Abelian Groups
Here we describe the interface to abelian groups in Hecke.
Within Hecke, abelian groups are of generic abstract type GrpAb
which does not have to be finitely generated, $\mathbb Q/\mathbb Z$ is an example of a more general abelian group. Having said that, most of the functionality is restricted to abelian groups that are finitely presented as $\mathbb Z$-modules.
Basic Creation
Finitely presented (as $\mathbb Z$-modules) abelian groups are of type FinGenAbGroup
with elements of type FinGenAbGroupElem
. The creation is mostly via a relation matrix $M = (m_{i,j})$ for $1\le i\le n$ and $1\le j\le m$. This creates a group with $m$ generators $e_j$ and relations
\[ \sum_{i=1}^n m_{i,j} e_j = 0.\]
— Methodabelian_group(::Type{T} = FinGenAbGroup, M::ZZMatrix) -> FinGenAbGroup
Creates the abelian group with relation matrix M
. That is, the group will have ncols(M)
generators and each row of M
describes one relation.
— Methodabelian_group(::Type{T} = FinGenAbGroup, M::AbstractMatrix{<:IntegerUnion})
Creates the abelian group with relation matrix M
. That is, the group will have ncols(M)
generators and each row of M
describes one relation.
— Methodabelian_group(::Type{T} = FinGenAbGroup, M::AbstractMatrix{<:IntegerUnion})
Creates the abelian group with relation matrix M
. That is, the group will have ncols(M)
generators and each row of M
describes one relation.
Alternatively, there are shortcuts to create products of cyclic groups:
— Methodabelian_group(::Type{T} = FinGenAbGroup, M::AbstractVector{<:IntegerUnion}) -> FinGenAbGroup
abelian_group(::Type{T} = FinGenAbGroup, M::IntegerUnion...) -> FinGenAbGroup
Creates the direct product of the cyclic groups $\mathbf{Z}/m_i$, where $m_i$ is the $i$th entry of M
julia> G = abelian_group(2, 2, 6)
(Z/2)^2 x Z/6
or even
— Methodfree_abelian_group(::Type{T} = FinGenAbGroup, n::Int) -> FinGenAbGroup
Creates the free abelian group of rank n
— Methodabelian_groups(n::Int) -> Vector{FinGenAbGroup}
Given a positive integer $n$, return a list of all abelian groups of order $n$.
julia> abelian_groups(8)
3-element Vector{FinGenAbGroup}: (Z/2)^3 Z/2 x Z/4 Z/8
— Methodis_snf(G::FinGenAbGroup) -> Bool
Return whether the current relation matrix of the group $G$ is in Smith normal form.
— Methodnumber_of_generators(G::FinGenAbGroup) -> Int
Return the number of generators of $G$ in the current representation.
— Methodnumber_of_relations(G::FinGenAbGroup) -> Int
Return the number of relations of $G$ in the current representation.
— Methodrels(A::FinGenAbGroup) -> ZZMatrix
Return the currently used relations of $G$ as a single matrix.
— Methodisfinite(A::FinGenAbGroup) -> Bool
Return whether $A$ is finite.
— Methodis_infinite(x::Any) -> Bool
Test whether $x$ is infinite.
— Methodtorsion_free_rank(A::FinGenAbGroup) -> Int
Return the torsion free rank of $A$, that is, the dimension of the $\mathbf{Q}$-vectorspace $A \otimes_{\mathbf Z} \mathbf Q$.
See also rank
— Methodorder(A::FinGenAbGroup) -> ZZRingElem
Return the order of $A$. It is assumed that $A$ is finite.
— Methodexponent(A::FinGenAbGroup) -> ZZRingElem
Return the exponent of $A$. It is assumed that $A$ is finite.
— Methodis_trivial(A::FinGenAbGroup) -> Bool
Return whether $A$ is the trivial group.
— Methodis_torsion(G::FinGenAbGroup) -> Bool
Return whether G
is a torsion group.
— Methodis_cyclic(G::FinGenAbGroup) -> Bool
Return whether $G$ is cyclic.
— Methodelementary_divisors(G::FinGenAbGroup) -> Vector{ZZRingElem}
Given $G$, return the elementary divisors of $G$, that is, the unique non-negative integers $e_1,\dotsc,e_k$ with $e_i \mid e_{i + 1}$ and $e_i\neq 1$ such that $G \cong \mathbf{Z}/e_1\mathbf{Z} \times \dotsb \times \mathbf{Z}/e_k\mathbf{Z}$.