Polycyclic groups
— TypePcGroup
Polycyclic group, a group that is defined by a finite presentation of a special kind, a so-called polycyclic presentation. Contrary to arbitrary finitely presented groups (see Finitely presented groups), this presentation allows for efficient computations with the group elements.
For a group G
of type PcGroup
, the elements in gens(G)
satisfy the relators of the underlying presentation.
Functions that compute subgroups of G
return groups of type SubPcGroup
: cyclic group of ordern
abelian_group(PcGroup, v::Vector{Int})
: direct product of cyclic groups of the ordersv[1]
, ...,v[length(v)]
— TypePcGroupElem
Element of a polycyclic group.
The generators of a polycyclic group are displayed as f1
, f2
, f3
, etc., and every element of a polycyclic group is displayed as product of the generators.
julia> G = abelian_group(PcGroup, [2, 3]);
julia> G[1], G[2]
(f1, f2)
julia> G[2]*G[1]
Note that this does not define Julia variables named f1
, f2
, etc.! To get the generators of the group G
, use gens(G)
; for convenience they can also be accessed as G[1]
, G[2]
, as shown in Section Elements of groups.
— Methodmap_word(g::Union{PcGroupElem, SubPcGroupElem}, genimgs::Vector; genimgs_inv::Vector = Vector(undef, length(genimgs)), init = nothing)
If init
is nothing
, return the product $R_1 R_2 \cdots R_n$ that is described by g
. This is a product of the form $g_{i_1}^{e_1} g_{i_2}^{e_2} \cdots g_{i_n}^{e_n}$ where $g_i$ is the $i$-th entry in the defining polycyclic generating sequence of full_group(parent(g))
and the $e_i$ are nonzero integers, and $R_j =$ genimgs[
If init
is different from nothing
, return $x g_{i_1}^{e_1} g_{i_2}^{e_2} \cdots g_{i_n}^{e_n}$ where $x =$ init
See also: map_word(::Union{FPGroupElem, SubFPGroupElem}, ::Vector)
julia> G = dihedral_group(10)
Pc group of order 10
julia> x, y = gens(G); g = x * y^4
julia> map_word(g, gens(free_group(:x, :y)))
julia> map_word(g, [3, 2], init=5)
Julia has the following functions that allow to generate polycyclic groups:
— Methodabelian_group(::Type{T} = PcGroup, v::Vector{S}) where T <: Group where S <: IntegerUnion
Return the direct product of cyclic groups of the orders v[1]
, v[2]
, $\ldots$, v[n]
, as an instance of T
. Here, T
must be one of PermGroup
, FPGroup
, SubFPGroup
, PcGroup
, or SubPcGroup
The gens
value of the returned group corresponds to v
, that is, the number of generators is equal to length(v)
and the order of the i
-th generator is v[i]
The type need to be specified in the input of the function abelian_group
, otherwise a group of type FinGenAbGroup
is returned, which is not a GAP group type. In future versions of Oscar, this may change.
— Functionelementary_abelian_group(::Type{T} = PcGroup, n::S) where T <: Group where S <: IntegerUnion
Return the elementary abelian group group of order n
, as an instance of T
. Here, T
must be one of PermGroup
, FPGroup
, SubFPGroup
, PcGroup
, SubPcGroup
, or FinGenAbGroup
, and n
must be a prime power or 1.
The gens
vector of the result has minimal length.
julia> g = elementary_abelian_group(27)
Pc group of order 27
julia> g = elementary_abelian_group(PermGroup, 27)
Permutation group of degree 9 and order 27
— Functioncyclic_group(::Type{T} = PcGroup, n::IntegerUnion)
cyclic_group(::Type{T} = PcGroup, n::PosInf)
Return the cyclic group of order n
, as an instance of type T
julia> G = cyclic_group(5)
Pc group of order 5
julia> G = cyclic_group(PermGroup, 5)
Permutation group of degree 5 and order 5
julia> G = cyclic_group(PosInf())
Pc group of infinite order
— Functiondihedral_group(::Type{T} = PcGroup, n::Union{IntegerUnion,PosInf})
Return the dihedral group of order n
, as an instance of T
, where T
is in {PcGroup
, SubPcGroup
, PermGroup
, FPGroup
, SubFPGroup
There are two competing conventions for interpreting the argument n
: In the one we use, the returned group has order n
, and thus n
must always be even. In the other, n
indicates that the group describes the symmetry of an n
-gon, and thus the group has order 2n
julia> dihedral_group(6)
Pc group of order 6
julia> dihedral_group(PermGroup, 6)
Permutation group of degree 3
julia> dihedral_group(PosInf())
Pc group of infinite order
julia> dihedral_group(7)
ERROR: ArgumentError: n must be a positive even integer or infinity
— Functionquaternion_group(::Type{T} = PcGroup, n::IntegerUnion)
Return the (generalized) quaternion group of order n
, as an instance of T
, where n
is a power of 2 and T
is in {PcGroup
, SubPcGroup
, PermGroup
, SubFPGroup
julia> g = quaternion_group(8)
Pc group of order 8
julia> quaternion_group(PermGroup, 8)
Permutation group of degree 8
julia> g = quaternion_group(FPGroup, 8)
Finitely presented group of order 8
julia> relators(g)
3-element Vector{FPGroupElem}: