Projective Varieties

A projective variety over an algebraically closed field is an irreducible projective algebraic set. See Projective Algebraic Sets.

In practice we work over non-closed fields. To be called a variety an algebraic set $V$ must stay irreducible when viewed over the algebraic closure.

In Oscar projective varieties are Projective schemes and more formally defined as follows.

AbsProjectiveVariety <: AbsProjectiveAlgebraicSet

A geometrically integral subscheme of a projective space over a field.



variety(I::MPolyIdeal; is_prime::Bool, check::Bool=true) -> ProjectiveVariety

Return the projective variety defined by the homogeneous prime ideal $I$.

Since in our terminology varieties are irreducible over the algebraic closure, we check that $I$ stays prime when viewed over the algebraic closure. This is an expensive check that can be disabled. Note that the ideal $I$ must live in a standard graded ring.

julia> P3 = projective_space(QQ,3)
Projective space of dimension 3
  over rational field
with homogeneous coordinates [s0, s1, s2, s3]

julia> (s0,s1,s2,s3) = homogeneous_coordinates(P3);

julia> X = variety(s0^3 + s1^3 + s2^3 + s3^3)
Projective variety
  in projective 3-space over QQ with coordinates [s0, s1, s2, s3]
defined by ideal (s0^3 + s1^3 + s2^3 + s3^3)

julia> dim(X)

julia> Y = variety(ideal([s0^3 + s1^3 + s2^3 + s3^3, s0]))
Projective variety
  in projective 3-space over QQ with coordinates [s0, s1, s2, s3]
defined by ideal (s0, s1^3 + s2^3 + s3^3)

julia> dim(Y)
variety(X::AbsProjectiveScheme; is_reduced::Bool=false, check::Bool=true) -> ProjectiveVariety

Convert $X$ to a projective variety by considering its reduced structure

variety(R::GradedRing; check::Bool=true)

Return the projective variety defined by the $\mathbb{Z}$ standard graded ring $R$.

We require that $R$ is a finitely generated algebra over a field $k$ and moreover that the base change of $R$ to the algebraic closure $\bar k$ is an integral domain.

variety(f::MPolyDecRingElem; check=true)

Return the projective variety defined by the homogeneous polynomial f.

This checks that f is absolutely irreducible.



So far all are inherited from Projective Algebraic Sets and Projective schemes.


So far all are inherited from Projective Algebraic Sets and Projective schemes.


So far all are inherited from Projective Algebraic Sets and Projective schemes.