A Young diagram is a diagram of finitely many empty "boxes" arranged in left-justified rows, with the row lengths in non-increasing order. The box in row $i$ and and column $j$ has the coordinates $(i, j)$. Listing the number of boxes in each row gives a partition $\lambda$ of a non-negative integer $n$ (the total number of boxes of the diagram). The diagram is then said to be of shape $\lambda$. Conversely, one can associate to any partition $\lambda$ a Young diagram in the obvious way, so Young diagrams are just another way to look at partitions.
A Young tableau of shape $\lambda$ is a filling of the boxes of the Young diagram of $\lambda$ with elements from some set. After relabeling we can (and will) assume that we fill from a set of integers from $1$ up to some number, which in applications is often equal to $n$.
In OSCAR, a tableau is internally stored as an array of arrays and is represented by the type YoungTableau{T}
which is a subtype of AbstractVector{AbstractVector{T}}
, where T
is the integer type of the filling. As for partitions, one may increase performance by casting into smaller integer types, e.g. Int8
— Functionyoung_tableau([::Type{T}], v::Vector{Vector{<:IntegerUnion}}; check::Bool = true) where T <: IntegerUnion
Return the Young tableau given by v
as an object of type YoungTableau{T}
The element type T
may be optionally specified, see also the examples below.
If check
is true
(default), it is checked whether v
defines a tableau, that is, whether the structure of v
defines a partition.
julia> young_tableau([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]])
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 |
| 6 |
julia> young_tableau(Int8, [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]) # save the elements in 8-bit integers
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 |
| 6 |
— Functionhook_length(tab::YoungTableau, i::Integer, j::Integer)
hook_length(lambda::Partition, i::Integer, j::Integer)
Return the hook length of the box with coordinates (i, j)
in the Young tableau tab
respectively the Young diagram of shape lambda
The hook length of a box is the number of boxes to the right in the same row + the number of boxes below in the same column + 1.
See also hook_lengths
— Functionhook_lengths(lambda::Partition)
Return the Young tableau of shape lambda
in which the entry at position (i, j)
is equal to the hook length of the corresponding box.
See also hook_length
— Functionshape(tab::YoungTableau)
Return the shape of the tableau tab
, i.e. the partition given by the lengths of the rows of the tableau.
— Functionweight(tab::YoungTableau)
Return the weight of the tableau tab
as an array whose i
-th element gives the number of times the integer i
appears in the tableau.
— Functionreading_word(tab::YoungTableau)
Return the reading word of the tableau tab
as an array, i.e. the word obtained by concatenating the fillings of the rows, starting from the bottom row.
julia> reading_word(young_tableau([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]))
6-element Vector{Int64}:
Semistandard tableaux
— Functionis_semistandard(tab::YoungTableau)
Return true
if the tableau tab
is semistandard and false
A tableau is called semistandard if the entries weakly increase along each row and strictly increase down each column.
See also is_standard
— Functionsemistandard_tableaux(shape::Partition{T}, max_val::T = sum(shape)) where T <: Integer
semistandard_tableaux(shape::Vector{T}, max_val::T = sum(shape)) where T <: Integer
Return an iterator over all semistandard Young tableaux of given shape shape
and filling elements bounded by max_val
By default, max_val
is equal to the sum of the shape partition (the number of boxes in the Young diagram).
The list of tableaux is in lexicographic order from left to right and top to bottom.
semistandard_tableaux(box_num::T, max_val::T = box_num) where T <: Integer
Return an iterator over all semistandard Young tableaux consisting of box_num
boxes and filling elements bounded by max_val
semistandard_tableaux(s::Partition{T}, weight::Vector{T}) where T <: Integer
semistandard_tableaux(s::Vector{T}, weight::Vector{T}) where T <: Integer
Return an iterator over all semistandard Young tableaux with shape s
and given weight. This requires that sum(s) = sum(weight)
Standard tableaux
— Functionis_standard(tab::YoungTableau)
Return true
if the tableau tab
is standard and false
A tableau is called standard if it is semistandard and the entries are in bijection with 1, ..., n
, where n
is the number of boxes.
See also is_semistandard
— Functionstandard_tableaux(s::Partition)
Return an iterator over all standard Young tableaux of a given shape s
Return an iterator over all standard Young tableaux with n
— Functionnumber_of_standard_tableaux(lambda::Partition)
Return the number of standard Young tableaux of shape lambda
The number $f^\lambda$ of standard Young tableaux of shape $\lambda$ is computed using the hook length formula
\[f^\lambda = \frac{n!}{\prod_{i, j} h_\lambda(i, j)},\]
where the product is taken over all boxes in the Young diagram of $\lambda$ and $h_\lambda$ denotes the hook length of the box $(i, j)$.
— Functionschensted(sigma::Vector{<:IntegerUnion})
Return the pair of standard Young tableaux (the insertion and the recording tableau) corresponding to the permutation sigma
under the Robinson-Schensted correspondence.
julia> P, Q = schensted([3, 1, 6, 2, 5, 4]);
julia> P
| 1 | 2 | 4 |
| 3 | 5 |
| 6 |
julia> Q
| 1 | 3 | 5 |
| 2 | 4 |
| 6 |
— Functionbump!(tab::YoungTableau, x::Int)
Insert the integer x
into the tableau tab
according to the bumping algorithm by applying the Schensted insertion.
bump!(tab::YoungTableau, x::Integer, Q::YoungTableau, y::Integer)
Insert the integer x
into tab
according to the bumping algorithm by applying the Schensted insertion and insert the integer y
into Q
at the same position as x
in tab