
Quotient groups in OSCAR can be defined using the instruction quo in two ways.

  • Quotients by normal subgroups.
quo([::Type{Q}, ]G::GAPGroup, N::GAPGroup) where Q <: GAPGroup

Return the quotient group G/N, together with the projection G -> G/N.

If Q is given then G/N has type Q if possible, and an exception is thrown if not.

If Q is not given then the type of G/N is not determined by the type of G.

  • G/N may have the same type as G (which is reasonable if N is trivial),
  • G/N may have type PcGroup or SubPcGroup (which is reasonable if G/N is finite and solvable), or
  • G/N may have type PermGroup (which is reasonable if G/N is finite and non-solvable).
  • G/N may have type FPGroup (which is reasonable if G/N is infinite).

An exception is thrown if N is not a normal subgroup of G.


julia> G = symmetric_group(4)

julia> N = pcore(G, 2)[1];

julia> typeof(quo(G, N)[1])

julia> typeof(quo(PermGroup, G, N)[1])
  • Quotients by elements.
quo([::Type{Q}, ]G::T, elements::Vector{elem_type(G)})) where {Q <: GAPGroup, T <: GAPGroup}

Return the quotient group G/N, together with the projection G -> G/N, where N is the normal closure of elements in G.

See quo(G::GAPGroup, N::GAPGroup) for information about the type of G/N.

For groups G of type SubFPGroup, this syntax is not supported. In this case, you can switch to group of different type, using isomorphism, or try to create the normal subgroup N in question, and call quo(G, N).


This is the typical way to build finitely presented groups.


julia> F = @free_group(2);

julia> G,_=quo(F,[f1^2,f2^3,(f1*f2)^2]);

julia> is_finite(G)

julia> is_isomorphic(G,symmetric_group(3))

Similarly to the subgroups, the output consists of a pair (Q,p), where Q is the quotient group and p is the projection homomorphism of G into Q.

maximal_abelian_quotient([::Type{Q}, ]G::GAPGroup) where Q <: Union{GAPGroup, FinGenAbGroup}

Return F, epi such that F is the largest abelian factor group of G and epi is an epimorphism from G to F.

If Q is given then F has type Q if possible, and an exception is thrown if not.

If Q is not given then the type of F is not determined by the type of G.

  • F may have the same type as G (which is reasonable if G is abelian),
  • F may have type PcGroup (which is reasonable if F is finite), or
  • F may have type FPGroup (which is reasonable if F is infinite).


julia> G = symmetric_group(4);

julia> F, epi = maximal_abelian_quotient(G);

julia> order(F)

julia> domain(epi) === G && codomain(epi) === F

julia> typeof(F)

julia> typeof(maximal_abelian_quotient(free_group(1))[1])

julia> typeof(maximal_abelian_quotient(PermGroup, G)[1])