Polycyclic groups


Polycyclic group, a group that is defined by a finite presentation of a special kind, a so-called polycyclic presentation. Contrary to arbitrary finitely presented groups (see Finitely presented groups), this presentation allows for efficient computations with the group elements.

For a group G of type PcGroup, the elements in gens(G) satisfy the relators of the underlying presentation.

Functions that compute subgroups of G return groups of type SubPcGroup.


  • cyclic_group(n::Int): cyclic group of order n
  • abelian_group(PcGroup, v::Vector{Int}): direct product of cyclic groups of the orders v[1], v[2], ..., v[length(v)]

Element of a polycyclic group.

The generators of a polycyclic group are displayed as f1, f2, f3, etc., and every element of a polycyclic group is displayed as product of the generators.


julia> G = abelian_group(PcGroup, [2, 3]);

julia> G[1], G[2]
(f1, f2)

julia> G[2]*G[1]

Note that this does not define Julia variables named f1, f2, etc.! To get the generators of the group G, use gens(G); for convenience they can also be accessed as G[1], G[2], as shown in Section Elements of groups.

map_word(g::Union{PcGroupElem, SubPcGroupElem}, genimgs::Vector; genimgs_inv::Vector = Vector(undef, length(genimgs)), init = nothing)

If init is nothing, return the product $R_1 R_2 \cdots R_n$ that is described by g. This is a product of the form $g_{i_1}^{e_1} g_{i_2}^{e_2} \cdots g_{i_n}^{e_n}$ where $g_i$ is the $i$-th entry in the defining polycyclic generating sequence of full_group(parent(g)) and the $e_i$ are nonzero integers, and $R_j =$ genimgs[$i_j$]$^{e_j}$.

If init is different from nothing, return $x g_{i_1}^{e_1} g_{i_2}^{e_2} \cdots g_{i_n}^{e_n}$ where $x =$ init.

See also: map_word(::Union{FPGroupElem, SubFPGroupElem}, ::Vector).


julia> G = dihedral_group(10)
Pc group of order 10

julia> x, y = gens(G);  g = x * y^4

julia> map_word(g, gens(free_group(:x, :y)))

julia> map_word(g, [3, 2], init=5)

Julia has the following functions that allow to generate polycyclic groups:

abelian_group(::Type{T} = PcGroup, v::Vector{S}) where T <: Group where S <: IntegerUnion

Return the direct product of cyclic groups of the orders v[1], v[2], $\ldots$, v[n], as an instance of T. Here, T must be one of PermGroup, FPGroup, SubFPGroup, PcGroup, or SubPcGroup.

The gens value of the returned group corresponds to v, that is, the number of generators is equal to length(v) and the order of the i-th generator is v[i].


The type need to be specified in the input of the function abelian_group, otherwise a group of type FinGenAbGroup is returned, which is not a GAP group type. In future versions of Oscar, this may change.

elementary_abelian_group(::Type{T} = PcGroup, n::S) where T <: Group where S <: IntegerUnion

Return the elementary abelian group group of order n, as an instance of T. Here, T must be one of PermGroup, FPGroup, SubFPGroup, PcGroup, SubPcGroup, or FinGenAbGroup, and n must be a prime power or 1.

The gens vector of the result has minimal length.


julia> g = elementary_abelian_group(27)
Pc group of order 27

julia> g = elementary_abelian_group(PermGroup, 27)
Permutation group of degree 9 and order 27
cyclic_group(::Type{T} = PcGroup, n::IntegerUnion)
cyclic_group(::Type{T} = PcGroup, n::PosInf)

Return the cyclic group of order n, as an instance of type T.


julia> G = cyclic_group(5)
Pc group of order 5

julia> G = cyclic_group(PermGroup, 5)
Permutation group of degree 5 and order 5

julia> G = cyclic_group(PosInf())
Pc group of infinite order
dihedral_group(::Type{T} = PcGroup, n::Union{IntegerUnion,PosInf})

Return the dihedral group of order n, as an instance of T, where T is in {PcGroup, SubPcGroup, PermGroup, FPGroup, SubFPGroup}.


There are two competing conventions for interpreting the argument n: In the one we use, the returned group has order n, and thus n must always be even. In the other, n indicates that the group describes the symmetry of an n-gon, and thus the group has order 2n.


julia> dihedral_group(6)
Pc group of order 6

julia> dihedral_group(PermGroup, 6)
Permutation group of degree 3

julia> dihedral_group(PosInf())
Pc group of infinite order

julia> dihedral_group(7)
ERROR: ArgumentError: n must be a positive even integer or infinity
quaternion_group(::Type{T} = PcGroup, n::IntegerUnion)

Return the (generalized) quaternion group of order n, as an instance of T, where n is a power of 2 and T is in {PcGroup, SubPcGroup, PermGroup,FPGroup, SubFPGroup}.


julia> g = quaternion_group(8)
Pc group of order 8

julia> quaternion_group(PermGroup, 8)
Permutation group of degree 8

julia> g = quaternion_group(FPGroup, 8)
Finitely presented group of order 8

julia> relators(g)
3-element Vector{FPGroupElem}: