Abstract Bundles
— Methodabstract_bundle(X::AbstractVariety, ch::Union{MPolyDecRingElem, MPolyQuoRingElem})
abstract_bundle(X::AbstractVariety, r::RingElement, c::Union{MPolyDecRingElem, MPolyQuoRingElem})
Return an abstract vector bundle on X
by specifying its Chern character. Equivalently, specify its rank and total Chern class.
We show two ways of constructing the Horrocks-Mumford bundle F
[HM73]. First, we create F
as the cohomology bundle of its Beilinson monad
\[0 \rightarrow \mathcal O_{\mathbb P^4} ^5(2)\rightarrow \Lambda^2 T^*_{\mathbb P^4}(5) \rightarrow \mathcal O_{\mathbb P^4}^5(3)\rightarrow 0.\]
Then, we show the constructor above at work.
julia> P4 = abstract_projective_space(4)
AbstractVariety of dim 4
julia> A = 5*line_bundle(P4, 2)
AbstractBundle of rank 5 on AbstractVariety of dim 4
julia> B = 2*exterior_power(cotangent_bundle(P4), 2)*OO(P4, 5)
AbstractBundle of rank 12 on AbstractVariety of dim 4
julia> C = 5*line_bundle(P4, 3)
AbstractBundle of rank 5 on AbstractVariety of dim 4
julia> F = B-A-C
AbstractBundle of rank 2 on AbstractVariety of dim 4
julia> total_chern_class(F)
10*h^2 + 5*h + 1
julia> h = gens(P4)[1]
julia> F == abstract_bundle(P4, 2, 10*h^2 + 5*h + 1)
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
Underlying Data of an Abstract Bundle
— Method parent(F::AbstractBundle)
Return the underlying abstract variety of F
julia> G = abstract_grassmannian(3,5)
AbstractVariety of dim 6
julia> Q = tautological_bundles(G)[2]
AbstractBundle of rank 2 on AbstractVariety of dim 6
julia> parent(Q) == G
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Method rank(F::AbstractBundle)
Return the rank of F
julia> G = abstract_grassmannian(3,5)
AbstractVariety of dim 6
julia> Q = tautological_bundles(G)[2]
AbstractBundle of rank 2 on AbstractVariety of dim 6
julia> rank(symmetric_power(Q,3))
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodchern_character(F::AbstractBundle)
Return the Chern character of F
julia> G = abstract_grassmannian(3,5)
AbstractVariety of dim 6
julia> Q = tautological_bundles(G)[2]
AbstractBundle of rank 2 on AbstractVariety of dim 6
julia> chern_character(Q)
-1//2*c[1]^2 + 1//6*c[1]*c[2] - 1//24*c[1]*c[3] - c[1] + c[2] - 1//3*c[3] + 2
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodtotal_chern_class(F::AbstractBundle)
Return the total Chern class of F
julia> G = abstract_grassmannian(3,5)
AbstractVariety of dim 6
julia> Q = tautological_bundles(G)[2]
AbstractBundle of rank 2 on AbstractVariety of dim 6
julia> total_chern_class(Q)
c[1]^2 - c[1] - c[2] + 1
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
Further Data Associated to an Abstract Bundle
— Methodchern_class(F::AbstractBundle, k::Int)
Return the k
-th Chern class of F
julia> T, (d,) = polynomial_ring(QQ, ["d"])
(Multivariate polynomial ring in 1 variable over QQ, QQMPolyRingElem[d])
julia> QT = fraction_field(T)
Fraction field
of multivariate polynomial ring in 1 variable over QQ
julia> P4 = abstract_projective_space(4, base = QT)
AbstractVariety of dim 4
julia> h = gens(P4)[1]
julia> F = abstract_bundle(P4, 2, 10*h^2 + 5*h + 1) # Horrocks-Mumford bundle
AbstractBundle of rank 2 on AbstractVariety of dim 4
julia> chern_class(F*OO(P4, d), 1)
(2*d + 5)*h
julia> chern_class(F*OO(P4, d), 2)
(d^2 + 5*d + 10)*h^2
julia> chern_class(F*OO(P4, -3), 1)
julia> chern_class(F*OO(P4, -3), 2)
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodtop_chern_class(F::AbstractBundle)
