t. the ordering of columns.

arithmetic operations:

  • chi == psi: two marks vectors are equal if and only if they belong to the same table of marks and have the same values,
  • chi + psi and chi - psi are the pointwise sum and difference, respectively, of the two marks vectors chi, psi,
  • n * chi is the pointwise n-fold sum of chi, for an integer n,
  • chi * psi is the pointwise product of chi and psi,
  • zero(chi) is the marks vector that is zero on all classes,
  • one(chi) is the all-one marks vector, corresponding to the $G$-set that consists of one point,
  • chi^n is the n-th power of chi, for positive integers n.
coordinates(::Type{T} = ZZRingElem, chi::GAPGroupMarksVector)
               where T <: Union{IntegerUnion, QQFieldElem}

Return the vector $[a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n]$ such that chi is equal to $\sum_{i=1}^n a_i t[i]$ where $t$ is parent(chi).

The result is an instance of Vector{T}. Note that the result can be shorter than ncols(parent(chi)).


julia> tom = table_of_marks(symmetric_group(4));

julia> chi = tom[3] * tom[6]
marks_vector(table of marks of Sym(4), ZZRingElem[72, 0, 4])

julia> println(coordinates(Int, chi))
[2, 0, 2]
restrict(chi::GAPGroupMarksVector, tbl::GAPGroupCharacterTable)

Return the class function with parent tbl that is the restriction of chi. For that, parent(chi) and tbl must belong to the same group $G$.

If chi is the i-th row in the table of marks parent(chi) then the result is the permutation character of the action of $G$ on the right cosets of its subgroup representative(parent(chi), i).


julia> tom = table_of_marks("A5");  tbl = character_table(tom);

julia> chi = tom[5]
marks_vector(table of marks of A5, ZZRingElem[12, 0, 0, 0, 2])

julia> println(values(restrict(chi, tbl)))
QQAbFieldElem{AbsSimpleNumFieldElem}[12, 0, 0, 2, 2]

The interface between tables of marks and character tables


Return the character table of the group of tom. If tom belongs to the library of tables of marks then the corresponding character table from the library of character tables is returned, otherwise the character table of group(tom).


julia> g = symmetric_group(3);  tom = table_of_marks(g);

julia> character_table(tom) == character_table(g)

Return the table of marks of the group of tbl. If tbl does not store a group and if the library of tables of marks contains the table of marks corresponding to tbl then this is returned, otherwise nothing.


julia> g = symmetric_group(3);  tbl = character_table(g);

julia> table_of_marks(tbl) == table_of_marks(g)