Return the top Chern class of F
julia> P4 = abstract_projective_space(4)
AbstractVariety of dim 4
julia> h = gens(P4)[1]
julia> F = abstract_bundle(P4, 2, 10*h^2 + 5*h + 1)
AbstractBundle of rank 2 on AbstractVariety of dim 4
julia> top_chern_class(F)
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodsegre_class(F::AbstractBundle)
Return the total Segre class of F
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodsegre_class(F::AbstractBundle, k::Int)
Retuen the k
-th Segre class of F
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodtodd_class(F::AbstractBundle)
Return the Todd class of F
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodtotal_pontryagin_class(F::AbstractBundle)
Return the total Pontryagin class of F
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodpontryagin_class(F::AbstractBundle, k::Int)
Return the k
-th Pontryagin class of F
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodeuler_characteristic(F::AbstractBundle)
euler_pairing(F::AbstractBundle, G::AbstractBundle)
Return the holomorphic Euler characteristic $\chi(F)$ and the Euler pairing $\chi(F,G)$, respectively.
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodhilbert_polynomial(F::AbstractBundle)
If an abstract vector bundle F
on an abstract variety with a specified hyperplane class is given, return the corresponding Hilbert polynomial of F
julia> P2 = abstract_projective_space(2)
AbstractVariety of dim 2
julia> hilbert_polynomial(OO(P2))
1//2*t^2 + 3//2*t + 1
julia> euler_characteristic(OO(P2))
julia> euler_characteristic(OO(P2, 1))
julia> euler_characteristic(OO(P2, 2))
julia> euler_characteristic(OO(P2, 3))
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
Operations on Abstract Bundles
— Method-(F::AbstractBundle)
*(n::RingElement, F::AbstractBundle)
+(F::AbstractBundle, G::AbstractBundle)
*(F::AbstractBundle, G::AbstractBundle)
Return -F
, the sum F
$+ \dots +$ F
of n
copies of F
, F
$+$ G
, F
$-$ G
, and the tensor product of F
and G
, respectively.
julia> P3 = abstract_projective_space(3)
AbstractVariety of dim 3
julia> 4*OO(P3, 1) - OO(P3) == tangent_bundle(P3) # Euler sequence
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methoddual(F::AbstractBundle)
Return the dual bundle of F
julia> P4 = abstract_projective_space(4)
AbstractVariety of dim 4
julia> h = gens(P4)[1]
julia> F = abstract_bundle(P4, 2, 10*h^2 + 5*h + 1) # Horrocks-Mumford bundle
AbstractBundle of rank 2 on AbstractVariety of dim 4
julia> c1 = chern_class(F, 1)
julia> Fd = dual(F)
AbstractBundle of rank 2 on AbstractVariety of dim 4
julia> chern_class(Fd, 1)
julia> F == Fd*OO(P4, 5) # self-duality up to twist
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methoddet(F::AbstractBundle)
Return the determinant bundle of F
julia> P3 = abstract_projective_space(3)
AbstractVariety of dim 3
julia> T = tangent_bundle(P3)
AbstractBundle of rank 3 on AbstractVariety of dim 3
julia> chern_class(T, 1)
julia> det(T) == OO(P3, 4)
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodexterior_power(F::AbstractBundle, k::Int)
Return the k
-th exterior power of F
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.
— Methodsymmetric_power(F::AbstractBundle, k::Int)
symmetric_power(F::AbstractBundle, k::RingElement)
Return the k
-th symmetric power of F
. Here, k
can contain parameters.
This function is part of the experimental code in Oscar. Please read here for more details.